Part 27: Correct path found.

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It took three days in total for me to recover from that damn fever, even when restricted to a bed I can't seem to stay still. Wasn't all bad though for it meant I could spend a lot more time with my newly titled fiancée Lysa, being engaged seems to be made a big deal of to most people, yet in hind-sight it's no different then the previous step of a relationship of boy/girlfriend.

I took a rather risky move that could go wrong at any turn or moment, you probably were asking me "what the fuck is wrong with you?" Which included myself asking that funnily enough. Here I was nineteen years old, engaged to my high school crush without a clear idea on what to do in life or line in the workplace. My attention turned towards Lysa after hearing her phone go off.

"Hello. Oh hi Troy, it's been a while." Lysa answered the phone before proceeding into a conversation with our good friend, she's right about it being sometime since we spoke if only by a week. We were all used to being close nit that this just felt bizarre not having him or Maggie round, wonder what everyone's up to.

"You're serious, that's terrible news Troy. Uh huh I'll let him know. C'mon Troy since when have we let you guys down." Lysa finished off the phone-call before turning to face me putting it away in her pocket. "Ash, everyone is having trouble. Troy's family owns a little diner that's under going financial gains. They want us to lend a hand in any way, shape or form" being the explaining statement of my fiancée, both appearing and sounding saddened at the whole ordeal.

My mind flashed back to the time we ate at a local burger spot. Lysa always preferred them so the fact one is near to being forcefully shut down, let alone it also belonged to a friends family made it even more heart tugging.

Closing my eyes entering a deep state of mental thought, I tried to think of an outcome that would work in the long term. This scale of task had no short-cuts or easy starts, comparing it to that of a chess game. One where the King is being intercepted every turn and my job as a player behind that kings fate meant a lot of preparation and caution.

"I wonder, maybe if Grandma agrees we could make it work. Quite a few people have enjoyed her cooking in the past so if I can make on par to her then, ugh it's a long-shot...." I muttered out reopening my eyes narrowly staring at my hands, the thought of a cook who had an appearance like me would make any health inspector shut the place down instantly. This ain't gonna be easy to pull off and by this rate a lot of headaches are in store for me.

A simple motion of Lysa's hand resting atop of mine told me I was on the right lines of approach, just got to refine it and thus my mind was set on the goal. Heard that a lot of small diners can draw in a mass crowd after a spark of food related wonder is provided. The old fashioned home-made family recipes has often been mentioned, so I figured why not let others try my Grandma's cooking, only it'd be me or least I hoped so.

From my room to the kitchen I went prior to explaining the situation and my plan to Grandma, her facial expression and words of "I would be happy to help you and your friends deary, as a first lesson I'll let you cook whilst providing insight. Your Grandpa is a fussy eater so if he knows I didn't make it then we'll know if you can do what you're set on."

That meant I was on a coin flip chance of success or failure, oh man my heart is pounding. This is the first time I'd worn an apron, so it didn't exactly boost my confidence or ease my nerves for they did the polar opposite.

All day was spent cooking up small portions of dishes out of my Grandma's cookery skills, Lysa was doing the same as me in the meantime. Feeling like we were more likely to succeed with two people compared to one. No surprise our first attempts were horrible, mine in particular tasted like mud with a hint of cinnamon. Lysa on the other hand appeared to get frustrated at the failed attempts, I guess the thought of her failing hurt her more then it did me. Grandma however did provide little hints and tips over the day, thus leading to minor improvements throughout the remaining hours.

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