Part 22: The Party.

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Standing in front of a dress mirror staring at myself in the suit bought at that store during the Summer, I looked rather strange but then again it was a decent suit and it was my only one. "You look dashing in that outfit deary, your Mother would be so proud." Grandma told me brushing off the sleeves of the shirt along with the waistcoats shoulders, yeah Mum would be proud of her little trooper of a son now for she said I'd do great things.

Well I didn't really know what she meant upon hearing it first time round, but now I was getting the idea. Waltzing down the stairs with my Grandma behind me shortly after, I walked into the living room where Grandpa was assembling another model ship.

Peering up at me after Grandma said "Edgar, any words of encouragement for our Grandson before he's off?" However the look on his face, it was one unlike any I'd seen painted across his features prior to now. He held a snickering grin like I was an exact copy of him during his youth. Can't say I'd be surprised given the style of suit I was wearing, hell if I didn't own my own no doubt I'd be wearing one of his.

"Haha, our boys grown up into quite the man Agatha, no mistaking that. Dare I say he'd put me to shame."  From his words of encouragement, I didn't expect that sort of response but then again round this point in time I wasn't really expecting alot. Putting on my Crusader jacket which oddly fit the colour scheme of my suit due to the black, I headed off to my bike in the garage saying I'll be back later. My Grandparents saw me off as I rode away seeing them standing on the driveway, so I was driving to pick up my girlfriend before heading to the school party with the depicted faces of students and teachers alike seeing my motorcycle.

Only people I'd shown were Lysa, Troy, Maggie and probably include those who were at the 'Scary party' I blasted upon at Max's mansion. Oh well if you go to a party in fancy suits and dresses why not enter with style? Come to think of it, I'd heard Max transferred out shortly after what happened, something about his parents accepting a job abroad or along those lines. Shame for I wanted to give him an unconditional handshake to bury the rivalry between us.

Later I stood outside the door of Lysa's house after a ten minute bike-ride, holy hell I'm more nervous then this morning. Keep it together Ash, you can do this for you've seen Lysa in many styles of clothing and er... without any at all. Dammit brain stop making me wanna punch my own lights out. Upon opening the door I found it wasn't Lysa or her Aunt Rose but her Mother, instead of giving me a scolding 'What do you want?' she smiled a little saying "Ah, please come in Ash. Lysa is just finishing herself up."

This came at one hell of a surprise as I followed her inside, "Would you like anything, tea or coffee?" Were extended to me with genuine hospitality which I answered with it not being necessary. It seems the short time between our first meeting and now I'd earned her trust to some degree of measure, glancing at the coffee table after she had headed for the kitchen the evidence presented as to why. Lysa's report card sat there all flawless in grades of A+'s.

I got roughly two of those whilst the rest of them were either A, A-, B+ or just B. Well I suppose that would make sense due to her being souly focused on studies most her years at school, whilst I missed an entire year due to recovery and therapy. Even without those holding me back I doubt I'd have the drive to obtain higher grades then my current ones, teenage guy and all.

Hearing what could only be the sound of high heels tapping against stairs I turned around to lay my eyes on Lysa who wore a cobalt blue silk dress, she looked like a Bond girl at first thought. In addition her make-up was subtle but only added to the beauty, she also wore gloves that ran up to her elbows matching the colour and material as her dress. Finally the shoes were also matching colour finishing off the spectacle of fashion.

As for her dark red hair it was done up in a rather classy way, I had to blink to make sure I was seeing Lysa and not a princess. All the while she was smiling with reddened cheeks before stopping in front of me, her in a dress like that and me in this suit it really felt.... enlightening for it was a first time experience like many other things we had done during our time knowing each other.

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