Part 10: Day of flows.

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"Just what were you thinking my boy?" Grandpa questioned me with frustration in his tone and spine chilling eyes, go figure that he'd get mad over me leaving home during dead of night let alone take his shotgun and use it. Grandma meanwhile looked at me still holding her elderly smile, it was approaching noon and this entire morning had me in a whirlpool of confusion. I guess the police officer who'd questioned me marked the incident as a medical related one, for we later got a phone call from the doctor asking me to come in for a mental evaluation.

I'd usual have those once every few months and my next wasn't for another two weeks away, but given my actions they moved it for tomorrow. Strange how the doc was 'free' now when I'd planned to have an easy day to ease my mind. "You're lucky no one was hurt, guns aren't something to be taken lightly or without regard of human life." Grandpa continued before sighing saying, "In my day you'd be punished or even worst killed if it came to it, you got let off with a vital warning my boy." Fucking hell I didn't consider that for even a second and judging on his look, Grandpa has seen PTSD consume and destroy people.

"Now now Edgar, Ash's heart kept him from doing something he'd regret." Grandma said whilst patting Grandpa's hand resting on his chairs armrest, she was partly right that my heart kept me doing something I'd truly regret like killing Max. However I still regretted resorting to such methods of getting my point across, what added more to the whirlpool of confusion was what she said right after in the form of "You'd of done the same thing if I was in danger." with a smile towards Grandpa. He was now rendered completely flustered which both me and Lysa found funny as he let out the usual 'umm' and 'err'.

Everyone's young, naive and at times downright idiotic, but I knew her words wouldn't pry me out the mess I'd dug myself into as she looked at me saying instructively, "Don't think that last night and skipping school today won't go unpunished young man, for today you'll be on errand duty. Is that understood?" Despite my grandma being a kind gentle lady she is quite the taskmaster at times, which did make sense given she and Grandpa have been married for fifty plus years.

"Yes Grandma, I understand. What'll be on the list?" I answered as clearly and serious as I could. Although I was a little groan-some inside but when you break an egg to make breakfast, you need to make sure the shell hasn't snuck it's way inside, if that made any sense in this situation. 

"First things first, we can't have Lysa wear those dirty things. So whilst you see to these things, I'll find her something to wear in order to wash her uniform." Grandma added only making me recall Lysa's uniform was still dirty, what a cluster of messy ordeals today was going to be.

After being handed the list of errands I headed for my motorcycle, I'd recently gotten used to riding like it were a routine with reasons validating it. Let's see, pick up a parcel at the post office, the medication at the drug store and.... wait a moment? Pick up tulips at the flower store? That meant one thing, something I had completely forgotten without batting an eyelid to. Firstly it was my birthday, my eighteenth birthday was today yet it was also the day of the fire, my sisters always liked tulips so I brought them to the grave after getting out of hospital.

I was a complete wreckage first time round and even though it still hurt now I was emotionally stronger after all that'd gone on with Lysa, putting on my helmet and starting the bike up I proceeded to my given tasks. The list also had house chores for me when I got back, suppose Grandma and Grandpa felt me helping them round the house would keep my mind busy. An odd way to spend your own birthday but I wasn't gonna complain.

I decided the first thing to do would be the most important before stopping at the local flower store, the florist was an elderly woman much like Grandma only more frail restricting her to the register whilst a middle aged woman I presumed to be the daughter tended to the flowers. "Good morning ma'am." I said upon entering the store, no surprise the two knew who I was due to a photographic memory and returned the greeting in kind, "I'd like to buy some Purple Tulips please." being my follow up which made the pair to smile cause of my manners.

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