Into the hornets nest

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Leah ty and Anna all moved along the forest floor.

Ty:...your freinds with crisis?...

Anna: you could say that...

Anna: I'm a naga so that immediately connects us. All the nagas in ferlaya know each other. It is a small planet after all. is humanity surviving with just 9 a single planet that's even smaller than the average moon...

Leah: well for one any human civilization is packed to the brim population wise. The biggest human civilization has a population of about 4.5 million.

Ty: in a single walled out city?!?

Leah: yeah. You where lucky to find one of the three military bases on the planet...

Ty: ok why are we talking about population again?

Leah: well humanity is commanded and ruled over by two people.

Anna: king Xavier and queen Whitney. They live in that populated civilization we where just talking about...

Ty:......I think I already know ow the plan...

Leah: it's a simple plan to say but.

Anna: we organize the nagas for a coordinated assault on the city and have them eat the royal family.

Leah: sounds easy enough.



Ty: without their king and queens royal lineup for the will throw not just the system, but the entirety of humanity into chaos. They would panic and start organizing hunts. And they would just expand.

Leah:..that doesn't seem logical..

Anna: either way. WAHT plan are you thinking of romeave?

Ty: we scare them..

Anna: how?..

Ty:.....that I'm not sure of....

Leah: we shouldn't ponder too much on that part right now. What we should focus on is getting all of the nagas and ferlayan predators together as one team.

Ty: good luck with that one.

Leah: ty we need you to be accustomed to them though. They need to trust you.

Ty: your saying I have to sit in their mouths? Like Anna? No thanks.

Anna: that was ME proving MY trust to YOU. I was showing you I was on your side. What you need to do is show them your in THEIR side.

Ty: frankly that's impossible.

Leah: how.

Ty: have you seen what I have done to them?..


Anna:....he isn't wrong...he fucked them up pretty good....all by himself too...

Ty: crisis will not hesitate when she sees me. Even if she said she "trusts" me, I'd be in her mouth two seconds after saying it.

Leah: that's why I'm here.


Leah: ty I'm her best friend, if I tell her that you are here to help she would most likely believe me.

Anna: if I where also there I think they would believe us.

Ty then thought back to what jack had said..on his second main hunt.

Ty:......Anna.......where you once.....a human?..,,,, do you-...


Ty stared at her horrified. He could t believe his ears. He didn't want to believe it. It reminded him of the Titans.....humans turned into beasts of wild intent. you don't-...YOU DONT DESERVE THIS!!!

Ann: ty calm down!!!

Leah grabs ty by the shoulders.

Leah: she isn't unhappy.

Anna stares at ty for a second.

Anna: as much as I hate to say it...being a naga has been....the most peaceful part of my life.....

Ty:.....but-.....don't you-.

Anna sighs and looks down at him in an understanding manner.

Anna: yes ty...I do eat people..

Ty: why?....

Anna: because I will die if I don't... my upper body is just like a humans. However.....the naga stomach I possess can only break down human's just how nagas have evolved....



Anna suddenly turned


Leah: SHIT!

A green tail erupts from the brush. It slams Anna away. A hand grabs Leah and whisks her away.

Leah: TY RUN!!!!!!


Behold the queen of the wild ferlaya..

Crisis:....romeave....what did I tell you about coming into this forest?..,

Ty:.....I don't care.....we both know that I can kill you.... true as that may be I'm still going to fight!!!

Ty unsheathed his mother's blade. that-....

Crisis stared at the blade and it's markings. It's engravings at the hilt.'re her....

Ty swung his sword at crisis as he sent an air last at her knocking her out of confusion. Ty suddenly looked up...the white pupils returned. Crisis shrieked as her eyes poured out blood.

Zarathustra: I am the shooting star

To be continued.

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