Part 13: The Motocross surfer.

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Buzz~, the sound of dirt bike engines roaring away with the smell of gasoline and sound of crowds filling the Summer day air. It was a pretty hot day, so hot in fact I felt like a dried up fruit whilst sweating profusely and it was Troy's bright idea to walk here in the burning sun. Even after taking Lysa's word of warning regarding what'd been mentioned on our way here last night, my inner child kept urging me to do it and thus when we arrived I parted from our group and signed up for the competition.

The guy at the desk that was taking application looked at me differently and I instantly answered his look of bemusement stating the burns weren't from a bike accident, in addition I mentioned previous experience riding a dirt bike growing up which made him chuckle uttering "Alright kid, I can already tell you were raised a speed junkie." That statement did hurt a little but I shrugged it off as I took the pass given to me before heading back to my friends.

Maggie was wearing a black lacy patterned dress with matching black bonnet, Troy wore a T-shirt with some rock bands logo with jeans and as for Lysa. Well she was looking beautiful as ever but on a summers day like her wearing jean shorts and white tank top, finalized by brown leather boots sure got me even hotter under my already smelted collar.

I had a little time before the competition started, so the four of us spent it watching the races and stunts being done. All of us stood in amazement at the riders movements that defied gravity and for me in particular, I spent that time studying them as they were in progress. I'd never done freestyle motocross before, my experience was riding around a dirt circuit for fun and it'd normally end with Mum telling me off for the amount of mud I'd get on me whilst Dad laughed away saying I should live a little.

Damn why did I go and think that, it's got me all nervous for I need to go over every step of my chosen routine in my head, it was too important to forget or fuck up this time cause I was dancing with death. "Hey Ash." Maggie then called out to me breaking my concentration before looking over to her as she held up a camera, "Think it'd be sweet if we caught you on camera?" she later added with a grin of excitement. Oh lord that just got me more nervous as all I could do was 'Err' my response to her, then all of a sudden I felt Lysa's hand take hold of mine.

"Don't worry, I'll be right here cheering you on." She told me in such a way that made my nerves settle so damn fast it was freaky, following that she planted a kiss on my lips before whispering "That is for luck." It was almost like she wanted to take part too but felt she wasn't experienced or brave enough to face this head on, Troy meanwhile was too engrossed by what was going on to give his word of encouragement or opinion.

Regardless I felt amped up now and headed towards the competitors staging area, looking round I could easily tell that most the other riders were either locals or veterans. Quite a few looked over at me like some kind of novice and to some degree I was, however those stares of questioning didn't deter me for going through with this for as Grandpa would say 'Show them who you are my boy'.

With that thought in mind I sat on my assigned dirt bike after putting on the provided equipment which was oddly air-vented given the hot day. I was up last so as one by one, the other contenders rode out to perform a stunt that amazed the crowds upon hearing a roar of cheer after engine sounds. I kept thinking of my routine and wondered if it would really be possible for me to pull off without breaking myself into bits.

Then it was time, my name was announced over the loudspeaker as a staff member wearing a headset/baseball cap combination directed me out. From the dark inside of the staging area to the sun lit arena I was blinded for a brief moment or two, people sounding eager to see what the last competitor would do and that made my nerves spread like flood water causing rapid calming breathes.

Clicking my neck to snap me back to reality staring at the series of red lights blinking, as they hit green I sped off without an instant flooring the gas to full and leaning forwards to prepare for the upcoming jump, here goes..... 'Zipppp' buzzed from the bike as it's wheels left the ground soaring my upwards and like pulling a trigger I moved myself into the planned stunt.

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