Part 8: Dares and truths.

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Spring seemed to flow by really quick, fact I've been so busy since returning to school that naturally like the dumb-ass I was, had forgotten all about admitting how I felt towards Lysa. Me, her, a few others including Troy, Maggie and several classmates from both our classes sought on repairing the status of our schools student council. If anything I was doing twice as much work in order to make sure those from my class were able to make it there as regularly possible for council duties, I'd help with their work during class after finishing mine and this evidently caught the attention among school teachers.

Naturally though I was beginning to feel the effects of pushing myself too far, being more tired then usual and waking up groggy out my mind every morning. I knew it wasn't my medicines side effects this time, nope it was purely my own doing. Additionally each time I walked into the council room I'd be releaved to know Max wasn't there or he'd utilize me fatigued state to his advantage, but I was never short of amazed in disbelief at what I saw entering that door, in a way of description it was like a federal agency or police station during rush hour.

Paperwork being sorted and arranged like each sheet held top secret information, data being entered into computers as if they were ciphers, above all of that was the amount of co-ordination and teamwork among those present. I'd even gotten used to being called "Pres" upon entering, even despite being tired from lack of rest I'd get right to work.

What also became apparent was that each day after leaving the council room, Me, Lysa, Maggie and Troy hung out until the sky darkened. First time we did this Lysa brought up my bike as we talked, no surprise it amazed Maggie and Troy asking if they could see it one day which I responded with "I'll think about it." This time however was the last day of Spring and soon we'd be venturing into Summer, after my accident I was frightened at the thought of short sleeve shirts as a part of my uniform, now though I felt more comfortable in loosening up my choice of clothing.

Come to think of it, guy uniforms at our school were pretty bland compared to the girls. I mean they either wore a blouse or shirt similar to the guys, skirt or trousers, even a tie or ribbon, hell even mix and match of the options. Not sure why I thought that all a sudden, but the idea for my uniform was show as little flesh possible. How a series of events can make you smash down a brick wall with a sledgehammer of renewed belief in ones self, I couldn't figure out as to why nor even comprehend.

"Say Ash, we're friends right? Like super duper friends." Troy asked me in that unmissable feminine tone he carried, during my period of tiredness I often wondered how he remained so chipper. Maggie appeared to take interest in his question as if she was gonna ask it herself, Lysa meanwhile seemed intrigued looking at all three of us but mainly aimed her sights at me with a tilted head and smile the cat from Alice and Wonderland would hold.

"Friend, two people attached via feelings or affection of personal regard, able to provide assistance and support with one another and hold good terms without hostility." I uttered the definition of friend according to the dictionary out loud as I lowered my head in thought, knowing I hadn't done much in those requirements of a friend but yeah these were my friends regardless.

When I challenged Max at the sports festival and even after I sat shocked beyond realization of where I was, they stuck beside me and helped me pull through. Although as for standing up for them being bullied, I just wanted to vent some steam for nobody else innervating. "Yeah, we're legit friends Troy. You, Maggie and especially Lysa, each one of you holds a value words can't comprehend to me. I only wish I could be as awesome like you three." I answered finally before heaving out a sigh, right after that the three burst out laughing which made me ponder on what they found what I said so funny?

"Like seriously Ash, you don't give yourself enough cred for sure~. I mean like the day we arrived at school when those jerks gave us the usual treatment, you shoved past everyone to cease it. I mean like wowzer.~" Troy being first to reply, he swayed his hand around like those sassy girls tend to do with accompanied head movement, plus who uses a word like wowzer anyway? Okay I found it a bit out of place but what did he mean? Next Maggie spoke out seeming to have changed a lot from previous times, she sounded more confident and clearer in audible pitches.

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