Part 26: Bed ridden.

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Well here I am, stuck in bed with a pretty bad fever. Seems I had overworked myself yesterday, even worse that Lysa felt partly to blame for our night of enjoyment being a factor in me getting this fever. Even though I assured her it wasn't to do with that, she just kept denying the empathetic gestures saying "I feel partly to blame here so I'm gonna make sure you get the care required." Or in other words she just appointed herself as my personal nurse til this damn fever blows over.

Thank god she wasn't wearing an actual nurse outfit or something like that for it'd probably make me even worse, the thought of it alone gets me boiled as the typical guys mind envisions that sort of stuff. I highly doubt women have the same thought process at times but I wouldn't know, honestly it'd scare me if they did for Lysa would probably be way more addicted to our late night activity about's then as of now.

Damn it's a struggle to move even a micro-inch let alone try to sit up. It's as if all my body was made out of stone, that gravity had set itself on keeping me pinned. I kept thinking to myself I'm the most unlucky guy around, but oddly enough I'm also pretty fortunate too. Reflecting back on past events always seemed to calm my senses, even allowed me escape reality for some strange reason.

Then again a simple turning of my sight-lines at Lysa drew me back to the realm of the now. She was busy going in and out of the room either taking my laundry, bringing fresh water for the towel slabbed across my forehead or whenever I could hear faint talks between her and Grandma it meant a meal was on the way.

Heh starting to fear she'll get a fever just as an excuse to be in the same bed as me, although that's not gonna happen for one of two reasons. First being you never put people with fevers in the same spot and second the numbers of chance are too low. However fact I survived being nearly crushed by a tree on a stormy night, then a heart attack later that same night is low number of chance. Ow..... now I've given myself a headache over this.

"Say Lysa." Muttering out my mouth after she had re-entered the room, that smile of hers ever present and for a change she had her hair down and loose. Normally it'd be in a braid, tied up or folded up with a hair clip to secure it. It's dark red tone made me blank out for a moment. Snap out of it Ash, focus on your question.

"What would you of done, if you were heartbroken cause of me?" I later asked causing her to appear confused whilst dropping her smile, suddenly I got the notion it was a bad idea to ask that. With a slow exhaling alongside the closing and reopening of her eyes she answered me after sitting down on the simple chair placed beside my bed.

"I probably would of lost my temper, slapped you repeatedly, swore and cursed at you with all ounce of fury before...." She paused as a single tear ran down her cheek, this no doubt has been replayed in her mind numerous times after the stormy night. Sometimes couples who have one side heart-broke feel the need for levelling playing fields by doing the same thing on the opposite side. Example guy cheats on girl, girl cheats on him, they fight until either they break up or one of them snaps and goes to jail for life.

Whoa that's a bit of a fucked up thought. Lysa then whispered out under a mild whimper "I'd of said you were better off dying in the fire." That alone hit me surprisingly less then I originally thought, was I over the fact it happened now. Or did I know that she'd never say it with full intent of meaning towards the statement?

"I see...." Being my only immediate answer as I peered up at the ceiling before cracking a half smile, "I am releaved to hear that." I later added causing my girlfriend to let out a sudden 'huh'. Clearly she didn't understand what I just muttered, to be honest I didn't fully understand either. 

"Well, I'd deserve it if I did something that. But as mentioned previously the Burns family are loyal to those we hold love towards, no amount of arguing, fighting or depression will make us falter." By this I can hear alot of girls say that no man alive is like that.

Silk and LeatherOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora