The Supernatural Diaries {Boo...

By TeamArrow4Life

11.2K 515 50

Sam and Dean are teenagers attending school at Mystic Falls High. Dean is a Hunter but is best friends with S... More

Unknown I
Dean I
Elena I
The New Student, Part I
The New Student, Part II
Elena II
Unknown II
Stefan I
Sam I
Dean II
Friendly Meetings, Part I
Friendly Meetings, Part II
Stefan II
Elena III
Late Night Parties, Part I
Sam II
Late Night Parties, Part II
All's Well That Ends Well
Before You Start Episode 2
Night of the Comet: Sam I
Night of the Comet: Elena I
Night of the Comet: Stefan I
Night of the Comet: Bonnie I
Night of the Comet: Dean I
Night of the Comet: Stefan II
Night of the Comet: Bonnie II
Night of the Comet: Sam II
Night of the Comet: Getting Answers
Night of the Comet: Damon I
Night of the Comet: Dean II
Night of the Comet: Between Brothers (Salvatore I)
Night of the Comet: Elena III
Night of the Comet: Sam III
Night of the Comet: Welcome to the Festival
Night of the Comet: Caught Feelings
Night of the Comet: Interview With A Vampire
Night of the Comet: Damon II
Night of the Comet: Inquisitions & Explanations
Night of the Comet: Dean III
Night of the Comet: Figuring Things Out
Friday Night Bites: Caroline I
Friday Night Bites: The New "It" Couple
Friday Night Bites: Stefan I
Friday Night Bites: High School Mayhem, Part I
Friday Night Bites: Elena I
Friday Night Bites: Dean I
Friday Night Bites: Four Is Company, Seven Is A Disaster Waiting To Happen
Friday Night Bites: Damon I
Friday Night Bites: Elena II
Friday Night Bites: Sam I
Friday Night Bites: Stefan II
Friday Night Bites: Devil's Tango, Damon's Tango! What's the Difference?
Friday Night Bites: Go Timberwolves!
Friday Night Bites: 8, 14, 22
Friday Night Bites: Dean II
Family Ties: Dean I
Family Ties: Stefan I
Family Ties: Elena I
Family Ties: Damon I
Family Ties: A Series of Unfortunate Events, Pt. 1
Family Ties: A Series of Unfortunate Events Pt. 2
Family Ties: Sam I
Family Ties: Stefan II
Family Ties: There's A Lot of History Here
Family Ties: Elena II
Family Ties: Between Brothers (Winchester I)
Family Ties: The Legacies of Our Blood
Family Ties: The Right Partner
Family Ties: Family Heirlooms
Family Ties: Elena III
Family Ties: Damon II
Family Ties: It's Been A Long Night
You're Undead to Me: Dean I
You're Undead To Me: Stefan I
You're Undead To Me: Damon I
You're Undead To Me: Elena I
You're Undead To Me: Makin' My Head Spin
You're Undead To Me: True Colors
You're Undead To Me: Damon II
You're Undead To Me: Soap Suds & New Buds (Pt. 1)
You're Undead To Me: Soap Suds & New Buds (Pt. 2)
You're Undead To Me: Elena II
You're Undead To Me: The Great Escape
You're Undead To Me: Dean II
You're Undead To Me: Secrets & Sins
Lost Girls: A Revelation
Lost Girls: Trust Issues
Lost Girls: Elena I
Lost Girls: Missing Teenager
Lost Girls: Ancient History
Lost Girls: Stefan I
Lost Girls: It's A Wonderful Life
Lost Girls: Metamorphosis
Lost Girls: Bloodbath
Haunted: Damon I
Haunted: Dean I
Haunted: Recent Developments and Pressing Issues
Haunted: Elena I
Haunted: Why Is It Always Damon?
Haunted: All Hallow's Eve
Haunted: Hunger
Haunted: Divide And Conquer
Haunted: Dean II
Haunted: Sam I
162 Candles: Stefan I
162 Candles: He said, She Said, Who Said?
162 Candles: Strengths & Weaknesses
162 Candles: Talismans Are A Powerful Tool
162 Candles: Elena I
162 Candles: Party Planner
162 Candles: Dean I
162 Candles: Secrets & Surprises
162 Candles: Follow the Amulet
162 Candles: Caroline I
162 Candles: It Always Comes Back to Dean

Night of the Comet: Elena II

94 5 0
By TeamArrow4Life

"So what's up with you and Dean?" Matt blurted out suddenly. I stopped and followed his line of vision to where Dean was talking to Stefan. I shifted awkwardly on my feet, struggling to meet Matt's eyes. "Matt, Dean is your best friend and the last thing either of us wants to do is hurt you," I started.

"I'm, uh, I'm actually gonna go back to the hospital," Matt cut me off. "I wanna be there when she wakes up. Get the real story about what happened last night." Before I could say anything, Matt shuffled away from me.

"What was that all about?" a voice said behind me suddenly. I jumped back in fright and whirled around to see who snuck up on me. That's when I came face-to-face with a pair of familiar forest green eyes. I relaxed my shoulders and hit him on his arm.

"Damn it, Dean, don't scare me like that!" I hissed. Instead of looking smug like he usually would, he looked apologetic. "Sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you," he said. I tried to rein in my surprise. Why was Dean acting so strangely? He was perfectly fine when I saw him earlier.

"It's fine, Dean," I breathed, nearly forgetting why he apologized. "But you look like the exact opposite." I noticed him shift on his feet weirdly. "Do I?" he remarked. I nodded. "Well, it's probably just 'cause..." He trailed, "you know, I had a pretty long day and all that so."


"So, uh, what was Matt saying earlier; is Vicki alright?" he quickly changed the topic. "Uh, yeah, she's okay, but they wanna keep her one more night just to be safe," I answered. "That's great. Really... Great!"

We fell into an awkward silence, which was a sharp contrast to the typically jovial mood that hangs over us. However, instead of hanging over us, this new awkwardness seems to hang between us causing this odd sense of separation. Then I realized... "You overheard Matt and I talk about what's going on between you and me, didn't you?"

"I may have caught the tail-end of that exchange," he mumbled, letting out a sheepish laugh.

I balked at him. "Oh, my God, Dean."

"It's okay, well, it will be," Dean said dismissively.

I scoffed loudly.

"Possibly... After a while," Dean added with slight uncertainty.

I groaned. "Please don't tell me that I just ruined your relationship with Matt?" "Probably not, I think," he responded. I shot him a look and he raised his hands in surrender. "Hey, Lena, take it easy," he consoled, putting his hands on either side of my face. "Look, if you're really that worried about this whole thing, then I'll talk to him about it and get a clear answer, okay?" I took a deep breath, before nodding and giving him a small smile which he returned.

"Alright, then. I gotta go do something with Stefan right now so I'll be busy, but I promised we'll work it all out," he sighed. "Okay," I replied. He pulled me in close and hugged me, as I wrapped my arms around him. When we broke away, he tilted my head upwards and planted a chaste kiss on my forehead. I closed my eyes in contentment, wanting to savor the moment. But then when I opened my eyes, he was gone.

I searched in every direction, but neither Dean nor Stefan was anywhere in sight. It was almost like they had both disappeared into thin air.

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