Chapter 22

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I wrote 1k words here for a short chapter. To be fair, I wrote this to hit 10k for my word count yesterday because midnight was about to come. Wrote this in half an hour so sorry if it sucks.

The pain that I had felt before, all of the anger and hatred that came with the loss of my human brother came back. This time, Henrik would be back. He would be back and stronger than ever. It still haunted me to know that he would no longer have his magic. He had been doing so well with his magic. He had grown more powerful than anything I had ever seen. Being a Mikaelson, I guess that it was not made to last. No, his magic would die with his human body.

He would be angry when he woke up. While my brother had just dropped a bombshell on me, he had been angry before he died. That anger would not dissipate just because his body died. No, he would come back reborn and angry at his own father.

I could not and would not blame him for keeping such a thing from us. It must have been something that he learned while on the other side. Freya was a sore subject for us all. She might have never lived in our midst, but she was still our older sister. She would have loved being with us all.

Henrik had claimed that she had been taken by her aunt, by our aunt. Who was this aunt? Esther never claimed that she had a sister. I knew for a fact that Mikael was an only child. Only a witch of a strong bloodline would be able to take a child from another powerful witch. Why had a witch wanted one of Esther's children in the first place?

Henrik would have the answers, and he would give them to us when he woke up. Damon came running to the scene. My father had already burned to ash. I was the one to kill him in the end. Not Nik, not Elijah, and not Rebekah. Me.

"What happened? Is Mikael dead?" Damon questions. I nod and point to Henrik. Damon growls and picks up the boy in his arms. Henrik would need to wake up out of the sun lest his skin hurt like a bitch. His eyes would hurt as well.

"I killed him. In the end, I killed him," I said. Damon nods. Stefan comes running and takes Henrik in his arms. "Henrik will be in transition. Henrik said something and Mikael snapped his neck in retaliation. It was big. No, it was huge. Henrik was hiding something he knew from the other side, something that would change everything. Our family needs to look into this. This is bigger than anything I could have imagined."

"What did Henrik say? Was it about your mother?" Damon asked.

"Yes and no. You see, my mother's oldest daughter was not actually Rebekah. Her firstborn was not Finn. She had a daughter named Freya. Father loved Freya more than anything. When Freya was five, mother claimed that she died of the plague. Henrik says that this was in fact false and Freya is still alive somewhere. How, I have no clue. A witch has never said to live to be more than 300 years old. A 1000 year old witch is just unheard of. Henrik says that Freya was taken by an aunt when she was 5. That was all that he could get out before our father snapped his neck."

"Did Henrik just not meet Freya on the other side? I don't think that five year old witches go there. A witch that young would just move on, find peace. That's what Lexi says, anyways," Stefan mumbles the last bit. I smile, ever since Lexi had come back, Stefan had been hanging out with her non-stop.

"I have no clue. Again, he didn't say much before Mikael killed him. We need to get him home. Is Nik home? Do you know who's home?" I ask insistently, not wanting Henrik to wake up behind a building. Henrik would need human blood soon.

"Nik is home, angel, don't worry," Damon soothes, running his hand down my back. I shiver and kiss his cheek, running off to get in the car. Welcome to the vampire club, Henrik.


It had taken Henrik three hours to wake up. For a while, I was worried that he would never wake up. Henrik would have been my first sire in over 100 years. It was a momentous occasion for everyone as well. Nik was pissed that Henrik had died in the first place, go figures. Kol was just as worried for Henrik as I was. Rebekah was trying to stay calm after the death of Mikael. Finn was just sad that Henrik would have to lose his magic to become a vampire.

Henrik would have become a vampire eventually. He had specifically said that he wanted to be with us forever and becoming a vampire would be the only way to do that. Finn was never very happy about becoming a vampire, but he was still supportive of our little brother and would have even sired him himself if Henrik had wished for him to.

When Henrik opened his eyes, the leftover anger from the Mikael situation showed. He looked just about ready to rip someone's head open. A scowl was plastered on his usually happy and carefree face as well, reminding me that he had died yelling at his father.

"Is that son of a bitch dead?" Henrik asked, clearly annoyed at the world. The rest of the family nod. I nod along with them, holding Henrik's hand. "Can someone get me blood. Shit, I'm thirsty."

Kol passed his baby brother some blood. Henrik ripped open the bag and chowed down on the red substance, officially becoming a vampire. The household cheered. Hell, even Finn silently cheered Henrik on. Oh god, Finn is going to want to know about Freya. He always talked about her. They were so close. I wonder if he remembers what actually happened. I bet that if he said anything Esther would just spin her story. Typical mother. Hiding all of your secrets and ruining your children's lives. It's just what you do best, isn't it?

"Shit, blood tastes good now. It's not all metallic and shit," Henrik jokes. Kol and Nik laugh and hug their baby brother. We were home, a family at last.

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