Part 18: Sudden change of plans.

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Week three of the four we'd planned out for this trip started like it's previous two, we arrive and get our accommodations sorted then if we had time to burn was spent sightseeing or eating out. I felt a little sick today for some reason, wasn't a cold or fever but I couldn't eat much. Perhaps it was due to the fact we'd been on the move a lot, normally my stomach is used to me being stationary. regardless I soldiered out not wanting to spoil the mood, for today was actually something I'd picked out and thankfully was able to get enough tickets before they sold out. It was a small comic book and manga community convention.

Normally stuff like Comic-con or Pax would hold something similar to this but those cost a fortune and the tickets go like crazy. This one however was more localized and open to anyone like a fairground, however those who buy tickets get access to more areas along with a gift bag so it's a bonus. I had noticed Lysa take interest in the comic's I've read throughout the trip, although it was my Dad's originally due to the printed date upon the covers she'd gotten interested in several DC and Marvel characters, namely Batgirl, Storm and surprising to me Electra. Troy and Maggie were more on the X-men and Justice League band wagon due to the cartoons on Toonami, they'd never read comics but loved the idea of going nonetheless.

Lines... bane of everything fun, everyone plus their mother, grandmother and second cousin twice removed stood between us and the entrance. By the time we shimmied our way through the crowd to the ticket exchange booth, it had taken a bit of wind out of us due to the still heated air although it did have a nice subtle cool breeze. Not only did this little event keep comic book stores in business but it also helped promote young up and coming artists or writers, ranging from fan-fictions to sub-stories or total original storyline's such as if you were to clone Deadpool and force them to fight one another, talk about a real balls to the wall concept.

The four of us browsed and bought a few shirts but sadly for me none of the comics on show struck my interest, shame really cause the people behind  them worked so hard from the attention of shaded portraits to the impactful dialogue between heroes and villains.

Roughly a few hours of being there, I noticed something that got me worried and concerned. Lysa had disappeared without a word, when asking Troy and Maggie what happened their answer made me equally infuriated as it did heart wrenched. "She received a text from her mum saying her aunt was in hospital again, judging by the look on her face it seemed she was being demanded to come home." Being the answer by Maggie whilst Troy added "Her mum is a bit enforcing when it comes to talking with Lysa."

Well that threw a large spanner in the gear-works, going over it in my head if she'd left a while ago and at the average foot sprint speed for someone her height she couldn't be far out, my mind's set. "Thanks for the heads up guys, I'm going after her. You two get some lunch, don't want you two fainting on me in addition to this." I stated before sprinting off quickly adding "I'll update you as things unfold!" Inside my head nothing is more important right now then helping Lysa, my duty as her boyfriend to be there in her time of dread. Maybe I'm going about this the wrong way? I just don't know anymore on where to draw the line.

Firstly I ran full speed in the blazing heat to the small hotel we were staying at, everyone looked at me with question and ponder on why I was in such a hurry. Swiping up both mine and Lysa's packs with a quick pause I took off again, almost falling over several times as I tried to avoid bumping into anyone. Man this is tiring as hell, I was wheezing like crazy by the time I got to my bike, hang on Lysa just don't do anything stupid now.

Between the heat and my worn out body, I found myself down-poured with sweat that made my hair stuck to the inside of my helmet and skin against my jacket as I forcefully started up my bike. It was a struggle to drive like this, blurry eyed from sweat and dizzy spells of sun-rays, you could say I was an accident waiting to happen.

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