The god of hope

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Ty stands in the center of the island as he is set ablaze by the aura surrounding him.

Crisis:...what-...what just-

Ty: this planets hope has just been rekindled.....I am the match that has struck the candle....I am the hope of this world.

Bella: SAYS WHO?!?

Ty: says the planet.....

Everyone waited. However...

Ty did nothing but stand there.

Vivian:.....are you going to hurt us?...

Ty: why would the hope of this planet be used to exterminate its original inhabitants?....

Malicka: stop reffering to yourself as a god!!!

Ty:.....I never said I was a god.....what I am saying is that this planet will die if I don't do something about it.

Crisis: then prove to me you can save it!!!!! CMON DO IT!!! PROVE TO ME YOUR NOT SOME DEMON!!!!

leah and Anna are now beside crisis. Crisis moves forward as she try's to protect them both against the shooting star.

Ty:....I just did....


Ty: by unlocking what has been inside of me this entire time I prove that not only am I on your side. But I can help you to victory....

Leah then runs out to ty and faces the rest of them. As she stands next to him his brand new thick aura makes the air around him warm and heavy.

Leah: he's right!! Cant you see we need him?!? He's the only person who really knows what the human civilization looks like and how it works! Even I don't truly know how the hell the military plans to deal with you guys! BUT HE DOES!!!!

Ty stood there.

Crisis then stared at him with her deep blue eyes.

Crisis then stared at him with her deep blue eyes

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Ty stared right back...

Crisis immediately snatched ty in her hands.


Ty suddenly shivers. And with a large gust of energy he breaks free from crisis's grasp, shocking everyone.

Ty takes out a pad of paper with writing on it.

Ty stares at them.

Vivian: what is it?

Ty hands it to Leah

Ty: read it...

Leah stares at the paper for a couple of moments. Then her face shifts from a calm look to absolute horror.

Leah: "by the first date of July we should have enough resources to start operation constrictor. We have mined enough ores and metals and materials to start and begin mass production of the prototypes code name -armadillo-"..........oh-

Leah dropped the paper.

Ty steps forward as Leah seems to be panicking. He faces the nagas as his bright gold aura calmly flares.

Ty:....that prototype she just described is your extinction as we know it.

Malicka: how so?!?

Ty: they are tanks. They will be armed with small amounts of plutonium laced rockets. And they have armor strong enough to withstand over 200 tons of put it basically. They would exterminate all ferlayan giants lives in easily under three months. And they would be produced in the thousands.

Bella: we could hide!! Plus anko here lives underwater since she's a mermaid.

Ty: that's her name ?

Ty stares at the mermaid... sad.

Anko: wha-.what do you mean HOW SAD?

Ty picks up the paper that Leah had dropped and walked over to anko. As ty walked the other giants seemed to back off a bit.

Ty: according to these plans your not safe even if your in the water.

Anko: wah-

Ty: they plan on making another prototype known as -the heron-. Basically they are submarine battleship hybrids. Though not as big as you think they would be, they have way more weaponry than any of the land prototypes they plan on making.

Crisis:.....were fucked-...oh my god we-

Ty: not necessarily....

Crisis: what do yo-

Anna: with ty.....we aren't hopeless....look at him..

Tys aura was still strong. He emitted a power that ferlaya has never seen. His eyes showed hope and horror at the same time. It was evident at that moment that ty was the exenoverse's light. The one who fought the darkness was him.


Vivian:...I dont see why we shouldn't trust him.....

Malicka scoffs a bit before turning away from ty.

Bella stares at ty in a upset manner but her eyes showed respect

Anko stared curiously at ty.

Mennysan still had a look of slight terror as she looked upon ty.

Crisis's hateful gaze never left her face.

Anna: crisiscome on!! Don't you see that the very fate of this world is at stake?

Crisis grits her teeth in anguish and thought.

Crisis: I don't think I can come to terms with working with a monster..

Crisis then slithers away as Anna chases after her.

The other giants look at ty with a newfound respect. Suddenly ty coughs up a bunch of saliva and his aura flickers away. Ty falls to his knees unconscious

Leah: well.....let's get him to his new home...

To be continued...

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