The battalion

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Ty sat in a huge nursing room that was meant for the giants of ferlaya. It could fit about three giants and possibly thousands of humans. Ty felt like a mouse inside of an actual home. The room was situated and literally built into the tree. It had all different sized medical equipment and various bottles of unknown fluids. 

Ty feels the wrapping Around his shoulder where jack shot him. Tys titan scars where still visible on his person.

Vivian: ty I'm really sorry but...he shot you and I got scared and....I knew how much he meant to you-

She stopped mid sentence as ty stared forward smiling lightly. It wasn't a true smile. It was a broken smile. Hiding the actual pain of loss behind it. it's completely fine......if I where you I would have done the same.....damnit jack....

Mennysan fluttered down and took a quick look at Tys wound.

Mennysan: that's super weird....your wound is healing really fast...abnormally fast.

Ty: which wound?... only have's on your....shoulder.....

Ty stared at her for a minute before he realized what he had just asked.

Ty: forget I asked...

Mennysan: well you should be just fine. For now we are waiting on you..

Ty:..why me? You have Leah as well....besides I can't think straight right now...

Leah stood on of vivians hand.

Leah: well....did we get what we wanted when we got there?

Ty: no dumbass....we needed jack alive but Vivian ate him.

Vivian looked away in a guilty manner.

Ty then exhaled deeply as he put his hands to his face.

Ty: ok......we can still work off of this.....because..we didn't find ray...

Bella perched herself on a tree stump outside and looked into the huge room.

Bella: I'm willing to bet that jack told him to run and tell the royal family.

Ty: that's both good and bad. Well....actually...

Ty scratches the back of his head.

Ty: it would have happened either way....they would see how we literally stormed a base. They would just manufacture those tanks faster...

Leah: what does that mean for us time wise?..

Ty: it means we have to prepare soon and storm the royal Capital before they even get the chance to deploy. However that leaves us with a problem.

Vivian:...the battalion....

Ty: order to get into the city, Is through a fleet of five warships.. granted they aren't the prototypes in development, they are still dangerous. We need anko to help us out a lot. We also need the harpy's

Bella: right! So we can take out the sails on the ships!!!

Ty: not at all

Bella:?!? What?

Ty: I want you to dive bomb those ships. With your little fleet of harpy's.

Bella: but we can't swim!

Ty that's why anko will be there. She's big enough and strong enough not only to help destroy ship, but to transport you and the other harpy's out of the water after the assault is over.

Mennysan: what are the chances of this working?.

Ty: that can never be certain. It's basically us against a small army, however we got aviary advantage. But that won't matter if anko is killed.

Vivian: killed?!?

Ty: you vastly underestimate humans. They are smart and have a lot of firepower. Just because you eat them all the time doesn't mean they can't bite back....take me for example.

Leah: ok it you have literally seen war before. You have faught Titans.

Ty: and humans...

Leah: whatever.

Ty: so the game plan is. We get anko to survey before the harpy's begin the attack. As soon as those harpy's start sinking boats, anko is going to help sink boats as well and right after that she will carry those harpy's back to shore. From there me and Leah will charge in. We will get past the security and confront the king and queen..we are not going to kill them...we are going to scare them...I'll go over this part later.....understand?..

Everyone nodded.

Ty: let's get shit done.

To be continued...

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