Chapter 55

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How an unexpected pregnancy announcement had turned to me getting a pregnancy check from Kai still baffled me. To be honest I was still in shock. Getting pregnant hadn't crossed my mind in over 1000 years. I would have never been married off to someone in the village due to my siphoner status and any children I could have had would have had the same life as me there, outcasts of the village. I wouldn't have lived very much longer either. My mother had been talking about burning me at the stake before Henrik died. There was no way I would have survived long enough to have a child of my own as a mortal.

Now I was here, 1000 years later, with my family, mates, and coven ready to hear if I was pregnant or not.

The spell was actually quite simple and just required a pin and some basic herbs. It would also be able to tell the sex of the child, which really didn't matter all that much to me. To be safe I would need to use both my blood and the blood of both of my mates since we had no clue which one could be the potential father. The blood, if I was really pregnant, would go around the pin and connect with my blood that Kai placed on the top of the pin.

In short, a lot of blood would be involved in this spell.

"Ut ligaretur pannis, et sanguis patrem et matrem suam et sanguine. Ut pin in utero sanguine, et quod anima, cum virtute praecipio tibi ut dicas nobis, si novam vitam est nobis super hac nocte," Kai started the spell, "Hac utriusque sectati obligare vindicem Producat quaestionibus et responsionibus nostris nota lucem vitae."

I had been teaching Kai how to use my type of magic, the magic that required more focus on their own magic rather than the magic of an object or the magic of the ancestors. With this, he would be more powerful than the Gemini or any other could ever dream of. It required perseverance, but he was getting better every day he practiced.

The blood that had been placed on different sides of the dish started to move, making everyone gasp, including me. Great, now it's saying I'm pregnant.

"COGNOSCO patrem," he said as only one small pool of blood started to move. Stefan's blood moved closer to the pin, eventually wrapping around it and mixing with my own. "COGNOSCO sexus est huius pueri in medio sui."

When he finished the spell, the blood turned a pale pink. "What is that supposed to mean?" I ask, wanting to know the sex of my child.

"Congrats, Astrid, you're having girls," Kai announces.

"Girls? As in multiple?" Stefan's face pales as he asks the question. We weren't expecting a kid let alone multiple kids!

"That light of pink means at least two, maybe even three," it was Damon's turn to pale as he realized that we were having more than one baby and that he was in fact not the father. "I'm pretty sure since it isn't white you're having two girls. It would be cut in half if it was a boy and a girl, one side being a much darker red. Looks like Stefan got both the eggs. Congrats, dude, your stuff won the race."

"I'm pregnant," I look down at my abdomen, "I had no idea that I was pregnant."

"You certainly aren't showing," Damon tries to compliment me, but smiles awkwardly throughout the entire thing, face extremely pale and hands almost shaking. Yeah, I wasn't showing at all. What was I supposed to do when I started to get bigger? What if I just never got big and became one of those mystery pregnancies? That would be crazy. Oh god, that would be absolutely horrific. Let's just not think about that right now.

"We're having twins," I deadpan, not knowing what else to say.

"I'm gonna be a father," Stefan looks like he's still in shock at the discovery. "I can't be a father."
"Well I'm not getting rid of them so I guess you are going to be a father whether you like it or not," I cross out the potential abortion. You know I don't care what other women do with their bodies but I don't think I can mentally handle something like that. Being a mother is just what we're gonna decide on right now. Kids...that can't be too hard...except I've never had a role model when it comes to motherhood. God do I have to figure this out on my own?

"We're gonna be uncles," Kol and Henrik laugh maniacally at the thought.

"Keep them away from mine," Nik deadpans. "Bad influences, the two of you. If Caroline and I's child is to be a witch there's no doubt that you'll teach them some shady stuff. Voodoo or whatever."

"You've lived with witches your entire life and you," I make an offended face before shaking my head in my hands at my brother's stupidity. "I can't believe I'm related to you."

"That's just the hormones talking," I roll my eyes at him before getting out of my seat, ready to go lay down or something. "Come on, Striddy, I didn't mean it offensively."

"I'm just tired, Nik," I explain, wanting to do nothing more than to just lay down on my bed with my mates. I needed some time to decompress after all of this. Finding out after 1000 years that you really can get pregnant and are pregnant really wasn't the plan for the day. We still had a fight to win and now I couldn't fight. I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize the lives of my children. "Jeg ser deg i morgen. Bare la meg sove."

"Let's allow our sister her rest," Elijah says to the rest of our family, "You know she only speaks in our native tongue when she's tired."


How I had managed to pull a feat like getting pregnant off still remained a mystery for the next few days. How Caroline had noticed something was wrong with her before I had even when I had been sleeping with my mates unprotected for over a year was also a mystery. The idea that my being a heretic vampire had somehow magically allowed me to have a kid was daunting. I never had mulled over the possibilities of what I would act like as a mother, or even what to name a potential child of mine. Nik had named Marcellus, although I had suggested that he could be a warrior.

What I could do with this new information was also coming under question. Now I would have to find two names that fit these girls. Hell, I had no idea what would fit. I was named something common for our time, although it did stand out in a village full of werewolves.

Thinking of all the things I could name my two children was all I did for the next three days. I was no longer able to take part in battle plans, being pregnant and all. I couldn't endanger the lives of my children, even if I did want to fight.

"Whatcha thinking?" Stefan had become attached at my hip, constantly checking over me as I pondered baby names and looked through every single parenting book I could get my hands on. "Looking through that book again?"

"Yup. Can't seem to find the right names. None that go together either. I could think back to the names that I remember in the village but my memory is too fuzzy right now," my mate sighed and kissed my head, pulling me onto his chest.

"I think you need to rest, my darling."

"Ughhh, fine, but only if you snuggle with me," Stefan smirks.

"It would be my genuine pleasure."



Ut ligaretur pannis, et sanguis patrem et matrem suam et sanguine. Ut pin in utero sanguine, et quod anima, cum virtute praecipio tibi ut dicas nobis, si novam vitam est nobis super hac nocte. Take the blood of the father and bind it to the blood of the mother. The pin as the womb and the blood as the soul, with my power I command you to tell us if new life is upon us tonight

Hac utriusque sectati obligare vindicem Producat quaestionibus et responsionibus nostris nota lucem vitae. Use this magic to bind the two together in protection, bring forth the answers to our questions and make this life and light known

COGNOSCO patrem. Identify the father.

COGNOSCO sexus est huius pueri in medio sui. Identify the sex of this child inside of her.

Jeg ser deg i morgen. Bare la meg sove. I'll see you tomorrow. Just let me sleep.

✓ | 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐂, Stefan and DamonWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt