Part 21: Graduation joys/fears?

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No matter how old you are, it's always a drag to return to your regular daily routine. Or at least that'd be the norm for it was a week that our school in all it's prestige held a somewhat unique and out the box tradition that occurred yearly. The Third years instead of Graduating before Summer vacation instead Graduate after an extra week to inspire newer students arriving for their first year, it was sort of like setting examples of those who've achieved to those dreaming to do the same. Whilst other classes in the previous third year were doing some project filled with creativity.

I spent my time doing the final pieces of council work of my short Student Council President career, if you can call it such for I was just an ideal replacement on short notice. Although I was always happy to be with Lysa so it helped dampen the dreading feeling of countless paperwork, there were also quite a few students from the previous second year applying for the council. Meaning in addition to paperwork me and my girlfriend were playing role of instructors guiding them through the steps and assortments, man this is all very tiring.

Almost made me regret spending the last few weeks of vacation just taking it easy with Lysa after getting assignments out the way. Oh yeah I almost forgot to mention, the rest of Summer went on with just me and her spending time together round the popular city areas.

Being called into the Headteachers office during that week did have me in a frantic paranoid phase of worry, I feared I'd fucked up somewhere but to my surprise what transpired was the polar opposite. "I have to admit Ash, you've really pulled a complete one eighty during your time here. So much so, I still find it hard to believe." The Navy blue haired Headteacher spoke towards me with a rather large smile of pride, think it's the first time I felt like she was giving me credit rather then scolding me over numerous mistake.

"Dare I say, you're probably our greatest achievement yet lad." Waltfield added in his usual tone although this time it felt more like an Uncle praising his Nephew, strange but I suppose he has a point. I'd turned my life around and it was documented throughout my time here, then he asked me directly, "Any idea what you'll do after the end of this week lad?" All the while this was being supported by the Headteachers look of peeked interest.

Fuck I hadn't considered anything like that, what was I going to do after this? Oh boy this is gonna bug me for the remainder of the day, granted my grades are probably solid enough for most lines of work but I haven't really considered pursuing a course in college. I need a little more time at this stage, might ask Lysa also given she may have her own goal and.... put me on the back-burner, now there's a saddening thought if I'd ever heard one.

I'd been all over the place this week already and it's only Wednesday. The recap of my workload being final council reports, preparation of a welcoming/farewell speech to all students in class assembly, thinking on what to do after exiting the school ground a final time. Quite the list of mismatch tasks no doubt about that, wait a moment.... dammit how could I forget that too? A damn school party this Friday evening, dress code included.

At that moment I felt a sharp sudden painful thud against my head for I'd planted it on my desk. Groaning from both the thud and thought of the party, I wasn't really a party sort but this one held some importance to a degree. What do I do now? For starters I should probably stop arguing among myself and finish this work off.

Friday morning, the last day I'd step through these school gates with my girlfriend. Why did I get this feeling it'd be our last day together before we're separate to pursue our own goals, I'm nervous beyond belief at this point. Especially since I had a speech first thing this morning to do in the main hall. My eyes drifted around noticing alot of parents, elder siblings and guardians talking or chatting with each other, everyone seemed happy and yet here I was in a mild sadness.

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