Part 6: Heavy truth.

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Sitting inside the Headteachers office was almost like seeing an old friend for me, you see me and Max used to be part of the 'bad boy' group around school and I had a specialized role which the others called ballsy. My role in the group was to take the heat for our fuck ups basically or body-armour if you can title it, ironic that standing up to them after my accident was the thing that got me suspended and not for my actions rolling with them, how strange things work in society but it was why Max lead the group.

This time however I had a good reason to be here, in addition Lysa was there at my side which the Headteacher took into high consideration. "You do realize this sort of thing can be seen as blackmail Ash." the Headteacher in question stated towards me, she had the look of a recently graduated one on the outside but inside she was quite loyal to the methods of teaching excluding and modernizing certain things. She'd also always look at me with eyes of a hunter would to a lion, hell I could even feel a cross-hair drilling on my forehead at times just by those emerald eyes of hers.... creepy.

"Ma'am, you know that Max has always been cunning. Reports may say this school's bullying has declined but we both know he's only using his power to keep it that way, deception and misdirection aren't things you can pull off in a blink of an eye without having the proper knowledge to harness them." I explained without trying to appear aggressive or arrogant, it wouldn't be easy but in order to stop Max's reign of bullying rule over our school's student populace.

The Headteacher was the first key to it all; Completely off topic though was the fact our Headteacher had her hair dyed navy blue with silver highlights around the bottom, yet somehow when she saw my hair she stated 'students aren't allowed to dye their hair' and it really got her red from embarrassment when I said it was my natural hair colour.

"I know I'm not the best student, but I implore you to help us. I've learnt from my mistake in the hardest way possible, now I want to set things right. If not for me then for the entire school." I expressed or rather borderline pleaded at this stage. Lysa was looking at me this entire time without my noticing til she placed a hand atop my enclosed fist atop my knee, was I really getting angry at a time like this. Max's words must of left a deeper scar then originally thought.

The Headteacher sighed as she lifted her glasses prior to resting them on her forehead, normally you'd see that with sunglasses but rarely eyeglasses. Leaning back in her leather office chair resting her hands together simply staring me down, it felt like she was assessing me or something along those lines?

"Alright, you've convinced me. For better or worse I'll admit that Max has been a thorn in my side that is near impossible to remove without piling on the load of problems." finally answering prior to standing up out of her chair, as she approached me and Lysa though I could feel my body start to freeze and my thoughts began to malfunction into rabble. I was nervous even though the Headteacher agreed to help, what was wrong with me? Wait, this feeling is one I've had before.

"Lysa, Ash. I have faith in the pair of you that'd things will work out for the best.....Ash? Hey Ash?" the Headteacher began to continue her talking before stopping after looking at me, her tanned face and emerald eyes being all I saw before I zoned out and my ears began to ring.

"No.... not again.... stop!" I grunted tumbling out the chair like a skyscraper of books, curling up into a ball as I shook more violently then the previous time at home when Lysa visited. That day, it's anniversary is drawing closer despite being few weeks out at best yet I could feel it with each moment, I jolted my body around as the pain grew more intense whilst letting out cries of agonizing pain.

Stop, not again. Don't make me see this again..... ARGH!!! It was too late for my PTSD showed me everything before giving the boot back into reality as I darted up out of a bed in the pearl white room that was our school's infirmary. I was sweaty, shaky and barely able to lift my arms then before long I broke. Some say that a man crying was a sign of weakness which I used to believe for a time, now though it was a whole different story for I couldn't control when I cried or not as I'd just break down from those images, a real cry baby huh.

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