I've Never had a Mum

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X Mentions of Rape X

Sero's PoV

I just sat there. I couldn't do anything else. He was mad. No furious. I was only trying to help him. He knows that I would never do anything that I thought would hurt him. I didn't realise how bad I messed up until he wouldn't even let me near him when he was crying. He was panicking, and I caused it. I caused my boyfriend to feel so much pain.

Tears flooded from my eyes. I didn't think it would hurt him this much. I thought he would be happy to finally be able to leave that house, and everything that ever happened to him there. I should of thought things through better. I should of asked before hand. I should of respected his wishes not to tell anyone yet.

I look up at Aizawa-Sensei and give him a small smile, before I leave the teachers office. More tears flowed down my face as I walked down the corridor. My pace slow, and my feet shuffling along the floor. I hate this. I hate everything. I was going towards the front exit of the school, to go to the dorms, when I stop.

I just froze up again.

Denki was stood there; crying into another mans arms. What am I supposed to do in this situation. Normally, I wouldn't care, as Denki is friends with nearly everyone, but this was different. He was hugging someone who everyone hated. Someone, he, himself, didn't like very much. Neither of them liked the other. Yet, there I stood, seeing them hugging in the hallway.

They pulled apart, and they were smiling at each other, both having tears staining their faces. The taller of the two, gently grabbed his wrist, and guided him out of the school. They didn't even notice that I was there. Cold. I felt a cold shiver up my spine. I don't like that one bit, but I couldn't do anything about it. Biting my bottom lip, I make my way to the dorms

Monoma's PoV

I heard someone coming down the hall, but made no motion to let the person know I knew they were there. I released Kaminari from my arms, and took a hold of his wrist. I pull on his wrist gently, to indicate we should get going. He followed my lead, and I took him to the 1B dorms.

There were quite a few people in the main room, as school had only finished, and everyone usually comes back down here after they're changed. I tugged him to the lift, and pressed the button. I could feel him cling on to me, trying to hide himself from the stares. A quaint smile shows on my cheeks at the feeling, when the lift pings open.

We ride it to my floor, and I take him to my room. I sit him on my bed, as I sit on the chair in front of my desk. I watched as his eyes glistened as he scans the decor around him. My room is pretty cool, so I don't blame him for wanting to look around. He seemed to be done, when his eyes land on me again. I give him a smirk, and then he looks down at his hands sitting in his lap.

I think about how I'm going to start this conversation off, where it wouldn't be weird, but nothing came to mind. Everything that I could say would seem abrupt or slightly rude. I cringe at my inner thoughts, and just go with the nicest one. The topic was going to be heavy hitting either way.

"So... your an underaged prostitute?" I ask, the awkward tone in my voice could be heard a mile away.

"Yea, I guess?" He replied with a slightly confused tone.

"I, uh. Um. My mum... she used me too." I try to continue the small talk.

I could see out the corner of my eye his posture slowly stiffen. His head rose, and he continued to stare at me. I kept my eyes out of my window, that sat in front of desk. It's a lot easy to talk about a topic like this, when you're not looking at the other person.

"She used to get really drunk and then forcefully ride me almost everyday after school." I continued on.

I could see the change of position he made. Taking his shoes off, and then pulling his legs to his chest, and resting his chin on his knees. It was kinda cute in a way. A smile crossed my face at that thought. Me,  thinking that a Class 1-A scum was cute, ridiculous. These are different circumstances though.

"You said used to?" He asked in an almost whisper.

"Oh, yea. The neighbours found out and called the police. I tried to fight it at first. I didn't have any family except her, as  they casted her out when she was younger. I hated her for everything she did to me, but the thought of her leaving me was much more painful then any of the shit she pulled, but that didn't matter. They took her away, and the neighbours took me in." I ranted out.

It felt nice to get everything off of my chest. I haven't been able to talk to anyone about this. My adoptive parents did try to send me to a therapist, but they gave up after 6 months of me not saying a word to her. I kept telling them that it was a waste of money, and I wasn't going to tell someone I didn't know my life story.

"Did you... did you ever go see her?" he asked me yet another question.

"No. Once she was gone, she was gone. Just thinking about her used to send me into a spiral. But now I have a new mum, and she's everything I've ever dreamed of." I replied, a smile gracing my lips at the thought of said woman.

She's so sweet and kind. She does almost everything for me. She's so supportive, and always smiling. But she can also be a real menace. She has pranked me so many times, and the nasty smirk she gives me afterwards matches mine almost identically. She even gets her hair dyed blonde, because she found out that I thought we looked nothing alike and that people found it weird.

"That's nice, I've never had a mum." H e spoke in such a low voice, my ears strained to hear it.

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