Thomgelica One-shots because...

By Lulu_TheGoddess

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Thomgelica one-shots that I wrote because far too little people write about them and it physically hurts me A... More

Do You Ever Think?
Cut The Act
What we Know
Aftermath of the Reynolds Pamphlet
Happy Birthday
Uncle and Aunty
What I Know Now
I Keep it Undercover
It Appears We're Soulmates
I Keep it Undercover II
I Keep it Undercover III
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus
Christmas Without You
A Christmas Wish
Reckless Decisions
Smarter Than You
Some Men Say That I'm Intense or I'm Insane
Off At War
A Lifetime of Love
Santa Clause
He Loves Her
Blame Game
I Hate You, But Kiss me?
Twentieth Anniversary
Falling For Ya
Angel of Death
Chicken Noodle Soup
Meet the Parents
The L Word
Sitting in a Tree
Best Days
I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watching Me
Don't Wanna Fall in Love
Phantom Love
It's Been a While
Supernatural Couple
Supernatural Couple II
Partners in Crime
Poor Sport
Happy Birthday To You
Cherry Popsicles
Backed Into a Corner
Knives Up My Sleeves
People Change
By the Water Fountain
The Last Dance
Puppy Dog Eyes
The Bet
Love Hurts
I'll Be There For You
Office Days
Creatures of the Night
Summer Nights
Family Is All We Have
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
I Love You
Divorced But Not Really
Plans Change
Death Almost Becomes Her
Give The People What They want
In Your Dreams
Bloody Prints

Out of All Men

1.5K 28 48
By Lulu_TheGoddess

"So, Alex to celebrate our two-year anniversary I thought maybe we could have a ball," Eliza suggested to her husband as they lay in bed, side by side, his arm wrapped around Eliza.

"I think it's a lovely idea." He said agreeing with her. He kissed the side of her forehead before sinking deeper into the bed and getting ready to drift off to sleep.

"Goodnight, Alexander."

"Goodnight, my love."


"Alexander, Angelica is here!" Alexander could hear his wife calling from downstairs. He put everything back in place on his desk and bounded down the stairs to greet his sister-in-law.

"Angelica, how are you doing?" Hamilton asked.

"Good. I hear you guys are planning a ball for your anniversary this year."

"That is correct Angelica, Eliza came to me with the idea last night, and well, how could I say no to her." He said, pointing to his wife as she came in with the morning paper.

"Oh, please, you love these parties," Eliza said, smiling at her husband.

"Maybe you should invite Thomas Jefferson," Angelica said out of the blue and Alexander choked on the spit in his mouth. How could she possibly think it was a good idea to invite Thomas Jefferson his enemy, a man he's despised since the very beginning?

"Why the hell would I invite Thomas Jefferson? The man is my arch-nemesis."

"Because maybe if you played nice with him he might, you know be a little nicer to you. And then you guys can work together, rather than against each other to better America," Angelica explained but Alexander sensed there was another reason why, but he didn't really want to delve into that right now.

"Are you sure that's the only reason why, Angelica?" Eliza asked with a knowing tone as she slid into a chair next to Alexander so that she was across from Angelica. Hamilton's eyes snapped to Eliza's face. What was it that they weren't telling him?

Angelica narrowed her eyes at Eliza. "Of course, Eliza. What other reason would I have?"

"Nevermind," Eliza said, completely unfazed by Angelica's glare.

"Anyways, I still think it'd be a good idea. You guys are a lot more alike than you think."

"And how would you know that Angelica?" Eliza questioned with a cheeky glint in her eyes.

"Yeah, I would also like to know how you know that?" Alexander said, his eyes moving back and forth between Angelica and Eliza, making sure he didn't miss any hidden looks.

The Schuyler sisters had a secret language with one another; one look could be a whole sentence. He had yet to decode their language but he'd be damned if he didn't try.

Angelica suddenly looked really flustered. "I-I have had a few conversations with him and you talk about him an awful lot, and I just came to a conclusion about his character."

"Well, I assure you I'm nothing like him," Hamilton said, he was a little offended that she would think he and Jefferson were even a little bit alike.

"Be that as it may Alexander, I think Angelica is right." Eliza grabbed his hand and he turned his attention to his wife.

He was interested now. How Eliza could think that inviting his enemy to their anniversary party would be a good idea was beyond him. "Well, Alex, look at it like this, you guys are colleagues, and as much as you hate it that it's the truth. Perhaps, seeing him out of work and getting to know him in a different setting may make him at least a little tolerable.

He sighed, okay, so maybe Eliza did have a point. That didn't mean he had to like it, though. And he was still confused as to why Angelica had even come up with this idea.

Eliza and Angelica were definitely keeping something from him.

"Fine," He huffed, giving into what he thought was an absolutely ludicrous idea.

He could swear that when he gave in Angelica seemed to have given Eliza a look as if to say thank you. Now he for sure knew his wife and sister-in-law were keeping secrets from him, and he was determined to find out what.


The day of the ball had finally arrived and while Alexander was excited for the celebration of his marriage he also couldn't wait to uncover the secrets his wife and Angelica were keeping from him.

The secret that seemed to involve Angelica, Eliza, and Thomas Jefferson. The possibilities were endless and some of the scenarios that were flowing around in his mind made him shudder.

"Alexander, Thomas Jefferson is here. We should grab Angelica and greet him." Alexander would rather eat his own shoe but he decided against voicing that thought, and instead let his wife drag him towards Angelica and Peggy.

"Angelica, Thomas is here. Eliza said when she reached Angelica who was busy talking to Peggy.

"Peggy you look wonderful," Eliza said to the youngest of the Schuyler sister bunch. "Alexander and I were just going to grab Angelica and greet Thomas, you should tag along." At this Peggy's eyes seemed to light up with excitement a look only a little sister could master.

"Of course," Peggy said, smirking at Angelica who seemed to be blushing. This was starting to freak Hamilton out. Why would Angelica be blushing? Why would Peggy be so excited about simply greeting Thomas? Alexander didn't think he was that great, to be honest, an opinion he was perfectly okay with voicing.

"Well, off we go then." Said Eliza, linking her arms with Peggy who did the same with Angelica so that Peggy was in the middle of the sisters. Alexander followed closely behind, he was certainly not as excited about seeing Jefferson.

They reached Jefferson and the sisters unlinked. Hamilton stepped forward so that he was standing next to his wife. "Hello Jefferson," Alexander said, not even bothering to plaster on a fake smile or sound the teeniest bit happier.

"Alexander." Jefferson nodded his head towards the man before he directed his attention towards Angelica and his mood was suddenly uplifted.

"Angie, it's nice to see you again." He said smiling, like an actual smile; not the condescending or taunting smile Hamilton usually got from him.

Oh, and the nickname. Angie? Alexander was led to believe that they had a few conversations, maybe even acquaintances, but here Thomas was, smiling like a fool and using a nickname Alexander had never heard anyone use. In fact, no one had a nickname for Angelica, not even her sisters.

Angelica's eyes widened as he used the nickname, but she quickly recovered. "Thomas, it's lovely to see you too." She said smiling, not as hard as Thomas but Alexander has never seen this smile directed to anyone. It was like it was reserved for Thomas and Thomas only.

Peggy cleared her throat and Thomas reluctantly drew his eyes away from Angelica. "Ahh, the lovely Peggy Schuyler." He said smiling a little less but it was still a genuine smile, one that once again, Alexander was not used to.

"The one and only," Peggy said, holding her hand out for him to shake.

He took her hand and shook it before turning to Eliza.

"Hello, Eliza."

"It's good to see you, Thomas. Especially when you and my husband aren't at each other's throats." Everyone laughed except for Alexander. Were they forgetting this man hated Alexander and the feelings were mutual?

"Well, it was nice talking to you guys, but I'm going to head to the Gentleman's room." He began to walk away but he stopped abruptly and turned around. "I don't know where the bathroom is, Angelica, would you mind showing me?" He asked and the younger Schuyler sisters smirked at their older sister.

"Sure," Angelica said, stuttering. Hamilton thought it was odd that Angelica, who spoke at the speed of light, was stuttering once again when it came to a matter involving Thomas.

She walked over to Thomas, standing awfully close, but then again they seemed to be awfully close. They walked away and Hamilton watched their every move, the way Jefferson's hands seemed to keep brushing against Angelica's hands, or the way he would whisper something in her ear and she would laugh.

"You know what, I actually have to go to the bathroom too," Hamilton said to Eliza and Peggy. Both their eyes widened and Eliza grabbed his arm before he could walk off.

"Can't it wait, Alex? I want to tell you about my week and the little puppy I found a few days ago" Peggy said to Alexander.

"Pegs, I would love to hear about it but I really have to go." He was obviously lying; he just wanted to see what Jefferson and Angelica were up to.

Both of the women sighed and Eliza reluctantly let go of her husband's arm and he stalked off to the bathrooms.

He spotted Angelica and Jefferson, who were by the restrooms but Thomas was certainly not using them. He hid behind a house plant and spied on them. He couldn't hear what they were saying but they looked real cozy next to each other.

Suddenly Thomas grabbed Angelica by the waist and Angelica allowed it. Then he ducked in and kissed her.

Hamilton gasped so loud he was surprised they didn't hear it, but they seemed to be wrapped up in their own little bubble. Thomas's lips were still on Angelica, and Alexander was sure he was going to be sick.

His sister-in-law was kissing his arch-nemesis and Alexander decided he was going to confront them.

"Hey guys," He called out and they jumped apart as Alexander walked towards them. "Oh, don't break apart now, I already saw everything." Angelica bowed her head in what Hamilton assumed was guilt and he was glad she felt guilty.

"Alexander-" Angelica tried to explain but Hamilton cut her off.

"I don't wanna hear it. How could you betray me like this? I thought I could trust you, but you're sleeping with one of my most hated foes." Hamilton said harshly and Angelica gasped as her eyes filled with tears.

Thomas wrapped his arm around Angelica's waist as they stood side by side and Hamilton rolled his eyes at the display of affection.

"That is not fair, Hamilton. Not everything is about you." Thomas gave a humorless laugh. "God, you are so selfish that you think Angelica and I's relationship is my attempt to get back at you. Don't get me wrong I despise you, but I would never dream of hurting Angelica."

Hamilton scoffed. "Why else would you be with her?"

He regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth but he was still so angry with them, but especially her, and so maybe he wanted to hurt her, just a little bit.

"I'm going to kill you," Thomas growled as he went to charge at Hamilton but Angelica pulled him back.

"Don't. Please." She said softly and Thomas's whole demeanor changed when he saw her face.

He turned back to Alexander. "You better walk back to your wife before I change my mind." Hamilton glared at the both of them before turning on his heels and stomping back to the ballroom.

Angelica burst into tears as soon as Hamilton left and Thomas wanted to kill the man even more. He pulled her into a hug and whispered soothing words to her as he rubbed circles onto her back.

"He's never going to forgive me," Angelica croaked out, her head still resting on Jefferson's chest.

"Screw Alexander. How you put up with him is beyond me, he's a total ass."

"Thomas, this isn't funny, he's my brother-in-law, my friend and he's so mad at me." She said as another round of tears came.

"Angie, it's okay, he'll get over his ego soon enough and I'm sure Eliza will talk some sense into him." He assured her, resting his chin on the top of her head.

"I hope so."

Jefferson hoped for Hamilton's sake he did apologize, because if he didn't end up telling Angelica he was sorry by the end of the night, well, don't be surprised when the police find his body. Hamilton could insult him all Thomas wanted but he drew the line at Angelica.

He made her cry for God's sake.


Hamilton carefully weaved his way through the crowd of people in the ballroom. He finally stopped when he found Eliza talking to Peggy in a corner of the room. He made his way to them.

"Alex, everything all right? You look like somebody killed your dog." Peggy playfully asked, but everything in fact was not alright.

"No, everything is not all right. Your big sister is sleeping with Thomas Jefferson." He spat out the last part of the sentence as if it was acid on his tongue.

The sisters did not look surprised by this revelation and Hamilton's anger that had simmered down bubbled back up again. "You guys knew?" He asked incredulously.

Of course, they knew, they were the Schuyler sisters; they had their own silent language.

"Of course we knew, idiot, she is our big sister, she can't hide anything from us." Peggy laughed but stopped when she realized Hamilton was not laughing with her.

"How did you find out?" Eliza asked, and he almost gagged as the memory of them resurfaced.

"I caught them kissing," He grimaced.

"And what did you say?" Peggy chimed in. He froze, he knew the sisters would not approve of the way he spoke to Angelica or the way he handled the situation in general.

"Well, I said that I thought I could trust her but she's sleeping with one of my biggest enemies."

Eliza narrowed her eyes at him. "There is definitely more to the story Alexander."

"Well, then Thomas said I was selfish and that he was not with Angelica just to get back at me," He paused and the women urged him to continue. He rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. "To that, I replied with why else would you be with her." He mumbled and the sisters gasped at the same time before Eliza's hand collided with the back of his head and Peggy followed suit.

He knew he deserved those smacks, that didn't make them hurt any less, if any the stung lasted a bit longer.

"How could you say that Alexander?" Eliza asked, the anger in her tone evident.

"Yeah, that was a real punk move, Alexander." And he flinched at Peggy using his full name; she never called him Alexander.

"Look, I know okay, I was just so angry and the words spilled out of my mouth." That didn't make the sister's glares any softer on him.

"You better go apologize, right now, Alexander Hamilton," Eliza demanded, and while Alexander knew he needed to apologize he still didn't want to.

"We're going to go find Angelica and you better apologize before the end of the night," Peggy warned as she grabbed Eliza's arms and went to find Angelica.

Hamilton sighed, he was in for a long night.


Eliza could not believe her husband was being so selfish, her big sister was happy and Alexander was making it about him. And she knew that even though her big sister was the strongest woman she knew his words probably wounded her.

And Eliza could just kill Alexander, because he didn't understand. Her sister had been so unhappy for so long and she thought nobody noticed but Eliza and Peggy did, they always did.

And then suddenly, Angelica was smiling, smiles that reached her eyes, and she was laughing, and she was just so happy.

Eliza wouldn't have Alexander ruining that for Angelica.

After a few minutes of searching, Peggy and Eliza found their sister and Thomas Jefferson in the kitchen on the floor, their backs against the cabinets, their knees pulled up their chest, and Angelica's head lay against Jefferson's shoulder.

The sisters could overhear some of their conversation and they knew they shouldn't listen, but they couldn't help it. They were interested in their big sister's love life, they had never even really seen them interact as a couple.

"Hamilton's an ass. He doesn't deserve your sister." Jefferson said and at that Angelica smiled. "I'm serious Angie, I don't know how you guys put up with him. I would rather eat glass than listen to him talk and you guys have to have family dinners with the man." He said and Angelica laughed and Thomas smiled at that.

"Thomas, I promise you he's not always that bad." She giggled and the eavesdropping sisters smiled at the sound. Angelica Schuyler didn't giggle; she would downright deny it if ever confronted.

"You're not convincing me, Angie." He laughed and Eliza and Peggy decided now would be a good time to make their presence known.

"Angelica, we were looking for you," Peggy said as she and Eliza walked into the room.

"Just needed a break from the party," Angelica admitted as she lifted her head off of Thomas's shoulder. She patted the floor next to her and the girls sat down.

"Your husband's an ass." Thomas calmly said, Angelica swatted at his chest and he just shrugged.

"So I've heard," Eliza smirked.

"He told us what he said to you Angelica and if it's any constellation he feels terrible." Peggy offered and Angelica smiled at her.

"That does help, thank you Pegs."

"He also got slapped upside the head," Eliza stated.

"Now that helps a lot." Jefferson chuckled.

They looked up as they heard a cough, their eyes met Hamilton's face and they collectively rolled their eyes.

"I am not here for round two." He assured the bunch on the floor. He turned his attention to Angelica. "Angelica, I'm really, really sorry for what I said early. I was angry that you guys were together and the words just slipped out of my mouth. I didn't even mean them."

Her glare didn't loosen up and Alexander decided to do the unthinkable. "Jefferson was right," He struggled to say and everybody's eyes widened. "I was being selfish, but if he makes you happy then I'm happy."

"Alls forgiven I guess," Angelica smirked.

"Do you want to join the 'I hate Hamilton club'?" Jefferson asked and everybody laughed except for Hamilton, though, he still slid down against the cabinet with them.

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