Part 15: Structure.

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Today I woke up with around seven thirty in the morning, five hours sleep feels like hell for me. Between the medicine, nightmares and stiffness of the motel bed mattress, it was safe to say I felt like crap. Picking up the sound of sissling in the kitchen caused my eyes to look over, standing in front of the hob wasn't Maggie like I'd first thought but it was Lysa already dressed and wearing an apron, a first sighting for me like I didn't think she had this aura of freedom before this point.

Although the apron made her look cute, she didn't need it to prove that she still remained beautiful in my eyes and with that made me get out of bed. "Good morning gorgeous." I spoke out planting a kiss on her cheek which made her elbow me in the gut playfully, so much so it made me let out a hippo's yawn which I tended to do a lot when tired.

"And a good morning to you, handsome." Wittingly countered back, wow that was first time someone'd called me handsome for several years now. Blinking at the notion a few times rather lost in what to do or say it lead to her letting out a girlish giggle, rolling my eyes and shrugging it off with a smirk I proceeded to making myself a mug of coffee in addition to asking Lysa if she'd like one also. "Oh yes that'd be lovely, by the way how do you like your eggs?" She answered compliantly then asking towards me, how do I like my eggs in the morning?

I chuckled trying not to break out into that song starting with such a line so instead I answered, "Well done." This was a great if not ideal way to start the day, me and Lysa as a couple, a plate of bacon and eggs each with a mug of coffee at the side. Today we were head out along the open road again, but the fact Troy and Maggie still hadn't woken up would probably mean a long ride today until roughly late night time, although if it meant more quality time between just me and Lysa I can thank them for that much.

Throughout eating breakfast we had a little idle chat, which commenced with my girlfriend asking "Say Ash, your grandparents seem quite old fashioned. More so then average American elders, just curious but did they immigrate here?" Holy ticking Tuesday that's a bombshell of a question to start a morning conversation with, regardless I answered figuring it'd be interesting to bounce it back to her for I'd always wondered how she got those looks.

"Hmm, let me think." I responded rubbing my temples with two fingers per side, "My grandpa is originally Welsh whilst my grandma is English Canadian. So I'm a fraction of that..." I added after formulating my family tree visually in my head, catching Lysa's curiosity she lunged with her next question.

"What about your parents?" With a brief moment pause finally realizing what she'd just said forcing out an, "I'm sorry, you don't have to answer that one." Even if at times she acts kind I now knew when it was genuine. My parents, damn thinking about them hurts but in the end I'm here cause of them. What harm could it be in explaining how I was created from two strands of DNA.

"My grandparents daughter or my mum was a mixture of Welsh and Canadian, strangely she's the reason I was born with grey hair. She was kind of a Rock fanatic too, reason as to how I got the taste in music also. Grandma told me herself that Mum asked if god could give her a child with natural grey hair, then she'd be the happiest woman on earth." I explained my Mum out first which made me smile upon remembering her prior to saying, "Aside from my hair, all I got left of her is the violin she played. I don't know how to play nor have the interest, it just sits there as if Mum never left me."

The answer regarding my mum made Lysa's eyes widen and jaw drop a little, from the look she had it was a mixture of 'I'm sorry' and 'That's the sweetest thing I've heard.' That left my dad to explain about which took me some more time to recall, mainly due to being minorly stuck on memories of Mum. "Dad on the other hand was quite the oddball, an Orphan from East Germany. He had it rough growing up but worked himself to the bone, sooner down the line found out who his parents were and tracked them down. His mother was German whilst his father was Russian, so that's how I got my height and muscle tones. Guess the Burns surname was from the adoptive family too." I continued my explanation of who my parents were, everything about my dad thus far intrigued Lysa as I went.

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