Part 1: Starting off.

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Author's note: Warning, this series contains strong language, sexual content and parts that some may find disturbing. Reader digression is advised.

Hey, yeah I'm talking to you. You know how these stories go right? Normally it's a wealthy big-shot has a dark side after little miss gets involved, or it's a prince and damsel. I'd laugh right about now if you assumed this is that, you'd be wrong so I might as well fill you in abit.

My name is Ash, Ash N Burns. Not exactly the most original name but for a while now it's been kind of a running joke around my school, now I know you're probably like "Why's that?" to which I'm not really comfortable saying for it'd only bring up bad memories.

Due to some complications, I was the fixated target of bullying. Been roughly a month since the start of third year, they called me things and laugh away. Now by no means was I deemed a typical 'bad boy' in what people would picture, however I was mentally unstable after an accident.

Winter of the new school year rolled into Spring, something about the cold chilling air soothed my entire body and mind, ironic cause before I hated cold weather. Walking down the street from house to school was like most treks for students, only whenever I past by other students I could sense this aura of recoil or fright. 

That's when I saw her, the girl I'd held a crush on since I started attending high school. Even though I couldn't see her face I knew it was that very same person, as her hair swayed in the cold Spring air like a flag of beauty.

Felt chills bite at me as I stood there frozen stiff, then as she began to turn to look I hid like an idiot in love would, in those brief moments I forgot about how she'd react if her eyes met me, nope I couldn't let that happen.

"What's the big deal?" I hear all of you shout at me, I could say the same to any other person in my position for saying "just go and tell them how you feel." When it came to actually doing it was like trying to sing your national anthem backwards, not easy by any means. Suppose the least I can do is tell you who my crush is. Her name is Lysa Primrose, a dark redhead with the body of a goddess.

By the time we reached the school gates, she along with her friends broke off towards the building where said advance lessons took place. For a school in the USA we did things a little more traditional like other countries, I guess you could call it prestigious.

The lessons in my normal class weren't hard nor enjoying in terms of challenge for me. My teach's was named Mister Douglas Waltfield. Had one of those bass line voices that you didn't wanna trigger on bad terms, kind of like if you had Darth Vader as a teacher. Damn I'm rambling again.

Mathematics, Literacy, Science and History were on today's agenda, first three subjects were normal for the school day with the last being either History, Geography, P.E or Technology for Monday to Thursday. Best one was we got let off easy on Friday in Waltfield's class with self-study where you could read, do art, talk or go over your previous four days work to fine tune it.

"So Ash, how are you finding my sessions? I know they aren't what you have grown accustom to." Began the conversation of teacher to student as he removed his sunglasses cleaning the lens before placing them back on; Truth being he wore them due to a war wound making him blind on the right side.

"Don't mind, able to get my mind off things. Sort of laid back too, it's enjoyable." I heaved back whilst closing my book to give him my full attention. His expression went from somewhat bland to a friendly thankful sort, then nodding whilst leaning back against the desk beside mine with folded arms.

"If you wouldn't mind then lad, I have a favour to ask." being his follow up causing me to raise an eyebrow.

"Why not then," I sighed adding, "since after being suspended not many clubs or groups wanted me near them." The words sighed out heavily enough that the whole class could hear, think I made some of them jump too leading to a rubbing of my forehead.

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