Part 2: Your friend is my friend too.

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To anyone else it'd properly be another run of the mill Saturday, everyone outside doing their thing or for others just another day's work. My grandparents often mentioned it's not healthy for me to stay indoors on a nice sunny day which did seem little odd given the time of year, but who am I to complain on something so minor.

Finally deciding on a walk round the park that'd prove to be quite refreshing, said park in my area had a vast arrange of flowers that it could be referred to more like a flower garden then a park. If you were to give me a game-show question of how many types of flower this place had, I'd only score half the points for some I never saw prior to this walk. Guess I'll be using the computer to search this stuff up, oh how insightful.

People were either jogging, having picnic's or family outings whilst children played around. Myself on the other hand brought along a sketchpad and set of drawing pencils in addition to a black chalk pastel. Grandma was somewhat of an artist and taught me her ways, she can't travel far from the house due to a health condition in her old age. So I promised I'd bring back sketches of places I visit which I normally don't go to, yep this was one rare time I went to the park.

I also kind of had an interest in nature, be it plants or animals, above, below or even level ground. Strange thing was I never visited a farm or zoo before, little confusion spell I cast before you. Out the corner of my eye I spotted something I wanted to sketch, a flock of birds perched atop a flowery bush. As I began to prepare the pencils to switch between shadings they flew off. Dammit that was such an ideal set piece too, guess nature and people have different types of artistic views.

Slumping myself back against the tree near me, heaving out a sigh whilst staring up at the leaf veiled sunny sky I could hear a voice. One that had only just been heard recently before now. Packing up the sketchpad and pencils into my bag, then slinging it across my shoulder as it rested on the opposite side of my waist I began to walk towards the voice.

Closer I got did I hear another one, then another totalling three voices overall. Now I was getting officially concerned, asking if I even knew for sure who that was with the familiar sounding voice. Before long I caught glimpse of the person I'd heard to start with, it was Lysa and it seemed she was with a few of her other friends if I were to guess. One male and one female, the male in question didn't seem like the run the mill kind either, I could tell he wasn't like most around school. As for the girl she struck me as the cute sort who liked everything related to said word and appeared the part too, were it not for her style of clothing.

"Hey Lysa." I called out, exiting toward the tree-line being mindful to keep my face concealed by shade to not scare her friends. Last thing to do on such a good Sunday was spoil it for them, heck perhaps I should of just left and gone home upon sighting them. Too late for that now though, damn I can be moronic when my motive is to be friendly.

"Ah hello again Ash." she responded. At the same time her two friends to look at her in surprise, did they not expect her to know me? For the record also, our school had a unique system in where students wore name tags with ID's stitched onto our uniform jackets for both emergency and various other things or situations, you guessed it right in that my ID wasn't one to be proud of. Had to get a new jacket and photo after what happened then another due to the change of classroom levels.

"Would you like to join us?" Lysa added which now had me surprised. Her friends might blurt out how I appeared, whilst on the other hand perhaps it would build more upon that foundation Grandma told me about. Friend or lover didn't matter on that statement I knew that much.

"If you insist, just erm... promise not to yell when I approach okay." I answered with a blunter tone, yeah I know it was dumb when Lysa knew what I looked like. However this time there were two more people and I still felt uncomfortable about showing people who I really was. After hearing three replies and taking a steadying breath I emerged from the shade, as expected the two friends did recoil but not how I thought they would. Then noticing Lysa was holding onto their hands whilst she smiled.

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