Part 4: Sports day.

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It was now the morning after my breakdown, I'd awoken a little confused for I'd slept fully clothed on the sofa with the patchwork blanket Grandma kept since my stay as a toddler. Wow, it brought back a few good memories that made my face break into a idiotic smile, "Good morning lad." Grandpa called out already in his chair on the opposite side of the room with Grandma in her own beside him, did they watch over me the whole night? I hope not, that'd make me feel really guilty.

"What time is it?" I mumbled out after letting out a hippo scale yawn rubbing whatever the stuff is when you've slept from my eyes, a quick peering at the clock stated it was half seven in the morning, yikes too early. My grandparents were smiling that for the hour was slightly disturbing me, what could they be hiding from me? I was at more unease then previous now, well one way to find out I guess, "Something you wish to tell me Grandma, Grandpa?" I asked looking at them after sitting up placing the blanket over the sofa's arm-rest.

"That young lady from yesterday stayed over night, her family have been informed so there was no trouble at all. She is such a kind young soul." Grandma responded taking a sip of tea from her cup before placing it on the saucer shortly after. Wait WHAT! Lysa stayed overnight, but I haven't seen her yet, where did she sleep, oh no please not my room. It's way too messy at the moment. With all the help I done at school and fact that yesterday was supposed to be when I clean my room, think I'm about to feel another headache coming.

"It's alright deary, we cleaned your room yesterday knowing you'd be busy. Try as we may, she insisted on wanting to sleep there." Grandma said shortly after my little game of nervous pinball,  so she -did- sleep in my room and insisted on it? It's a little cold in there though for I always have my window open, even kept the air conditioning system on. Cold air helped me sleep, so it might explain why I felt so groggy today after crashing on the sofa.

"I hear it'll soon be your schools sports day soon, thinking on partaking?" Grandpa said out of the blue, this made Grandma tap-slap his knee saying his first name, a rarity for me. But now that he mentions it, he is right that my school's sport day was closing in yet no one outside the advance classes have signed up. Most likely Max had done his routine of 'We're superior to you in every way', that in itself ticked me off instantly."You're thinking about that Terrance boy, aren't you lad?" Grandpa questioned me noticing the notion I hated him, I nodded with a grunt.

"Well then, show him at this sports day event you're stronger then he thinks you are." exited my Grandpa's mouth like a general to his soldiers set on going into battle, for all I knew he could of done those sort of things for real in the past. Then few moments later Lysa entered, wait a moment was she wearing one of my shirts? I knew it wasn't hers due to the colour and size, being a large shirt size due to me having a natural mild muscular build.

Plus my grandpa kept urging me to do this brainchild workout session of his least twice a month after my therapy at the hospital. In order to keep myself from plundering down into depression for he'd always say "Strength is an infusion of mind and body, you must keep the two refined hand in hand lad." Still for all his sternness and war veteran appearance he really is just an old caring man.

"Good morning Ash, Mister and Misses Cookson." Lysa spoke out formally taking a seat beside me on the sofa, like an idiot I tried to keep my distance and not look at her. What? She was wearing my damn shirt and sat right beside me for god-sake, no surprise it was perhaps the most awkward breakfast for me that morning. "I couldn't help but overhear your grandfather mentioning you should partake in the sports festival." broke the silence from Lysa's mouth, did she have Elf ears to hear that or was Grandpa just a loud mouth? Either way I simply nodded.

"It's a shame no one in the normal classes has a motivation to partake in them, it was like that last year too." she added causing me to raise an eyebrow, I guess Maxwell was an apprentice of being a tormentor or dare I say the school version of a Sith Lord outta Star Wars, maybe even the Borg from Star Trek either one of them being bad news bears if the result was able to siphon motivation like it were water in a well.

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