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Ty stood in front of a gate to the city


Ty noticed to gaurds..


No awnser.

Ty: HEY!!!!

The guard, who had intimidating armor and dual swords turned to ty and stamped his foot.


Ty: listen! Just let me inside!!! I almost died out there and fended off some huge snake bitch!!! JUST LET ME IN!!!!!

The guard looks at tys condition and confirmed to himself TAHT he was a warrior of some sort ax

Guard: right then!! IN YOU GO!!! OPEN THE GATES!!!!

As the gates opened everyone who was going along their normal lives stopped and stared.

Ty walked forward looking for a place to stay for a while and hopefully get information as to where he was.

Ty eventually finds a tavern that is bustling with noise and commotion.
People where raising glasses and spilling beer and rum all over. Ty stared inside like it was home.


Ty walked over to a table. He sat down unknowing to him someone was sitting across from him.

??????: you don't look familiar mate..your not from round here are you?

Ty: no......hell I don't even know what this place is...

?????: your in a world called ferlaya....hmm.............your not from this world are ya?....

Ty: no....

Gunther: don't worry. We have had a few people like you come around by every once in a while. The names Gunther.

They both shook hands.

Ty: ty romeave

their face was barely visible. Most of it was covered by a red rag while his dark blue hair was covered by a large Chinese fisherman hat of some kind. He wore some sort of officers top and rugged cargo jeans along with thick boots. He had golden revolver like guns in his holsters.

Gunther: came in from the forest? in the bloody hell did you survive?

Ty takes out his mother's blade and sets it on the table. He also stands up and taps the custom ODM gear around his waist.

Gunthers eyes glowed when he saw the blade.

Gunther: it's beautiful!....oh-may I?

Ty: go ahead.

Gunther unsheathed the blade. It was Ty's mother's first blades, back when titan killing was simpler than it is now.

Ty: she left this at her house before I found it in the ruins...

Gunther: what kind of hell did you crawl out from mate?

Ty: let's just say I've had experience in killing big things for a while now.....but.

Ty looks back outside.

Ty: nothing like them.

Gunther: you know....and I mean no offense by this-...but you got your shot kicked in by them didnt ya?

Ty nods disappointedly .

Gunther: listen don't worry about that mate you clearly had no clue what was goin on. But I have an want revenge right?...

Tys eyes lit up as Gunther stated revenge.

Ty: .....yes....

Gunther: hohoho....something tells me ....your talented as all hell. You should join the antipred core. We will help you get that revenge


Ty gets another flash of ptsd as he holds his head. He sees a pair of golden eyes with white pupils briefly before it vanished. Ty was back in reality.

Gunther:...mate? alright?...


Gunther: listen let's meet up at the city hall later tonight and I'll see if I can get you in.

Ty: yeah that sounds...that sounds good...

Gunther slaps his shoulder and gets up to take his leave.

Ty notices a girl in rags staring at him though.

Ty looks at Gunther and was about to say something but the girl was gone.

To be continued...

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