Friendless Β» Fred Weasley

By mrstarkwewon

3.9M 158K 169K

"Can I call you Tori? You know Tori, I'm a great friend." "I don't get it, why are you being nice to me?" "Ma... More

i. welcome to hogwarts
ii. this can't be happening.
iii. an unlikely friend
iv. good morning tori
v. staleblood
vi. i'm the most beautiful birthday girl!
vii. you like to get me in all sorts of trouble, huh?
viii. don't forget to write!
ix. speak clearly
x. the weasleys
xi. christmas shopping
xii. merry christmas, tori
xiii. the marauder's map
xiv. back to hogwarts
xv. the one-eyed witch statue
xvi. honeydukes cellar
xvii. gryffindor's dance party
xviii. studying by the lake
xix. the twin's birthday
xx. going home
xxi. quality quidditch supplies
xxii. hoggy warty hogwarts
xxiii. open quidditch tryouts
xxiv. walk near the lake
xxv. the quidditch results
xxvi. astronomy class
xxvii. the first quidditch match
xxviii. the hospital wing
xxix. you want to talk about rude?
xxx. christmas in the kitchens
xxxi. the truth circle
xxxii. electives
xxxiii. losing the quidditch cup
xxxiv. a birthday goodbye
xxxv. summer at silvers manor
xxxvi. seeing harry potter
xxxvii. the sorting ceremony
xxxviii. bowtruckles are cute
xxxviv. blame it on peeves
xl. a trollful halloween
xll. november's quidditch
xlll. trip to hogsmeade
xllll. another hogwarts christmas
xllv. study 'date'
xlv. mirror passageway
xlvl. exams
xlvii. winning the house cup
xlviii. saving harry potter
xlix. a very angry molly
l. gringotts
ll. gilderoy lockhart
lll. the last day of summer
llll. mr. prefect
llv. cornish pixies
lv. quidditch and mudbloods
lvi. mcgonagall's "punishment"
lvii. enemies of the heir, beware
lviii. just a theory
lxi. the rogue bludger
lx. the dueling club
lxi. a calm christmas
lxii. a meeting in the library
lxiii. perfect and polished
lxiv. a canceled match
lxv. you can't keep blaming yourself
lvxi. awakening
lxvii. the leaky cauldron
lxviii. back from egypt
lxix. dinner at the leaky cauldron
lxx. the dementor
lxxi. happiness can be found
lxxii. an unhappy potions class
lxxiii. a boggart lesson
lxxiv. prank ideas
lvvx. the fat lady
lxxvi. a night in the great hall
lxxvvii. a nasty storm
lxxviii. quite a scare
lxxix. a surprising find
lxxx. christmas & a workload
lxxxi. another win
lxxxii. sirius black is back
lxxxiii. night before the match
lxxxiv. the quidditch cup
lxxxv. career advice
lxxxvi. o.w.l.s.
lxxxvii. end of the term
lxxxviii. watching the sunrise
lxxxix. toffee
xc. tell me what, arthur
xci. journey to the world cup
xcii. WEEZLY
xciii. the quidditch world cup
xciv. the dark mark
xcv. aftershock of the cup
xcvi. the hogwarts express
xcvii. the triwizard tournament
xcviii. the unforgiveable curses
xcix. confronting cedric
c. beauxbatons and durmstrang
ci. hogwart's guests
cii. the goblet of fire
ciii. sisterly advice
civ. dress shopping
cv. the first task
cvi. the kitchens
cvii. a suprising announcement
cviii. a broken heart
cix. christmas eve
cx. the yule ball
cxi. the argument
cxii. amortentia
cxiii. the astronomy tower
cxiv. bewitched sleep
cxv. the second task
cxvi. rita skeeter
cxvii. boyfriend
cxviii. that's blackmail
cxix. the final task
cxx. remember cedric diggory
cxxi. dumbledore's order
cxxii. the advance guard
cxxiii. privet drive
cxxvi. grimmauld place
cxxvii. harry's rage
cxxviii. answer our questions
ccxxix. you-know-who
ccxxvii. cleaning the noble house of black
cxxix. harry'sοΏΌ trial
cxxx. vaults
cxxxi. prefects
cxxxii. molly's woes
cxxxiii. last trip to hogwarts
cxxxiv. the sorting hat's warning
cxxxv. umbridge
cxxxvi. gryffindor keeper
cxxxvii. the first quidditch practice
cxxxviii. educational reform
cxxxix. high inquisitorοΏΌ
cxl. the hog's head
cxli. best behavior
cxlii. the twins?
cxliii. dumbledore's army
cxliv. weasley is our king
cxlv. silvers are slytherins
cxlvi. no more secrets
cxlvii. mr. weasley
cxlviii. christmas in the ward
cxlix. end of holidays
cl. valentine's day
cli. the quibbler
clii. patronuses
cliii. weasleys' wildfire whiz-bangs.
cliv. the twins' goodbye
clv. n.e.w.t.s
clvi. thestrals
clvii. the department of mysteries
clviii. the arch's veil
clix. goodbye, professor
clx. the joke shop
clxi. tonks
clxii. a frosty christmas
clxiii. new assignment
clxiv. ron's bad birthday
clxv. dumbledore's fall
clxvi. the funeral
clxviii. the seven potters
clxix. how you feeling, georgie?
clxx. preparations
clxxi. the wedding
clxxii. wedding crashers
clxxiii. muggle-borns
clxxiv. albert runcorn
clxxv. potterwatch
clxxvi. a brown christmas
clxxvii. invasion
clxxviii. the news
clxxix. the cell in malfoy manor
clxxx. dobby's rescue
clxxxi. here lies dobby
clxxxii. the οΏΌreunion
clxxxiii. tonk's baby
clxxxiv. may first
clxxxv. the painting's passage
clxxxvi. percy's apology
clxxxvii. the battle of hogwarts
clxxxviii. victoria silvers
clxxxix. the forbidden forest
cxc. the end of it all
cxci. nineteen years later
graphic gallery
i miss tori

clxvii. the truth at last?

9.6K 443 215
By mrstarkwewon

Coming next week, the shocking story of the flawed genius considered by many to be the greatest wizard of his generation. Stripping away the popular image of serene, silver-bearded wisdom, Rita Skeeter reveals the disturbed childhood, the lawless youth, the lifelong feuds, and the guilty secrets that Dumbledore carried to his grave. WHY was the man tipped to be Minister of Magic content to remain a mere headmaster? WHAT was the real purpose of the secret organization known as the Order of the Phoenix? HOW did Dumbledore really meet his end? The answers to these and many more questions are explored in the explosive new biography, The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore, by Rita Skeeter, exclusively interviewed by Betty Braithwaite, page 13, inside.

Nineteen-year-old Victoria Silvers let out a long sigh as she ripped over the Daily Prophet and found page thirteen. Albus Dumbledore couldn't even get a break, dead or alive. The article was topped with a picture showing another familiar face: a woman wearing jeweled glasses with elaborately curled blonde hair, her teeth bared in what was clearly supposed to be a winning smile, wiggling her fingers up at her. Doing her best to ignore this nauseating image, Tori read on.

In-person, Rita Skeeter is much warmer and softer than her famously ferocious quill-portraits might suggest. Greeting me in the hallway of her cozy home, she leads me straight into the kitchen for a cup of tea, a slice of pound cake and, it goes without saying, a steaming vat of freshest gossip. "Well, of course, Dumbledore is a biographer's dream," says Skeeter. "Such a long, full life. I'm sure my book will be the first of very, very many." Skeeter was certainly quick off the mark. Her nine-hundred-page book was completed a mere four weeks after Dumbledore's mysterious death in June. I ask her how she managed this superfast feat. "Oh, when you've been a journalist as long as I have, working to a deadline is second nature. I knew that the Wizarding world was clamoring for the full story and I wanted to be the first to meet that need." I mention the recent, widely publicized remarks of Elphias Doge, Special Advisor to the Wizengamot and longstanding friend of Albus Dumbledore's, that "Skeeter's book contains less fact than a Chocolate Frog card." Skeeter throws back her head and laughs. "Darling Dodgy! I remember interviewing him a few years back about merpeople rights, bless him. Completely gaga, seemed to think we were sitting at the bottom of Lake Windermere, kept telling me to watch out for trout." And yet Elphias Doge's accusations of inaccuracy have been echoed in many places. Does Skeeter really feel that four short weeks have been enough to gain a full picture of Dumbledore's long and extraordinary life? "Oh, my dear," beams Skeeter, rapping me affectionately across the knuckles, "you know as well as I do how much information can be generated by a fat bag of Galleons, a refusal to hear the word 'no,' and a nice sharp Quick-Quotes Quill! People were queuing to dish the dirt on Dumbledore anyway. Not everyone thought he was so wonderful, you know — he trod on an awful lot of important toes. But old Dodgy Doge can get off his high hippogriff, because I've had access to a source most journalists would swap their wands for, one who has never spoken in public before and who was close to Dumbledore during the most turbulent and disturbing phase of his youth." The advance publicity for Skeeter's biography has certainly suggested that there will be shocks in store for those who believe Dumbledore to have led a blameless life. What were the biggest surprises she uncovered, I ask? "Now, come off it, Betty, I'm not giving away all the highlights before anybody's bought the book!" laughs Skeeter. "But I can promise that anybody who still thinks Dumbledore was white as his beard is in for a rude awakening! Let's just say that nobody hearing him rage against You-Know-Who would have dreamed that he dabbled in the Dark Arts himself in his youth! And for a wizard who spent his later years pleading for tolerance, he wasn't exactly broad-minded when he was younger! Yes, Albus Dumbledore had an extremely murky past, not to mention that very fishy family, which he worked so hard to keep hushed up." I ask whether Skeeter is referring to Dumbledore's brother, Aberforth, whose conviction by the Wizengamot for misuse of magic caused a minor scandal fifteen years ago. "Oh, Aberforth is just the tip of the dung heap," laughs Skeeter. "No, no, I'm talking about much worse than a brother with a fondness for fiddling about with goats, worse even than the Muggle-maiming father — Dumbledore couldn't keep either of them quiet anyway, they were both charged by the Wizengamot. No, it's the mother and the sister that intrigued me, and a little digging uncovered a positive nest of nastiness — but, as I say, you'll have to wait for chapters nine to twelve for full details. All I can say now is, it's no wonder Dumbledore never talked about how his nose got broken." Family skeletons notwithstanding, does Skeeter deny the brilliance that led to Dumbledore's many magical discoveries? "He had brains," she concedes, "although many now question whether he could take full credit for all of his supposed achievements. As I reveal in chapter sixteen, Ivor Dillonsby claims he had already discovered eight uses of dragon's blood when Dumbledore 'borrowed' his papers." But the importance of some of Dumbledore's achievements cannot, I venture, be denied. What of his famous defeat of Grindelwald? "Oh, now, I'm glad you mentioned Grindelwald," says Skeeter with a tantalizing smile. "I'm afraid those who go dewy-eyed over Dumbledore's spectacular victory must brace themselves for a bombshell — or perhaps a Dungbomb. Very dirty business indeed. All I'll say is, don't be so sure that there really was the spectacular duel of legend. After they've read my book, people may be forced to conclude that Grindelwald simply conjured a white handkerchief from the end of his wand and came quietly!" Skeeter refuses to give any more away on this intriguing subject, so we turn instead to the relationship that will undoubtedly fascinate her readers more than any other. "Oh yes," says Skeeter, nodding briskly, "I devote an entire chapter to the whole Potter–Dumbledore relationship. It's been called unhealthy, even sinister. Again, your readers will have to buy my book for the whole story, but there is no question that Dumbledore took an unnatural interest in Potter from the word go whether that was really in the boy's best interests — well, we'll see. It's certainly an open secret that Potter has had a most troubled adolescence." I ask whether Skeeter is still in touch with Harry Potter, whom she so famously interviewed last year: a breakthrough piece in which Potter spoke exclusively of his conviction that You-Know-Who had returned. "Oh, yes, we've developed a close bond," says Skeeter. "Poor Potter has few real friends, and we met at one of the most testing moments of his life — the Triwizard Tournament. I am probably one of the only people alive who can say that they know the real Harry Potter." Which leads us neatly to the many rumors still circulating about Dumbledore's final hours. Does Skeeter believe that Potter was there when Dumbledore died? "Well, I don't want to say too much — it's all in the book — but eyewitnesses inside Hogwarts castle saw Potter running away from the scene moments after Dumbledore fell, jumped, or was pushed. Potter later gave evidence against Severus Snape, a man against whom he has a notorious grudge. Is everything as it seems? That is for the Wizarding community to decide — once they've read my book." On that intriguing note, I take my leave. There can be no doubt that Skeeter has quilled an instant bestseller. Dumbledore's legions of admirers, meanwhile, may well be trembling at what is soon to emerge about their hero.

Tori reached the bottom of the article but continued to stare blankly at the page. "That was just revolting..." She whispered, crumbling up the paper and looking at it in disgust. "You read about Skeeter?" Fred Weasley, Tori's boyfriend, entered the room, glancing at the crumpled up paper ahead of her. "I'll take that as a yes."

He kissed the top of her head at Tori glared at the newspaper and went over to the sink. They were back at the Weasley Burrow in preparation for that night. They were rescuing Harry from Privet Drive.

It wasn't like their normal rescues missions in the dead of night or greeting the unhappy Dursleys. As far as Tori knew, the Dursley family were all clearing out of their rickety house to protect themselves from Lord Voldemort. He was willing to use anyone if it meant getting to Harry and they were just Muggles.

"It's all rubbish," Tori complained. "Why can't they just leave Harry alone? He's got enough to worry about..."

Fred chuckled to himself, "When have they ever done that?"

i literally had nothing done so i just through this chapter together last minute

tomorrow's chapter will actually start stuff okay i promise

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