The strongest will

11 0 7

Ty woke up and realized that in his half dazed state he wandered into a thorn bush.

Ty: ahh-..fuck man...

Ty crawls out while wincing in pain. He stares at the morning sun. Or Try's too. The sun is blocked by the huge waterfall and cliff that he fell from yesterday.

Ty:....shit....what am I forgetting?...

Ty paced around for a moment before he stared at the water for a good moment. Something was moving.

Ty instantly backed away from the water and ran into the forest. He didn't know what it was but something was moving under the water. When he looks back....

He sees an enormous fish like fin surface briefly and then vanish. Followed by the tip of a tail. It looked like, a giant mermaids tail..

Ty: is everything here big?!?

A huge bug lands directly behind him.


Ty draws his mother's sword and dodged the bug and finished it with a quick stab through the head.

Ty backed up and sheathed the sword back into its sheathe.


Ty held his head as he remembered how easily that naga almost caught him.


Ty looked down at his ODM gear.

Ty:'s busted good. I need to get rid of the extra blades ore else I'm not flying

Ty raised the sheathed blade up to the sky almost in a sign of respect.

Ty then unsheathed the blade and in clipped the ODM sheaths and replaced it with is mother's single sheath. As he removed them they made a pound clang as they hit the soil of the new hell.

Ty adjusts some gears and knobs on the gear and pounds it with his fist to see if it is secure.

Ty: it's a downgrade but. It will help.

Ty wiggled his broken arm and


Ty moved it freely.

Ty: I broke it two days could it possibly be fixed?....

Ty keeps wiggling his arm in amazement. He didn't notice the thin steam coming out of his arm though.

Ty fires the hooks and is flying at high speeds in moments. He decides to go into the forest due to the vast amount of trees in the area. Ty was almost in his natural habitat

Ty breathed in the humid air and exhaled calmly as he held his mother's sword. Ty landed on a tree and looked around for a moment. The entire jungle floor was crawling with bugs. He could tell because the leaves beneath him moved constantly.

Ty caught something though.

A huge mass was moving beneath the leaves.

Ty stared at it.

Then in almost a blur a huge naga spring out from
The leaves, about the same size as the previous one.

Ty: TCH!!!!!

Ty used a burst of adrenaline to move out of the way as the branch he stood on was destroyed.

The naga wrapped its tail around the tree and managed to hold on. Ty rolled over to another tree close by and readied his blade

?????: woah!!! You actually avoid And saw me coming!!! your going to be harder to eat than I thought!!!!


Ty dapples away at incredible speed. But right behind him the naga is almost up to pace with him.

?????: HAHA YOUR FUN!!!

Ty turned back to see that she was almost ready to catch him in her mouth.


Ty detaches from the branches and zooms past her cheek. A fountain of blood spurts out from the nagas cheek as she yours in pain.

?????:: AAAH! WHAT THE-?!?

Ty was already gone.


Ty lands in a flat area in the forest and leans over before vomiting in the ground and shakily looking at his hands.

Ty: these things are......way more dangerous than any damn titan...... hnghhh I'm so fucked!!!!

??????: hey I wasn't done with you!!!

Ty turns around to see the naga standing over him. She had long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She had a cut on her cheek that almost looked like a paper cut, at least at her size.

?????: I'm not going to hurt you! I only eat things around the same size as you. I don't chew don't worry!

Ty was shaking and having a ptsd attack. He wiped the drool away from his mouth as he stared lucid at the naga. All he saw was a titan with a tail.

Ty: you can't ....I won't let you..

?????: what do ya mean I can't? I can do it right now..or maybe later...orrr-

The naga quickly reaches out and her hand is looming over ty milliseconds away from grasping him.


Ty draws his mother's blade and does an insane flipping slice attack the diced the nagas hand up, Leaving the palm of her hand a bloody mess

?????: A-AAAAAAGHHH!!!!

Ty once again ran away and used the trees to propel himself over a huge river nearby. Ty floats over the river and sees the creature below him once more. And from the outline it is in fact a giant mermaid.

Luckily ty lands in the other side as he rolls to reduce the amount of g-force.

Ty stared across the gargantuan river and screamed


ty snapped


Ty stumbled backwards as he watched the upset yet unperturbed naga slither away.

Ty looked behind him and his eyes filled with tears.

It was a city. And it was buzzing with life.

To be continued...

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