Part 17: Cast of characters.

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Like our first week the middle of the second was spent sightseeing cultural, historic and popular hot spots. I didn't mind it but at times the walks were draining under the Summer heat, guess it's what I get for wearing my Crusader jacket in such a hot climate. Troy and me were in quite the conversation regarding usual guy stuff even if Troy's hobbies and interests weren't run of the mill material for the definition, meanwhile Maggie and Lysa were window shopping for we couldn't haul a lot of stuff on a pair of motorcycles without toppling over from added weight. But even with that in mind they seemed to enjoy what was on show, I got the notion we'll be coming back here in the near future.

All of a sudden the four of us stopped, I wasn't aware as to why until Lysa told me to look and upon doing so I raised an eyebrow in ponder filled questioning. "Portal of realms, tailor made costumes to spice up any party or convention." Written in rather fancy italic font as it's white tone fit snug over a deep blue background, a cos-play shop? Who came up with that idea, hold on a tick they had all sorts here judging from the items in the window display. Disney, Warcraft, Diablo, Anime to real life figures of society like soldiers, fire-fighters and cops, the adult stuff wasn't sexual like most places tend to sale for they appeared legit for movie and television roles. "Come on guys! Let's take a look!" Maggie eeped out with excitement before yanking Lysa in via the arm leaving me and Troy to glance at one another before shrugging in sync then entering.

Whoa, the word Portal sure fit as my eyes were greeted by cosmic painted walls baring row upon row of categorized outfits. I even jumped out of fright a little when the store clerk greeted us, a woman in her mid-twenties dressed up like Rukia from Bleach sat behind the counter with a smile, sure made me blink to believe what I was seeing.

Looking at me, she noticed the jacket I wore before complimenting how awesome it looked which I replied to with an awkward "Erm... thanks miss." Yeesh I really ain't used to positive compliments and the like. Whilst the four of us split up wandering round the store, I noticed Maggie drag Lysa over to the Fantasy genre outfits which had me a little concerned. For as of late girls and fantasy were quite revealed in terms of skin to coverage, part of me as a guy wasn't going to complain but I did prefer women in fantasy like the Crusader of Diablo, strong willed and armoured enough to take a Demon on toe to toe. Wait, why I was thinking of Lysa as a Crusader all of a sudden, I shook off the thought before continuing to wander the store.

Damn, they even got XCOM and Warhammer 40k styles of armour. Must of taken these people ages to make this sort of thing, doesn't surprise me they advertised for conventions in addition to parties. All I know is if you were a gaming fanatic, cos-player, fancy dress party organizer or just wanted to spice up your wardrobe with twist of unique factor, this place didn't disappoint by any stretch of imagination. Sad part was I didn't think anything suited me, admitting defeat after that downing thought I made my way to rejoin the others.

"Oh my god Lysa! You look amazing!" Maggie shouted out with the same amount of excitement as when we entered, "For sure girl, you seriously look fabulous.~" Troy added in a semi-sassy and flared tone, just what on earth did the make her wear? Were they playing a prank or something..... holy mamma sharma llama. Lysa was wearing the attire of Warcraft's Banshee Queen herself. Sylvanas Windrunner, only it appeared more armoured and practical for combat then in the game.

No surprise she was embarrassed when I arrived looking away in a blush, it was kind of cute in a sense as if the character fit her instead of the other way round. During those moments of awe Troy and Maggie had slipped away to try on their outfits, I could tell Lysa didn't like the fact I was still looking at her as if a deer was in the headlights of a truck.

"Stop staring, you're making me even more embarrassed." She told me with a small blush-fully embarrassed smile whilst tightening her grip around the bow she was holding in both hands, they didn't leave out any details ranging from the highlighting and shades to accompanying tools of an archer. Clearing my throat before averting my gaze giving knuckles a crackle, normally you'd itch or rub your head but that was almost too common and not only that but it allowed my mind to reset.

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