Chapter 30

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We were getting married in a month. She told me she wanted a simple dress, so she found one in a store. We bought it and everything. I stroked her hair and tucked a strand behind her ear as she slept. I could tell she was tired. She had bags under her eyes, that she had covered up with makeup. It was 10 o'clock, and I didn't wake her. She looked so peaceful. I thought back to our past. The hard times, the good times, the great times, and then, I thought of her. I just saw her face in my mind. Then, she let out a small whimper, and snuggled her head into my chest. I started to stroke her hair, and she whimpered again. I was confused. Why was she whimpering? I could feel her fear, it was growing. I pulled her as close to me as much as I could, hoping my scent would calm her. My wolf howled and whimpered at her fear. Then her body started to shake violently as she started to sob. "Baby? Hey, princess, wake up." I said, I couldn't bare seeing her like this. "No, no, no, you can't leave me!" She sobbed. I sat up and pulled her into my lap. I gently shook her awake. Her eyes snapped open, and she scanned the room. She grabbed fist fills of my shirt, and rested her head against my chest, whispering, begging "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I moved her chin with my pointer finger, and directed her eyes to mine. "What happened?" She looked down. "I...I was walking, it was night time, I was happy. Then, 3-3 or 4 men bound my legs and arms, and gagged me. I was forced into a black van, where I was knocked out. When I awoke, I was here, walking in the door, and-and....." She started sobbing. I hugged her closely. "Shhh, it's ok baby." She sniffled and wiped her eyes. "And... A man, or a woman... I couldn't tell.. Had you chained to the bed. They... They killed you." She sobbed. I pulled her to me. I began to rub soothing circles on her back. She has been having bad nightmares since she has gotten back from being with Kolby.
Slowly, she stopped. She became quiet. I could barely hear her breathing. "I will never leave you." I whispered into her hair. Someone knocked on our door. A low growl rippled its way through me. I got up and opened our door, and walked into the suite. I could feel dawn behind me. I unlocked the door, and opened it. "Logan." Dawn growled from behind me. She stood next to me and starred into his eyes. "Summer, lilac, Katya, and Jasmine want you to meet them downstairs in 30 minutes." He said and rubbed the back of his neck. "Okay. Thanks." She said. She went to close the door, but he stuck his foot in between the door and the frame. "I said thanks." Dawn said. "I... Jason? Can you give us a minute?" I growled at him. "It's Alpha Jason to you." I growled out. Dawn looked at me then at him. "No. No, he can't." She said, then she quickly kicked his foot, causing. Him to stumble backwards. She took the opportunity to slam the door shut. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her to me, then I buried my head in her neck. "I agree."
I had gotten dressed while he left for pack business. I walked down the stairs, and my sisters weren't there. I looked at the clock on the wall. I was on time. I shrugged it off and walked outside. I walked towards the playground. I saw a little girl, probably about 8, with red hair standing in the field between the pack house and the playground. I walked over to her. I bent over, and put my hands on my knees. "Hello, why are you here all alone?" I asked "The angel's are coming. Their going to take you away soon." I was confused. Then, it looked like in one of those ghost shows on tv, I heard static, and whenever I would blink, then look around, she was in a different place. My head was pounding, and when I looked up again, she was gone. "Hello?" I called out. I saw a pack doctor, I couldn't read her name tag. She jogged over to me. She crouched in front of me, and put a hand on my shoulder. I was on my hands and knees, like I was going to crawl. I looked at her face. Her lips were moving, but no words were coming out. "I can't hear you. All I can hear is static." I said. She put her hand on her chin, as if she was thinking. "I-I talked to a little girl, she had red hair, she said 'the Angel's are coming. Their going to take you away soon.'" I said. She motioned me to stand up. I tried, but I saw stars, and I felt dizzy. Nausea flew over me, and my vision went black. I collapsed to the ground. I could feel soft delicate hands, probably a pack doctor's, and my vision began to return. I got back into my ready to crawl position, because I felt best in that position. I looked up, and I saw a man, my parents, a woman, my siblings, and first in line, Jason. All running to us. I looked at the pack doctor, and read her name tag, Janice. I wonder if she was the only pack doctor, or if there were others. Jason crashed to his knees in front of me, while the rest gathered around us. Jason put his hands on my shoulders, and gently began to shake me. His lips were moving, just like Janice's, but, no words were coming out. Janice started talking to my parents, and the man and woman I didn't recognize. They obviously were mates, because the man held the woman to him, like my father held my mother, or like Jason held me. Only Jason's attention was on me. "Janice?" I questioned. She turned to me. "What about the little girl? Who, or what is she?" I said. Jason looked from me to her. Janice turned to my family and the couple, while I looked back at Jason. "There was a little girl, about 8 or 9, in not sure. She had red hair, and she was wearing a white dress. She was about where storm is standing from here. I said hello, trying to see if she was sad or scared, but she said 'The angel's are coming. They are going to take you away soon.' And, I heard static, and every time I looked at the ground, or blinked, then looked back at her, she was in a different spot. Then she was gone." I said, hoping they could hear me. He just started at my face. "Please, can you understand me?" I begged. He nodded and pulled me flush against his body. I welcomed the hug. He kissed my mark, and it only sent pain through me. I jumped back, out of his grasp, and looked at him like he just told me he killed someone. The static in my ear sonny turned to silence. He cocked his head to the side, and my family, the couple, and Janice looked at me like I was crazy. "Why would you hurt me?" I asked. Tears gathered in my eyes. For the confusion, the pain, and the helplessness that consumed me. His mouth hung open as he stared at me. I watched him get up and walk to me. He wrapped his arms around me, and my body started to burn, like it was on fire. I jumped back again, and this time, he looked hurt. I walked to Janice, and fell to my knees in front of her, and I looked at her face. "Please, help me. Fix me. It hurts me to see Jason this way. It burns me to touch him. And I want him to hold me, I want to snuggle up with him and watch the grass grow, watch the world fly by." I felt tears fall down my cheeks "it hurts for him to touch me. And it's hard. Because I know, only he can make it better. But now, he will only make it worse." I say, as I glare at the ground "fix me. Or I'll find a way to do it." I begged her. I looked into her eyes, and her face nodded. Hopefully, she could do it. If she couldn't, I could.

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