Part 29: Role reverse.

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Who'd of thought me cooking would be a reality, let alone being in another persons kitchen doing said task. Okay add a bit of this and a touch of salt, whoa starting to smell good although I think I added little too much mint, suppose it can't be helped now plus I doubt Lysa would mind. Speaking of, she's taking quite sometime in her bath, part of me in a little worried cause normally a person would spend ten to fifteen minutes at most.

However peering at my watch it'd been twenty five, what do I do? Should probably think about this carefully before I act, this ain't something a guy can just make snap decisions on. At the same time she's my fiancée and her health is important to me, so against my self bitter judgement stating I'd be going to hell for it I made my way to the bathroom.

"Lysa, you alright in there?" I called out with a knock on the door, no reply. "Hey this ain't funny Lysa, I'm not joking around." Being my follow up as I knocked louder then the door slowly creaked open, oh crap this is bad. "Lysa?!" Erupting from my shock for she had collapsed, calm down Ash remember what you've learned from reading and practice. Damn hands stop shaking this is important, pulse is fine and her breathing is normal, wait a moment she's all burnt up?

Seems to be a fever, right that takes care of figuring out what's wrong now I gotta deal with getting her properly tended to. Lysa I'm sorry for what I'm about to do, please forgive me. After mentally apologizing to my fiancée I picked up a towel from the rack as I proceeded to drying her off, man I feel like scum for doing this but what choice did I have?

After drying her off I wrapped the towel around her prior to lifting and carrying her towards her bedroom. Drying her off was awkward and mentally challenging enough, but now I had to dress her before I could even consider calling a Doctor. Wait I should notify her Mum and Aunt also, if I'm to expect a form of scolding or punishment then so be it. Giving a little searching through Lysa's phone I found the number.

"Hello Mrs Primrose, I'm sorry to bother you....." I opened with as I began to explain the situation in full to Lysa's Mother, well aside from the state I found her and all leading up til now. "Yes, I'll be contacting the Doctor soon as. Will do, I'll do my best. Bye." And quickly after giving my word to a clearly worried Mother I dialed up for a Doctor I trusted most, come on pick up.... aha!

"This is Doctor Francis." Good it sounds like he was working late shift. After going over everything I had told the previous person, he asked me a serious set of questions before stating "I'll be right there." Oh shoot I forgot about the meal, rushing at all speed towards the kitchen my foot slipped as I tumbled down the stairs. Damn, this ain't the worst pain I've experienced but still.... I heaved myself up with the blind luck of nothing being broke or twisted. Finally switching off the cooking appliances, it felt like so much trouble in one night that I'd be amazed if things could get any worse.

Guess I'll settle for a light meal instead now, taking a quick glimpse in a mirror I saw how the tumble effected me. Ugh a couple large bumps and bruises, most notable being a swollen one upon my forehead, I may not look it but I'm still human after all.

Near to half an hour had gone before Doc Francis arrived, complete with doctor's bag too. From there I guided him to Lysa's room whilst trying to keep my state concealed, arriving at the room I stood silently whilst Doc went over her state. My heart felt a heavy amount of tension being smashed away after hearing "She appears to be in a mild fever, judging from the signs it's due to Lethargy." Or in other words she overdid things without regaining all her strength.

Exactly the same as I did awhile back, seems like whenever one of us is in a bind the other heeds the call to aid. It was almost like a coin got flipped time and time again to determine which of us two would be next, as of late it always landed on my side but now it landed for Lysa.

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