A gods workout

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Ty sat against a large stump in one of the trees branches.

Ty looked around at all the equipment that was made and brought to him.

Ty:...who the hell made this stuff anyway?...

Leah: mennysan the fairy and Anna.

Ty: how? Anna has huge ass meat fingers.

Leah: she puts the weight in the devices and mennysan carefully crafts it all together.

Ty: I dont think carefully and  weights go in the same sentence.

Leah:....what?...yes they do..

Ty:................oh yeah...

Anna: are you two going to talk or are you going to start pumping?

Ty: geuss I should.

Ty walks over to a dumbbell. That was literally just a rock carved out to be held onto better. Ty grabs it but struggles to pick it up.

Ty: oh fuck-..

Ty uses both hands and can barely get it off the ground.

Anna: it's made out of solid gold on the inside.

Ty: what?!?

Anna: until you can lift that weight above your head. We aren't attacking any base...

Leah:....this seems stupid but...

Ty: whatever I'll trust them..let's go to work.


Ty is seen pushing a Boulder up a hill. He grins his teeth as his arms aches immensely. Every time he raised his foot he almost fell backwards.

Anna: if you let go you will get crushed! come on push it.

Ty manages to push it INE more time and pushed it to the top of the hill.

He stands triumphantly next to it with his arms up but then vomits as the aftermath of the workout hits him. As ty is crouched over the Boulder tools back down and rolls over Anna's tail.


Ty is now bench pressing a bar with two giant fish as weights. Each fish weighs about 1,500 pounds. Each fish was being lifted above a fire as well.

Katrina and garnet where watching him.

Katrina:....wait why in ferlaya did we make him cook fish and lift weights at once.

Garnet: because he's probably hungry.

Katrina: yeah but those fish have been store in the tree for literally over 100 years......


Katrina:....he will basically be eating corpses....

Garnet: don't tough guys eat undercooked meat?.

Katrina: wha- NO?!?.....maybe.......

Katrina then stared at the ground in confusion as ty finished the set he was on in the background.


Garnet and Katrina: A-AAAHHHHH!!! WAIT-

Ty was now pacing around with fabric around his fists as he struck a tail.

Vivian: jeez you really are strong. Even I can feel the hits.

Ty ignored this as each time he struck a river of sweat sprayed off of his body. However eachstrike got harder and harder.

Finally ty reeled back.

Finally ty reeled back

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Ty suddenly gained a brief gold aura but it went away immediately as soon as his fist landed on vivians tail.

Vivian: OUCH!!!! HEY CALM DOWN IM NOT AN ACTUAL PUNCHING BAG!!!!....also why did you glow yellow?...

Ty:..... .-. I what?-


Ty is now seen zooming around in his gear. He jumps from tree to tree with absolutely no problem. But then.

Malicka and crisis jumped out and began to chase him down. Ty had a stick of hard yet flexible bamboo instead of a sword. Except now he had two. Just like in his survey core days.

Ty zooms forward

Ty used his gear to flip himself backwards and face the nagas

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Ty used his gear to flip himself backwards and face the nagas.

Malicka charged at him with her mouth wide. Ty dived past her mouth and sliced at the side of her neck. Technically malicka would start to bleed out if he used real blades.

Ty then zoomed low close to the ground with his blades poised underneath him. And waited as crisis charged forward.

Crisis jumped up and divebombed ty. But ty zoomed up and around her. Ty struck her multiple times on the body and face before he escaped both nagas by flying up above the trees. But.

Bella swooped in and almost snagged ty. But ty was way to fast. Ty skillfully flipped and stuck her leg. Then grabbed onto her feathery plumage and launched himself up. And dive bombs into the back of her neck and strikes once.
Ty then exits and zooms towards the water. Anko jumps out mouth agape. He tongue shoots out at ty but ty flips and managed to land feet first and slid down her tounge towards her mouth.

Ty: nghhhYYYAAAAGH!!!!

Ty jumps onto makos lips and plants his front foot on her young aiming both of his bamboo sticks at anko's eyes.

Ty: if I had my old survey core swords..both of your eyes would be gone...

The others stare from the shore.




Crisis:...you where right.

Leah:..hehehee.....I always am..

Ty lifted the rock high in the air and then threw it to the ground

Ty: let's get shit done..

To be continued...

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