Chapter 8

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So like, this is getting done late but like that's gucci.

Silence filled the household. While Damon was out with Rebekah, Stefan and I were left at home. I think that I forgot to tell Damon just how much Rebekah likes to shop. That woman could be out shopping with my mate until after the sun sets. I just hope that she doesn't bug Damon too much. I don't want a cat fight to break out.

Five days ago we had finally solved the mystery of the broken hybrids. While Elena was in the hospital that night, Rebekah came in and stole a bunch of her blood. She'll be weak, but she'll live, Nik would never allow Rebekah to kill the girl, unless she goes against him again, but even then I would be the one to rip the lungs out of the doppelwhore.

Stefan and I basked in the silence of the household. For once, things would be calm. In three days that would change. Nik had set the date for the undaggering of all of our siblings. I made sure that they would have a good wardrobe of clothes from this century. We would finally be a family again.

I think that Damon and Kol will be the ones to cause some trouble around the house. Those two and pestering their siblings to death. Stefan and Finn can bond over their shared love of history and learning. It will be a shock for Finn, being in this new world. I can't even begin to imagine being daggered for the better part of 900 years. The guilt had eaten me alive, letting my oldest brother stay in his coffin, but now I could finally be the one who asked Nik to bring him back.

"Do you think that your brothers will like us?" Stefan asks softly, his long fingers running themselves through my blonde hair. I smile and put my hand on his jaw.

"I know my brothers will love you both. Finn will finally be able to stop worrying about me finding a lover that Nik does not wish to rip the heart of. I'm just warning you in the meantime, Kol may act mean to you but it's just an act that he puts on with people. He acts cocky and arrogant because he wants to make sure that people truly want to get to know him before he puts his heart into a relationship. He'll warm up to you and when he does he will be the best friend you could ever have."

"He sounds like Damon. Will I have to deal with another Damon?" Stefan sighs and rolls his eyes at the notion. I giggle and try to get up off the couch we were both lying on.

"Damon is not arrogant and cocky," I protest. Stefan lets out a laugh and tries to pull me back down on the new couch. He bops my nose and I start giggling like a maniac. "What is so funny? Damon is not arrogant and cocky!"

"He isn't when he's with you. You make him a better person. You make him more human. The Damon that I grew up with was always arrogant and cocky. It was his whole thing. Act like a dick and hope to impress the ladies with that kind of charm," Stefan admits, his body now over mine, his hands propping him up as to not fall right on me.

"Okay, maybe he could have been like that. Nik says that you were a ripper and now you aren't. I guess that I have an affect on Salvatore brothers," Stefan laughs and starts to tickle me playfully. I scream and shout in protest to such treatment from my precious mate.

"If only you could know what you do to us two, Astrid. You're perfect in every way. I have no clue why someone as perfect as you got paired with me," Stefan says as he finally stops tickling me everywhere. I frown and cross my arms like a child.

"You are perfect as well. No matter what you think. You will always be perfect for me. Not only are you gorgeous, but you have a kind heart. Having Nik already see you as a brother is a plus. I think he thought of you as a brother long before we met. I know you met him and Rebekah in the 20s. I wish that I was there to meet you. We could have saved ourselves this whole doppelganger ex-girlfriend mess," Stefan smiled. God that smile is going to be the death of me. Lord just save me from my ridiculously attractive mate. He's literally on top of me!

"Mmmm . . . that would have been nice." I blushed a deep red as I finally realized just what a compromising position we had found ourselves in. "Hey, do you want to maybe go out to the river? It's beautiful at this time of day."

"Is this your sneaky way of asking your mate on a date?"

"Well, I am your mate and I am asking you on a date. . . so is that a yes?"

"Yes, Stefan, it's a yes."


I don't think anything but sex could have fixed the sexual tension between Stefan and I as we walked to the river. While we were travelling the United States and gathering werewolves to be turned into hybrids we didn't really get that much time to do very many couple things. This would be our first official date.

I haven't been on a date since, what, 1669? Walking hand and hand, I refused to look the handsome man in the eye. It took all of my strength to not make some sort of dirty joke or sexual reference. I had been near boys most of my life, with Rebekah and her trousers not helping me become very ladylike.

I didn't pay any attention to whether Stefan was looking in my direction or not, just trying to mask my embarrassment. I guess I've never been the smoothest when it comes to dating. Damn, I'm so inexperienced. At this point Finn's probably got more experience than me. He's a damn block of stone sometimes too!

As we finally made our way to the edge of the river I sighed, sitting down on some of the small rocks. Most of them were just pebbles, so my butt was saved from those weird indents you get when those rocks get stuck to your exposed skin.

The sun was only a few minutes away from starting to lower into its sunset and the view that it allowed us to have was amazing. The river was loud and quiet at the same time, the tide rippling near my tennis shoes.

I moved my hand in the water, splashing around. I saw a water bug and yelped. Stefan just laughed at my fear and put his arm around me. I smiled and moved closer to him, blushing slightly.

Mixtures of yellow and orange filled the sky, swirling together around the sun that bound our existence. It was peaceful, like nothing bad had ever happened. We were just two people next to a beautiful river, watching the sun set. I felt human. At times like these, my humanity shone through.

Knowing that we would have to be back soon, I tugged at his arm to get up. As we both stood up, I finally got a good look at him. I gazed deep into his deep blue eyes. I didn't realize just how close we were until I could feel his breath on my face. Short sparks shot through my body. My mind yelled at me to do something.

My hand reached up to touch his cheek. I had no idea what I was doing. I melted when he did the same to me.

Holding me close, Stefan pulled me closer as the gap between our lips closed.

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