Part 34: Friends departure, Lovers remain.

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It was now drawing towards Winter, snow had blanketed nearly every street ranging from the roads to pavements. This weather reminded me so much of the day me and Lysa confessed when that random spot of snow in the middle of Spring formulated, people say rain is often a norm for love couples so that fact ours had snow made me happy and a little redder due to the mixture of the cold and my own flustering.

Lysa by my side wearing a hat you'd automatically affiliate with Russians and a thick coat running all the way down to knee level, be it a fancy dress or normal clothing she always amazed me with her appearance. Yet it didn't detract the fact I knew she starved herself to this phase and that it left markings, no I shouldn't dampen the mood and just focus on caring for her as a loyal fiancée would.

Today was somewhat special and at the same time rather sad, it seemed like everybody we knew was leaving home and each one held a different reason, somewhat anyway. Troy and his girlfriend spoke of travelling the world, which meant we'd probably not see them for a few years if not at all supposing they find a spot to settle. He even had a little ordeal towards me regarding the diner being under my supervision, being one to keep a promise I told him it'd be handled with respectfully.

Maggie meanwhile wanted to return to her families homeland of Italy or Venice to be exact, no surprise her boyfriend seemed eager for this being a concealed admirer of Italy. At the end of it all, it'd mean that with Lysa's Mum and Aunt leaving too, we'd pretty much be alone excluding Grandma. I guess it's fortunate due to my incident Lysa's Mum and Aunt had to reschedule their flight, meant a proper send off by Lysa herself.

"I'm gonna miss you lot." Lysa said rather saddened, I couldn't really blame her for she was saying goodbye to her childhood friends, Aunt and even her own Mother. It wasn't the same kind of loss as compared to me, still knowing you won't be able to see someone you've known closely for so long, it's a feeling that can be rending at times.

Hugs were being shared among everyone as the two of us entered the airport, even though some may say a hug between two guys is a little strange. But if you're good friends with someone you may not see for sometime, then there is no room for holding back. After several days of delayed flights due to the snow, there was a little moment of calm allowing few flights to depart which can't really be helped nor prevented.

"Take care of Lysa for us Ash." This was a sentence directed towards me from both our friends and Lysa's family members, talk about no pressure but regardless I promised with a stern accompanying nod. Even to this day I feel I owe Lysa for helping me out of a rough phase of life, it wouldn't be fair on her not to shoulder a level burden like a stable relationship would do.

With the final goodbyes and waves, our group fragmented with each pairing heading off in a different departure gate. "Lysa? You gonna be alright?" I asked looking at her wiping away a tear whilst we walked our way out with a sniffle, she shook her head mustering a smile which was only for show, even I knew that much.

"I'm sorry Ash, I just feel so lonely." Was her answer, one that I fully understood by what she meant. Knowing there is little I could physically do, I drew us to a stop lightly placing my hands on her arms turning her to face me. If there's something I'd grown skilled at, it was knowing what to say at the right moment.

"Lysa, long as I'm around. You'll never be alone." I stated with an honest smile prior to kissing her on the lips, due to our height gap I often found myself leaning down to reach her. Lysa's 164.5 cm to my 195 cm was no joke in terms of a gap, however since she often wore some form of heeled or platform shoes it wasn't as large but still not even close being even a halving it.

My fiancée's smile now went from sad to happy, feeling as though the notion had been successful we continued our walk for home with my arm around her. I didn't have a cold weather jacket, so to make up for it I improvised by wearing a hoodie underneath my Crusader jacket which at this stage had signs of use. The leather being crisp and rough yet still retaining it's dark colour tone, ironic that it matched my skin aside from the tone.

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