Wonderful | wicked | book 2/3

By Nessarosethott

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After two years of hiding away, Elphaba, Nessarose and Fiyero believe it's time to go back to Oz. But is Oz r... More



33 2 0
By Nessarosethott

A sudden knocking at the office door shakes me from my daze.
I quickly move any papers from the desk and place them into an open draw.
I clear my throat.
"Come in,"
The door clicks open, I'm pleasantly surprised at seeing my sister walk in.
Though the pleasantness soon fades as I notice a rather forlorn look upon her face.
I beckon her to sit down, as I hear Dr Dillamond rummaging around in the next room.
Elphaba doesn't take her seat so I decide to make some conversation.
"How have you been?" I ask politely, Elphaba nods her head but doesn't answer.
She looks around the room and looks straight at me.
She's wearing a long black cloak on top of whatever she's got underneath, both of her arms are under it.

"Nessa," Elphie trembles after a short while,
I crane my neck and look up at her.
"Nessa I have something to tell you,"
I'm worried now, I'm silently begging that something horrible hasn't happened.
"Oh god," I say suddenly "what?"
Elphaba looks down in shame.
"Nessa Boc has been back for three weeks, I lied, I'm so sorry."

Time seems to slow down I can't quite process what she's just said.
My own sister.
My best friend.
How could she just lie like that?
My eyes begin to water and rage boils up inside of me like a teapot.
"Nessa I'm so sorry..." Elphab mumbles.
I'm not having it.
"I can't believe you!" I growl, trying not to alert Dr Dillamond, who would definitely take Elphabas side.
I lean my elbows on the desk and slam my head into my hands, the force causes a tub of pens to clatter to the floor, the noise brings Dr Dillamond out into the office.
"Ness," Elphaba whispers gently, bending down to pick up the pens.
"Get out." I say suddenly, Elphaba looks taken aback, she stands bolt upright and awaits me next move.
"Nessa?" Dr Dillamond whispers.
I lift my head from my hands and glare at my sister.
I just can't believe this.
"Elphaba, get out!" I bark.

Elphaba takes a step away from me,
Dr Dillamond stares bug eyed at the both of us.
Elphie throws her cloak back, I see what she's holding.
The Grimmere.
I gasp loudly, she looks so scared but I have little pity left.
Elphaba open the book and recites a spell.
Green smoke fills the room.
And in an instant it's gone along with Elphaba.
Dr Dillamond rushes out into the middle of the room, he stares at me sympathetically.

I seize the wheels on my chair and push myself into my bedroom, Dr Dillamond follows me closely.
I make it into the room and just sit with my back to the door, I can hear his rapid breathing behind me.
"Professor, please I need to be alone for a short while" I say trying desperately not to lose my temper with someone undeserving.
"Nessa I don't think you do" he says calmly, staggering over to my bed.
He sits down on it and looks across at me.
"What happened?"
I sigh deeply and look down at my lap.
"She lied to me,"
Dr Dillamond opens his mouth to speak.
"Please" I say forcefully "I don't want to speak about it."
Dr Dillamond stands up and walks over to the door, he taps me on the shoulder on the way out.
"I understand, I'll be in the office, give me a shout if you need anything, take as much time as you need."

About an hour has gone by, I've just sat here, I'm so angry.
I can't even begin to describe it, I just feel so betrayed.
I told myself that it was my fault that Boc hadn't come back, I convinced myself that I'd never get to see him again.
I don't love him anymore but that night at OzDust is still one of  the most magical nights of my life.
Still I sit here, crying.
That's all I ever seem to find myself doing,  my biggest fear is that one day I'll stop crying and just won't be able to feel anything anymore.
I can hear Dr Dillamond rustling around in the next room, I hope he's not angry with me, I know he likes Elphaba the best.

Suddenly I hear a light, silky feminine voice, it draws closer to the doorway.
I spin myself around to find Glinda standing there.
She outstretches her arms and kneels in front of me, pulling me in to her chest.
"Nessa I'm so sorry,"
I start to cry again, like a child craving attention.
I used to do it all the time when I was young, only cry when someone acknowledges your pain, that way you get more sympathy.
I used to thrive off of sympathy, pity kept people talking to me.
"Glinda!" I exclaim tearfully, She hugs me tighter in response.

After a short while, Glinda let's me go and I push myself over to my bed, Glinda sits down in front of me.
I place my hand feebly on her lap, she holds onto it gently.
I silently appreciate it.
It's been the first time we've seen each other in weeks, neither of us really know what to say.
"Nessa, how are you finding Shiz?"
"How's Boc?" I splutter, not finding time to answer her question.
Glinda reassuringly places her other hand on top of mine.
"He's okay, he really wanted to see you but..." her words seem to run out, I know what she's going to say.
Whilst scanning the room, I catch sight of a book that Glinda has placed on one of my side cabinets.
"Glinda, isn't that Elphabas?" I ask, concerned with what Glinda may have done.
"This ones yours, I want you to have it," she says,
Staring harder at the book, I notice the words on the front, is is indeed the Halen and is mine.
I close my eyes and feel my hand growing increasingly warmer from being enclosed between Glindas.
I feel that warmth spread throughout my entire body.
I feel so tired.

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