Chapter 47

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Ah, so this is SMUT and we're almost at 40k reads. I never thought I would be writing this and I never thought that I would get this far into one story sooo. Also, Alex, if you ever read this, I love and hate you at the same time. UWU, let's get it cracking in here.

If it had not already gotten dark outside, I might have allowed Stefan to take me out somewhere like he wanted. Unfortunately, the sky was almost pitch black, the only light coming from a few streetlights and from the spotty stars that littered the night sky.

Stefan had not stopped whining about not being able to go out. He really was immortally a 17 year old, constantly in a mood swing while also being clingy and affectionate. I couldn't say that I was any better when I was with him. Stefan being my mate meant that he would cling and I would love him clinging to me. It was like I was the only thing holding him back from going off the deep end.

My other loving mate had gone out tonight to get some blood bags, leaving Stefan and I alone in the room for most of the night.

"Can we just stay here forever?" Stefan asks, nuzzling his head into my shoulder. "I don't want you out of my sight anymore."

"I really would oblige," Stefan smiles, "but I have this thing called a coven and I don't think your big brother would like you keeping me captive."

Stefan chuckles. "No, he would help me hold you down to the bed while we make you ours, over and over again. That sounds perfect."

I roll over to the other side, pouting. "Being so mean to your mate. How could you, Stefan? I thought that I was your perfect mate. You being so mean to me and threatening to get your innocent older brother to tie me down is just so wrong."

Stefan puts his hands around my shoulder before pulling me on him, my back on his chest. I let out a cry of protest before he chuckles again, this time his eyes a much darker shade, showing the hints of lust inside, circling and swirling deep inside of him. "I can do a lot of things to you that are wrong, my mate. I am not as gentle and forgiving as my brother."

The deep undertone of his voice cut deep into my chest, igniting my vampire, causing her to let out a contented purr. I let out a small growl in protest to his words. Don't make me submit to you, Stefan, not like this. God, I do want you over me though. You make this so hard for me.

"You have no idea what you do to me, Astrid," Stefan growled, his hands tracing my silk-covered hip bones, the tips of his fingers slightly pressing down on my sensitive points. He already knew every part of me. All of his touches were planned in a way to make me react, to make me feel. Nothing that he did was ever an accident. No, he would always have a plan with me. "You make me want things that I've never wanted before."

"Stefan," my breath hitched, my voice barely even a whisper, "What are you doing to me?"

"Wouldn't you like to know, my mate," He muses, his light touches firming up, causing my breath to jarr. "You're so beautiful, so easy to make mine. Isn't that what you want? What you've always wanted?"

"You," I was unable to finish my sentence. Stefan had moved me slightly higher up on his lap, hiking my nightgown up, exposing me further. His hands moved all over my thighs, giving me more pressure, but not anywhere near enough to give me any sort of release. His teasing actions screwed with my brain, causing me to buck up my hips, silently begging him for more.

"That's right, mate, me. Don't you just love it when I," My mate moves the fabric of my underwear before sinking his long finger through my folds, "Break you like this?"

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