Part 11: Odd thoughts.

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Tick.... tick.... tick.... wish that damn clock would stop for a damn moment and let me think in silence, figures that this had to happen. Test upon test today, first was Literature then Math, as Science just kept the ball rolling after. I may of been an advance student but you still need time to study and with all that's gone on I didn't even do a single bit. That being said despite having a massive headache at the end of it all for the entire day I'd spent doing test papers, the questions weren't that hard or tricky to figure out but man I felt exhausted.

"Given all the progress you made, I was disappointed to hear what happened two days ago." The words emitted from the displeased Headteacher, if this was her idea of teaching my a lesson in discipline then she's achieved that goal after I hit my head on the table exhaling heavily. "Regardless if your intention was pure, things could of gone wrong so easily." Reminding me as if I'd forgotten, ugh can I just relax my aching head a single moment please?

I did the tests at my normal pace at about two hours per subject, which is considered fast for students as it'd normally take an entire morning for one test. I'll admit though that I did sacrifice my lunchtime with Lysa in order to catch up and I bet cause of me she has too also. We did message each other via the phone during lunch however, explaining how we found it a pain in our behinds to do this upon returning and as such ended up laughing it off.

This process repeated throughout the afternoon, the Headteacher however seemed to peer over at me every few moments which make me wonder if she was toying with me. I was beyond releaved when I'd finished filling out the final test paper, just like this morning my head impacted the desk in a face-plant that you'd think it'd leave an impact of my expression.

The Headteacher came up beside the desk I was sat at plotting down a drink, ice cold cola oddly enough before telling me, "Go ahead, you've earned this much today." That got me to thinking she wasn't too strict. "I hear you and Lysa are a thing now?" she suddenly asked out the blue making me pause then nod with an awkward smile of sorts, "It amazes me as to how you did that? But it happened." Added on as she took a swig from the bottle of cola she had herself.

Maybe she isn't talking to me as a teacher but another individual, "I know you'll take care of one another, unlike your previous one." the Headteacher added seeming to dampen the mood for knowing and honestly I wish she hadn't brought it up. Lysa wasn't the first girl I had a relationship with, although my last wasn't a 'pure' one for it was with the most popular girl in middle school before I arrived here.

She said we'd be together forever and often spoke throughout my first high school year, then after the fire she vanished. I even remember how emotionless I felt upon waking up from a deep sleep in the burns ward of the hospital. No flowers or card let alone her visiting, just a note that read 'I don't think this'll work out' for she only stuck with me to boast about having the most handsome guy in school as her own, I was just an object of self-stature to her.

Now I was in a crappy mood as I stared into nothingness, the Headteacher caught on for saying something best left unsaid and apologized. "Lysa's not like that girl." speaking my thoughts picking each word carefully, "Even if I don't know how long it'll last, a year, six months or hell even a few weeks. She might leave me at some stage, I know I won't ever leave her. It's family policy for all men in the Burns tree, we remain loyal to those we hold feelings towards." Stating this with an enforced meaning that the Headteacher snickered at before stating her being impressed. 

Then she redirected the question into a complete one eighty, "Beg pardon ma'am?" I asked thinking I had heard her wrongly after asking what my plans for the Summer break was which starts Friday afternoon. Waltfield said we're welcome to stay even longer until the day was over allowing the self-study to act as a form of farewells and see you soon's after discussing what students were up to, in actuality I hadn't given much thought on it.

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