Part 9: One thing lead to another.

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School's Summer term had begun, supported by the warmer weather and every expansion of daytime, it kind of irritated me. I was happy however as I walked to school beside Lysa with hooked arms and her head leaning against me, it made a lot of other students turn as we past by and even earned us pleasing smiles of the people who worked at the local stores on the way.

Strange how hours previously I was king of awkward and now that it was carved away being replaced with a young happy man, "I'll see you later okay." Lysa said before planting a kiss on my cheek prior to departing for her class with a wave. Think I stood there a brief moment before heading to Waltfield's class with a small grin, for the record I wasn't acting like those idiots who're blinded by love that they'd walk spring legged and so on, I'm just happy plain and simple.

As I entered the classroom and several exchanges of good morning around the students and even Teach, I took up my seat planting my bag up against the inner side of my desk leg. Waltfield announced the start of our school day creating a hustling of students to their desks, Troy and Maggie seemed like they wanted to talk later so I simply nodded in acknowledgement.

Break-time seemed like too small a time frame for what they wanted to say so it was held off until the Lunch bell rang, after a swift waltzing into the school cafeteria later being joined by Lysa, the four of us sat at one of the courtyard tables enjoying our meals before the two began their eager fuelled questioning. "So~, what happened last night?" Troy began as usual with Maggie smiling bright as a child to hear good news, Lysa placed her hand atop of mine which sure put me on the cross-hairs, that notion itself would be enough to answer his question but best to solidify with words.

"Let's see... when you two snuck yourself out, we walked home whilst holding hands." I began noting off peering at my hand moving a finger after mentally recalling steps, "Had dinner together with my grandparents, oh yeah we even slept together...." that last one sounded out of context, had to define it's true meaning. "Noth.... nothing along those lines though, just two people in the same spot, fully clothed and yeah.... argh shoot me now." this response caused the group to laugh due to my awkwardness being funny to the three, I did my best to smile but yeah I was embarrassed slightly.

"You forgot one important detail Ash." Lysa motioned with a little playful tease in her eye, after replying with a mild 'hmm' she grinned as she added, "We kissed of course you dummy, I slept so peacefully after that." You may of done Lysa but I lost sleep due to amazed shock for the rest of the night, still she was right that I'd forgot to mention it.

Not out of wanting to keep it quiet but as said my memory is kind of bad when it came to important stuff, first kisses falling well into that category. Troy and Maggie let out eeping noises of excitement, yeesh you guys feel the need to inform the school like a battleship crying for battle-stations, spotting movement out the corner of my eye. I let sighed hanging my head for knowing it was the last person I wanted to see.

"Well, ain't this a bright atmosphere. Did you normal students find out you're actually good at something?" wove outward from Max's mouth in his same old arrogant way, he was no longer Council President after the Headteacher over-ruled his lack of commitment and personally announced during a class assembly I was his replacement on account of teachers vote from my work thus far, no election or nothing just bam. However despite no longer having the power to rule he was still causing trouble, made my job as his replacement even harder to maintain and whilst progress on counter bullying grew it still outnumbered my efforts.

"Matter a fact Max, Ash here can do something you clearly failed to." Lysa snapped back like a viper full of venom, she had ammunition and fire support in form of Troy and Maggie who'd taken a steadfast stance against bullying and being bullied. "He is a true man who can understand my feelings, need I say more?" she added, ouch I know if I was in Max's shoes I'd either be pissed, shattered like glass or just static minded and no surprise Max was door number one.

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