Part 20: A more peaceful day.

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You know that feeling you get when you wake up in a unfamiliar place? Yeah I was getting that feeling right now, again I found myself in a room I wasn't used to being inside or rather being paranoid of the legal owner finding me here. Lysa's house or more exactly her bedroom was where I laid confused out my mind, from the throbbing pain in my head I must of hit the ground pretty hard, right best I retrace my steps as to how I got here. Closing my eyes I went through the fragmented memory of last nights events, don't fail me now you faulty memory drive.

First there was the comic book event, next alot of running, meeting up with a rather shaken up Lysa along the roadside on my motorcycle, then the long ride to the hospital where we encountered her Mum which lead into an argument, hard to forget the backhand I took also. Okay fast forward a little bit, we arrived here where my girlfriend invited me in and after some thought I did so out of being required, oh yeah that sandwich and sight, err the shower and then.... ooh.

Yeah that happened also and that leaves me at this mornings situation, wait a tick I don't recall wearing trousers when I blacked out. Somebody must of put them on me, was it Lysa? Talk about a day of mad confusion, finally shaking my head with a sigh I got up taking out a shirt from my backpack lying next to me and putting it on before heading towards the kitchen.

"Morning sleepyhead, enjoy your little nap after an eventful night?" Lysa, the girlfriend I adore says towards me clearly enjoying and taking amusement in my awkward reaction to what transpired. Normally I'd be hurt by such remark but I ended up in a chuckle whilst scratching the back of my head, I mean I wasn't gonna say I didn't like it for obvious reasons plus it was a first experience so it had some merit on my young adult life.

Finally nodding in compliance she followed up with her next question after finishing with preparing a simple breakfast of toast and jam, "Feel like doing anything in particular today?" Being her exact words which left me in a moments pause. Given how things have gone I'm at a blank, suggesting we could see a movie or something she pouted at this expecting more flare in my reply, I'd ask her to give me a break but I was afraid she'd use her body as a vice on me, eh I'm just being paranoid now.

Hold on, I had left out one important detail in my recollection of thoughts as the image of her this morning before I blacked out said 'My eighteenth birthday', man I'm a terrible boyfriend to forget that. Okay mind, we'll improvise throughout the day and with that mental agreement of myself tended to I said with some uncertainty "Hey Lysa... how about we make your Birthday a full day length date? You know just the two of us around town and stuff?" Smooth move Ash for you sounded like a moron. My girlfriend however seemed lit up by this stating I was the best, honestly she gives me too much cred.

After a phone-call to my Grandparents explaining the situation, which their normal way of handling things consisting of "Do what you feel is best." That in itself can be dangerous words of advice but in my case I suppose not really. Although what I stumbled upon right after that, well let's just say I felt myself more red then the side of a coca-cola truck, in an effort to find my Crusader jacket I blindly walked in on Lysa changing yet I was thankful she was wearing underwear unlike last night, fucking brain focus you idiot this is real bad.

Darting back around the door-frame as she shouted my name, it was like any anime and I was dumb enough not to knock before entering. Girls in general are complicated beings when it comes to exposure of their skin, swimsuits are fine, underwear only on their terms which is considered rare among guys, as for stark nude well that requires alot of locks being opened to obtain that goal. Me on the other hand, I've had enough people see me from head to toe with and without clothes, countless surgery to separate the burnt skin apart in areas like my under arms and joints to enable free movements, but that's not the point for Lysa isn't gonna forgive on that.

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