Part 28: How our friends found love.

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I woke up today with a more energized drive then previously in the past few months, feeling as though my life finally had a long term goal and purpose. Even better was the fact it had me so close to Lysa too, no doubt this'd mean the fact we spend more time then usual around one another. So much so that a sharp increase in our arguing and perhaps hating each others guts was inevitable.

That fact alone had me concerned, not only cause of running risk of a break up after we'd both worked so hard for getting this far. But when you include my short temper and PTSD medicine side effects, it's like a time fused idle-nuke. In all honesty I've been somewhat concerned as to how long me and Lysa would be together, young relationships in these modern times just seem to shatter as fast if not faster then their formations.

Regardless I changed into a set of casual clothing and readied myself for the day ahead of me, plan was to pick up Lysa and head for the diner Troy's family owned. I had hoped to say goodbye to my Grandparents before riding out, but what awaited me was a note in Grandma's handwriting.

"Ash dear, me and Grandpa had to leave for the hospital after an incident late last night. You needn't worry, so focus on making us proud." Read out whilst the voice of my Grandma rang around as if she were telling me in person.

Damn, I'd only just got my mind off that and yet I was back at square one. Feeling mildly saddened I forced myself to shake it off. The conviction of having faith in the Doctors ability, Grandma's caring heart and Grandpa's stern attitude. Heh it'd take alot more then what he was going through to deep six him, or at least I kept thinking that. As for now though I should make my way out to help a friend in dire need.

After picking up Lysa from her house, this feeling kept bugging me. One I could only describe as if something bad was coming round, only problem was I didn't know what or who would be involved. My instant thought was Grandpa and the more we rode along the roads on my motorcycle, the more paranoid I got.

"Oh my gawd~! Look at you both, still amazes me how much you two look ideal for one another." Troy out-bursted, had a mixture of glee and over-excitement at our arrival in his typical feminine way. I'll admit I had missed that over the periods we were apart.

Maggie and her boyfriend were there also. Like missing Troy's manner of speaking and acting like a dramatic Shakespeare performer with modern twang, I also missed how Maggie could make dark toned themes appear cute with her personality. Troy's girlfriend meanwhile was busy setting up for the days events, I'd never seen these diners in front of me. But in a way it wasn't any different then what TV or film depicted.

Whilst setting ourselves up in the kitchen after insisting to Troy and his girlfriend whom apparently I'd never been formally introduced to, her name being Katherine Lewis. Lysa turned to face me and judging by the look on her facial features, no surprise that I figured my lack of concealing the inner conflict of my head.

"You always worry me when that look is painted across your face Ash, let me in. There isn't a means to be afraid." Lysa asked me whilst taking hold of a hand in her own, that silk like skin always helped ease my unrest but could I bare to say it right now? No best tell her later.

"I'm fine.... just a little nervous you know, hahaha." This was my somewhat futile attempt to brush it off for now, but it seemed Lysa was able to understand this and agreed with a smile. Well I wasn't exactly lying for when you're a chef in a kitchen on first day, few butterflies tend to be lured in the flower garden.

Huh, that was somewhat poetic I suppose, that's rare for me? Perhaps my time being in love and loved overall had changed me from the silent enforcer years prior to what I am now, guess I took life for granted.

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