Part 7: A friends therapy.

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After my little fiasco at the Headteachers office, her along with Waltfield agreed it was best I stay at home until I felt ready to attend again, they gave a bit too much concern regarding my health. Honestly I felt fine after a nights sleep but I probably wasn't the only one whom had a blow dealt to their emotional strings, now I couldn't help but feel selfish for not considering how my classmates and friends felt. One I was most concerned about was Lysa, she hadn't visited at all during my time at home, I highly doubted she trying to avoid me but then again I did lash out at her rather sudden and savage like.

One afternoon whilst reading some of my dad's old comic's Grandma had kept stored in the attic and with rock music emitting out headphones sat atop my head due to respecting my grandparents hearing, my phone began to ring all of a sudden. Lifting up my legs before flinging myself forward and upward sitting up I peered at the contact, it was Lysa? But why would she be calling me rather then visiting? Either way it was nice to know she wasn't avoiding me as I then pressed the green phone icon picking up, "Hey Lysa." I answered somewhat tired due to being bored and mildly drowsy.

"Hello Ash, I've been wanting to talk to you. Felt really awful after what happened, fact that it makes this even harder to say." Lysa began our conversation which made me a little bit confused, "I'm gonna be out of town for next three days, originally I was going to tell you before I left but I retracted that idea when you collapsed in the Headteachers office." later adding whilst sounding in a state, think I even heard a mild sniff like she had been crying.

So she was out of town, thought of that never came to mind as it must of been important yet why is she calling me of all people, wouldn't Troy or Maggie be more ideal for such a conversation? "I just heard my aunt was in surgery. Ash, I need someone to talk to right now." now she was tearing up, life can be cruel and then life can be just a down right king of bastards. Lysa had enough on her plate with school and to a lesser extent me, but now she's been thrown into this, what am I to do in a somewhat lock-down. Think Ash, damn well think of something, AHA!

"Lysa, where are you currently?" I asked trying not to sound excited from a sudden sparking thought. When I got her confused reply after a moment, stating that she was at a hospital in the next town I was already in the process of putting my grandpa's army issue jacket. "It'll be alright Lysa, trust me on this." I said prior to hanging up the phone, granted it felt bad that it appeared like I'd just bailed on Lysa but it wasn't the truth by any means. Upon passing by my grandparents who were enjoying a pot of tea, from there I explained the situation and what I intended to do.

"Are you really okay to do this Deary?" Grandma asked me which I answered with a stern yes, damn right was I alright on doing this. Not even a hurricane, tornado, flood, volcanic eruption, earthquake or fuck it an ultimate infusion of them all would stop me on this one.

"You plan to take the bike in the garage right my boy?" Grandpa then asked, again a stern yes added with a sir. My grandparents instantly smiled for some reason after hearing my replies to both questions, picking up some keys before flinging them over to me did Grandpa say "Go to her my boy." making me chuckle once, they were the best Grandparents I could wish for.

Opening the garage revealed a custom made chopper motorcycle, fruits of labour from a project Grandpa, Dad and I did during our visits. We were all into fast bikes but for me I wanted something that said "me" for it was marsh green in colour with rustic chrome parts and luckily I held a licence before my accident. Yeah a high-school student with an official bike licence, it can happen for most countries allow 16 year old's to obtain one after passing tests and thus far I've wanted to be sure for a need of using it before taking it out on the tarmac. By the way I turn 18 this year so I'm well in the requirements, additionally I rode motocross growing up for our family loved fast bikes that much.

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