Part 16: Fears release.

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The beach, once a place I enjoyed going to as a kid now felt like this personal bane of natures cruelty. Everywhere I looked people had skin showing in some form or another, yet there I was and although my lower legs were showing, the rest of me was still pretty much covered up best they could. I tried as best I could to conceal myself underneath what shade possible before darting to the next spot like a mouse trying to avoid the cats ever watchful eyes, all the while Maggie, Lysa and Troy were enjoying the sunny sky, salty sea breeze and weaving water waves.

 There were just too many people this time round for me to approach this head on, so whilst I sat at one of the numerous bar-stands along the beach I began to plan out on how to deal with this problem I found myself in. Damn perhaps if I'd just straight up said no to all this then I wouldn't be here in a bind, downside of having a kind and caring soul I guess.

Seeing numerous families enjoying this day also made me feel out of place, overall it seems this trip has triggered a flashback train of sorts. In this case I recall my twin sisters sandcastle building, even then I wasn't too fond of the beach but I enjoyed it cause those two little hell angels. "Hey kid, you alright?" The bartender words towards me caused my gaze to refocus, damn I sure do zone out whilst thinking. "You here alone?" He then added which I simply shook my head to before stating I was with my friends pointing them out.

"The one in the flowery one is yours right? Then you should probably be with her instead of here." This guy sure was pushing it for I wanted to jab his throat in, but restrained myself due to it being a public place and all. On the other hand he was right, I should enjoy the time with my girlfriend rather then pester on about my scarring and how people portrayed me here. As I began to get up after stating a thank you towards the bartender, I turned to face my friends but it had appeared trouble was afoot, I knew from the movements as to what was going on.

"Come on babe, why not ditch these two and have some fun with us?" One among a group of rather well built guys asked out towards Lysa, Troy did his best to step in but was rendered powerless with a forceful shove to the ground whilst Maggie appeared a little frightened. I stopped at where we'd laid out the items brought for a time at the beach, from there I removed the boonie hat resting atop my head then my shirt and naturally as expected it caught the attention of countless people only it wasn't all fear I heard, some were shockingly amazed whilst others were intrigued with the latter being mainly around my age.

Walking right up to the group I tapped the guy who'd spoken before, "What! Oh shit... you're one ugly motherfuck.... ARGH!" He began to say before I ended up placing an intense grip upon his left shoulders pressure point forcing him to his knees.

"It's dangerous to try and prey on another guys girlfriend, I really hate those kind of people." I formidably staring down the rest of the group. Even though I was kind deep down, it was easy to pull off the threaten spirit of vengeance at times with this being no exception. "Would you like to end up like me, or perhaps you'd rather spare the trouble and leave now?" This being my only question to them finally letting go of their friend as they began to walk off, the one who unfortunately had his shoulder clamped onto scurried to rejoin them after shouting 'hey guys wait up'.

Looking around at my friends checking if they were alright, something came into view and for the life of me didn't understand why no one else had noticed before this point. A little girl had drifted out quite a distance, the mother ran from end of the beach nearest to the stores screaming for somebody or anybody to help. "Ah fuck it." I grumbled before taking off running, this day just kept getting more and more like I was being mocked, all the while I could hear Lysa shout for me to wait but before long I was inside the water leaping into a swim.

The waves were strong as they swayed me around making the struggle even harder, yet I kept going as the sound of a child's frightful cry entered my water logged ears for the waves were attempting to keep me away. I felt tired as hell when I finally reached her and no surprise my face made her scream at such a high pitch it hurt me slightly, "No no no. I'm here to help... shit!" I began explaining before we were both struck by a violent wave flinging the pair of us underwater, opening my mouth wide whilst air bubbles rocketed upward I quickly scanned for the girl.

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