Part 25: Generations alike.

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First official day as a nineteen year old now, wait why am I saying it like I'm proud of it? Hmm, suppose it's for personal reasons in the end. You hear people with those life threatening illness' only living til their eight or fifteen at best. Oh that's a sad start to my day, wish I could give those kids whatever it was that made me cheat death against a house fire, the elements and a sudden heart attack.

Anyway no point in starting the day off on a low note, from there I heaved myself out of bed and get ready to tackle the days tasks. "Oh good morning deary." Grandma greeted me as I rapidly paced myself downstairs, in her hands was a tray carrying cups of tea, a mug of coffee along with biscuits which was morning routine for my Grandparents. Hold on though, there were three cups and a mug of piping hot coffee?

"Who's the extra tea for Grandma?" I asked out my confusion with no consideration of concealing it, this caused my Grandma to let out a heartful chuckle saying it was for Lysa whom was waiting for me in the other room. Oh of course how could I forget that, sometimes Ash you are too moronic for humankind to of acknowledged you as an advance student in your school years.

Following suit after Grandma entered the room, I was indeed greeted by my rather tiresome faced girlfriend mustering a small smile upon sighting me. Oddly the whole tired look which included messy hair and narrowed eyes really made Lysa look cute.

"Morning Ash, hope you slept better then I did." She yawned out mildly stretching her arms up, with the left one bent behind her neck tilting to the side. This motion did lift up her shirt a little which woke me up a bit more as I blinked a few times. "Oh, sorry for not getting you a present again this year." Added whilst seeming somewhat guilty, I sat myself down next to her planting a kiss on the cheek.

"We made it a full on year together, that's better then any object." I stated smilingly which was awarded with her own, turning to face my Grandparents something ran across my mind. Hmm, in this room sat two couples of different era's, yet they both fit one another's flaws and strengths perfectly. Maybe Grandma meant this by a solid foundation, either way it's too early to think so serious and with that out my mind I begin to drink my morning coffee.

"I've gotten in touch with some people that go back sometime, said they'd be willing to offer you a job my boy." Grandpa noted out towards me which instantly had me mentally think something in labour or with motorcycle engines, "We old timers know little when it comes to computing, but with you around I think their business will boom." he later added after taking a sip of his tea.

"I don't mind that, but I ain't gonna be a desk Secretary for obvious reasons." I wittingly remarked causing a light chuckle to fill the room for those inside it, guess taking an interest of reading for encoding and programming was useful even if the headaches I got after non-stop reading of a hundred so pages felt like my own personal hangover.

After breakfast I had perhaps the most unusual day of "work" I could ever foresee, consisting of Grandpa's friends who ran well reputation'd construction companies in either housing, roadworks or other fields.

Whilst they were enjoying the hospitality of my Grandma's kindness, I sat in front of my computer clacking away at the keyboard with spider scattering fingers whilst my eyes switched back and forth between the encoding information onto a provided memory stick from the laid out paperwork.

Lysa meanwhile was spending time with Grandma helping out around the house, amidst the workload I did take a break and thought that this sort of lifestyle is kind of nice. Maybe working at home was more suited for me but then again I'm open to anything I was being offered, damn the day was nice.

Indeed it was nice I thought at first, but I was doing alot of stuff today. From breakfast til lunch I spent typing away data entries for a little pay-check which was in advance surprisingly, four hours of hard work for roughly five hundred bucks. Not to mention a good word of being noted for future work or other contacts.

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