Part 5: Unwanted pressure.

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Even two days after the sports festival my body still was a mess, went as far to mention the side effects of my medication to the doctor. He gave the typical "We'll make a few adjustments, for your health is my number one priority." a line in which countless others have heard mainly for assurance rather then question if it was true or not. Don't get my wrong for Doctors and Nurses have one of the hardest jobs in modern society, if not for them I properly wouldn't be here either. Believe me when saying I had a lot of moments where I wished I wasn't still among the living, but in the end what good would it do in the long term having that linger in my head.

The accident took a lot away from me which I might tell you all sometime soon but boiled down, a persons life is what they make of it. Grandpa always told me to make the most of it while I'm young and once again his wisdom holds truth.

I also noticed that over the past forty eight hours, a number of students have interacted more with me. Day after the festival is was mainly congratulations and the like, headline of the schools paper read "Equalizer, advance students left in the dust from sick Burns." which had a somewhat urbanized twist on things. Heck it wasn't until I looked up Burn on the urban dictionary did I understand it's meaning, I had left Max and his lack-dogs so humiliated they couldn't counter what just happened?

It was then I got that feeling like you'd be targeted later on, yesterday only solidified my concern as I had been ambushed on my way to school. Normally I'd be walking with Lysa but I insisted she go on ahead saying I wouldn't be far behind, if anything I didn't want her to be used as leverage by Max or his goons if the tides were turning. I knew Lysa wasn't weak or afraid to step up, but at that moment I felt my decision held merit or at least logic.

So yesterday I came into school winded, bruised and even limping slightly, sure didn't make things any better for all my fatigue at the track runs. Walking through the main gates with other students shocked at how I appeared, my eyes looked around before finally spotting the shade concealed Max harbouring a devious grin.

Ironic part is I was in a better state then his goons, remember me telling him "You know what I'm like when my mind is set." well let's just say I left them in quite a painful state, no broken bones or blood though but simply tapping the right pressure points to render them unable to fight, a more passive form of martial arts I guess. Those martial arts I learnt several summers ago, for the record of course.

That brings us to today. Like the other day before my beat-down, fellow classmate's greeted me with a "Good morning." which I returned kindly before taking my seat. It was only just then I noticed the front door was being used more often. The back classroom door was normally where the rest of our class entered due to my desk being first beside the front door, yeah I was being avoided due to my scary side and rumours floating round school of previous events.

Kind of relaxing and uplifting to know they started to understand me more, I was just a normal guy if you exclude being a little smarter, mildly muscled (no I ain't a brute, just in good shape) and having noticeable grey hair plus leathery skin. Troy and Maggie were concerned of how I was feeling and despite saying I was used to this sort of treatment I thanked them regardless, they were my friends after all and classmates in addition.

"Say Ash, I been ask you something~." Troy said during break in his feminine manner, for some reason that extension of the something made me uneasy. After saying go ahead on asking he looked over at Maggie who was trying to with-hold a giggle, what was going on with these two today? "Do you have a thing for Lysa~, no need to be shy now." being his follow up, damn you Troy if we weren't in class or friends I'd punch you in the jaw for this was the last thing I wanted on my mind.

It was worse then I thought after giving a small scan of the class, it seemed everyone else including Teach overheard Troy ask me, I was trapped. Bet this was how the German army in Stalingrad or Volgograd as it's known today felt during their encirclement, like them with no way out of this I had to surrender in a sense.

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