Chapter 10

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Dear lord. First day of High School. Never thought I would be going to a fine establishment such as this one. The kids say they hate it, but it doesn't sound so bad. Remember, you're with Stefan. You're human and met Stefan at a summer camp with your sister, Rebekah. I swear if I get pushed down because I look like a "nerd" I am going to scream. Then again, isn't your mate a sexy Jock? Cool points acquired!

Remember, Astrid, don't hurt anyone, even if they do insult your mate and family. You are new and don't want people to get the wrong impression. Nobody likes a jealous hothead, which is exactly what you can be sometimes. Please, don't let any of these classes be overly hard. I need Stefan. More importantly, I wish Damon could come to school with us. He's too old. What is he, like 23? That has to be illegal. Shit, I'm breaking human law! Astrid, you're a vampire, it doesn't matter if you break the law, you can just compel people to forget about the fact that you're breaking the law.

Stefan and I hold hands down the hall, causing some people to turn and stare. I couldn't tell if people were gawking over the fact that Stefan and Elena seemed to have broken up after Stefan left at the end of the last school year or because they could see that I was new and had a very hot and very single older sister. Smiling, Stefan and I went to the attendance office to pick up our new books and schedules.

I made sure that I at least had one class with Stefan since we needed to be physically near each other, lest we be in some extreme pain due to a complete mating bond. My scent would now deter any supernatural beings from going near my mate as I was technically the "dominant" or the more powerful being in the relationship. Not only would he be under my protection and watch, he would gain my durability and strength. He was just as good as an original, being able to survive being staked and having his heart removed. Decapitation wouldn't work either.

"Mr. Salvatore, it's good to have you back this term. I see that you took your summer make up courses to keep you on line to graduate. I am guessing that these are the two Miss Mikaelsons I have heard about. It's good to meet you two. I see your impressive scores, Astrid. This year, with my approval, I have put you in a senior level history course. If you have any problems, Mr. Saltzman and Mr. Salvatore should be able to help. We are always happy to see new names in this small town," I could see that this man was the principal. He seemed nice enough, probably being compelled by my sister or mate to give me permission to take a class meant for seniors rather than sophomores.

"Thank you, Principal Weber, we should get to class now. Thank you for all of your help," Stefan thanks, shaking the man's hand. Rebekah grabs my hand as we both grab our backpacks and go towards our first period. That period just so happened to be the Senior History class.

Stefan walked in before us so as to not cause a scene. Rebekah walked in first, taking a seat next to Elena. When I walked in, I could see multiple familiar faces, one of which being Caroline. Bonnie sat next to her, behind Elena. Why do they always sit behind her. It's not like she's better than any of us. Or worse. She's equal. I bet she thinks she's better than us, than my family. Bitch, just because you don't have a soulmate and plot the deaths of the Original family does not make you better than everyone else. In fact, it makes you much worse.

I sat down on the other side of Elena right next to Stefan, who was trying to keep distance from his ex. I winked at her like the cute little underclassman that I was, rubbing salt in all of her wounds. Believe it or not, I can be just as, if not more petty than Rebekah. Shocker!

The teacher, Mr. Alaric Saltzman, walked in the classroom and almost took a step back at the sight of Stefan, Rebekah, and I. We had never personally met, but I bet that he's heard all sorts of nasty things about me from precious Elena.

"Welcome back seniors. Let's turn our brains back on, starting with this country's original founders - - the Native Americans," Mr. Saltzman looks at the class.

Rebekah and I ask in unison, "What about the Vikings?"

"There's no evidence Viking actually settled in the United States," he states. I have to do everything in my power to hold my tongue. So what the hell am I, a raccoon?

Mr. Saltzman looked extremely confused. Okay so maybe Elena is withholding information from the vampire hunter. "Um, who are you two?" He asks as politely as he can.

"My name is Astrid and this is my older sister, Rebekah. We're new here. History is our favorite subject. So fascinating. I love to watch how it just repeats over and over again," I snark. Some students in the room laugh and some of them just stare. Elena looks over to me and then to Alaric like she's trying to tell him something.

Oh, the fun has just begun.


All of our classes had gone along just fine. It was now time to go to Rebekah's tryouts for cheerleading. This time, Stefan was slowly stalking Elena while Damon and I could spend time with Rebekah during tryouts.

Rebekah has always been beautiful. As a bonus, she's extremely flexible. The perfect cheerleader. Blonde, beautiful, flexible, and has an extremely high chance of becoming popular. I would try out with her, but then we would be causing too much disturbance in the way Mystic Falls operates.

While she puts a dent in Caroline, I make sure that nobody notices that Damon and I are here together. Most people don't approve of polyamory and will just think I'm a cheater. We keep the PDA to a low and just talk.

"What do you think is going to happen to little miss blondie and baby witch once they realize that Elena isn't worth it?" I laugh. I hadn't even realized that they were just as loyal to Elena as I am to Nik, which means that they are very much willing to die for the damn bitch. Such a shame, Caroline would be a good sister for Rebekah and I to have. If she weren't against my family, I would try to set her up with one of my brothers.

"Those two will either see the light or stay in the dark. If they stay in the dark they'll just end up dying for her. I don't think Caroline is such a bad person, I value her loyalty. Bonnie has something she's hiding. I hate witches with secrets," I confess. Damon just laughs.

"So, you hate all witches?" he snarks. I playfully hit him on the chest.

"I've known witches who don't hold secrets with me. I don't have those kinds of secrets. She's holding something big, something that changes absolutely everything. Too bad she hates me, I would have been able to get it out of her if she hadn't already met me. I'm good at that. Do you think that Caroline knows what she's hiding from us?" I ask.

"If she's hiding something from us, she's hiding from her. She hasn't been over to see her once during tryouts. I mean, they're best friends, right? Do girls just go through phases of brooding over something the others do and then act like it never happened?"

"Yes. Most females are petty little things. Rebekah and I are just the pettiest of them all."

"Of course, the queens of pett, remind me never to piss you off," Damon bows his head to me. I ruffle my hands through his soft hair. He cries out in protest and tries to swat at me. "Don't mess with the hair!"

I just laugh and let go of his gorgeous black hair. I could run my hands through it all day. Too bad that we have things to do, people to threaten. Why can't these people just leave us the hell alone and just allow this one person to die? Like, we are going to win, we're stronger than you, so why not just give up.

"Whatcha thinking, angel?"

"That we should go to that party tonight. You know, it sounds like the perfect place to cause some trouble."

✓ | 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐂, Stefan and DamonWhere stories live. Discover now