Chapter 14

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I still cannot believe that I have gotten over 300 views on this story! I nearly have 40 votes as well! To everyone who reads this and votes, thank you. To my favorite commenters, you know who you are, you are the best people ever!

Nik would be the first of my brothers to hold Henrik in their arms. I could tear tears streaming down his usually composed face. Elijah just put a hand over his mouth and stared at his baby brother that he thought was long gone. He had been dead for over 1000 years, to have him back, alive and very much still human, was a miracle.

"I thought that you had moved on. You were gone. You were dead. I watched as you-" Nik's voice was broken as he just held onto Henrik. The young warlock accepted his brother's affection and rested his head on him.

"It's okay, Nik, I'm here now. I tapped into my magic a few weeks before I died. I wanted to show you all what I had been able to do, but I died long before I could do much of anything," Henrik's voice lacked it's usual dramatics, now soft and comforting to the devastated Hybrid.

After we had turned, Nik refused to speak about Henrik. When anyone had brought him up, Nik would scream and shout, eventually going on a killing spree. Henrik and Nik were close and I still believe that his death broke Nik the most. He could deal with being hated by Mikael, with not being able to be himself as a Hybrid, but he couldn't stand that he put Henrik in danger and hadn't been able to save him. He blamed himself for the werewolf attack, as Nik had been the one to accompany him to watch the wolves shift.

Nik was never attacked due to him being an untriggered werewolf. After everything, Nik felt like him being revealed as a werewolf was making him one of the monsters that had slaughtered a young warlock.

"Henrik, since you were on the other side, I must ask, did you see Esther? Does she know that you went to the other side?" Kol asked quietly, not moving his legs to get any closer to Henrik. He was never too good with expressing many emotions other than annoyance and anger. I knew he was overjoyed to see his baby brother very much alive.

"She is there. I did see her many times. I have to warn you, she is plotting. She wouldn't tell me any of her plans, but I know that she is planning something. I doubt that she is to be trusted. I still don't trust her after what she did to Nik. Such an awful thing, cutting him off from his werewolf side. She does anything the ancestors say. She is blind to their true intentions. If she comes back, do not take anything of hers. If she serves tea, don't take any. No alcohol either. Or blood from her. No food. I know that they can be spelled to link people together. If she wants to do something to one of you, she'll do it to all of you. She hates what you have become. I have seen everything as well. We have different opinions. I do not care how many people you have killed. You have hunger and heightened emotions and enough issues for the entire planet of humans. Esther may come back, but not the way that I have. I trust that if she does anything that we will kill her. I don't care if she's watching us right now. We have been through too much as a family. We will not lose our family because of her. I promise, big brother."

"Do you really think that she could come back?" Finn asks, just as quiet as Kol. He and mother were decently close, considering that she wasn't truly close with any of her children. I doubt that he would like the idea of killing the woman who gave him life.

"Yes. She is close. The ancestors have given her a lot of power. It has something to do with her plot. The ancestors are trying to kill you all. They call you all abominations. They want you all dead. Fucking assholes, the ancestors. I met a few of them before telling them to fuck the hell off. So high and mighty, holier than thou," Henrik insults.

"I bet. They took Finn and I's magic just because we became immortal. Wish I could tell them to fuck off myself. Good job, baby bro," Kol finally starts to come out of the little shell he created around himself, hugging Henrik for the first time in 1000 years.

"We should all go inside. Henrik, can you let everyone in. I think you know how vampires work." Henrik nods.

"Niklaus, Finn, Elijah, Kol, come on in," Henrik waves his arms dramatically as he stands next to the door. Nik speeds in front of Henrik and throws him over his shoulder. "Nik! You can't just pick me up! Astrid, stop him from taking me away-" Nik had already taken him into the living room, leaving Henrik unable to finish his sentence.

"So, you found your mates in people that have not only been with two doppelgangers, but have betrayed Niklaus and I many times?" Elijah looks less than impressed with the prospects of Stefan and Damon joining the family.

"Yes, I did. You can suck it up. Nik is fond of them already. Believe it or not, people can change. They are not their pasts. Damon and Stefan are loyal to me and this family. They are your family and you will learn to love them like they were your brothers, Elijah, because you know that it would hurt me if you hated them for the rest of eternity over saving someone that they used to love," I sneer, taking Kol and Finn my their arms and dragging them inside of the house, leaving Elijah at the door.


For the next three days I had given Elijah the silent treatment. He knew that he had upset me and tried to speak to me at every chance he got. I would just brush him off and avoid him altogether, spending most of my time with Damon and Stefan. Rebekah had been teaching Henrik about fashion and Finn had been teaching him how to cook. Kol and he would play pranks around the house, most of the time their target being Nik.

I still wasn't ready to face Elijah. He usually was the one who was the most forgiving. I knew that he would eventually learn to love my mates, but seeing him acting so hostile towards them just threw me off. I couldn't stand not talking to him but I didn't want to end up arguing with my elder brother. I knew that he had good intentions, I just had needed time away from him.

I was in my room, reading a small novel, when Elijah had finally caught me alone. "Sister, please, you haven't given me a chance to speak to you for three days."

"What do you have to say, Elijah?" I spat, trying to fake anger. No, I wasn't ever angry with Elijah.

"I wished to apologize to you for my behavior, little sister. I know that you've been waiting to find your mate for 1000 years, I should have been more open to whomever they may be, no matter their past. I just wish that we can move past this, I miss you sister," Elijah comes closer to my bed. I sigh and get up.

"You know that I can never stay upset with you for long, Elijah," I admit. My elder brother smiles and gives me a hug, kissing my forehead.

"Thank you, my dearest sister."

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