Wonderful | wicked | book 2/3

By Nessarosethott

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After two years of hiding away, Elphaba, Nessarose and Fiyero believe it's time to go back to Oz. But is Oz r... More



80 2 0
By Nessarosethott

This is awkward, so many unspoken things are buzzing around.
I don't know what to say, I loathe this chair, why did it have to be this one.
The governors chair.
I'm wearing a red and white checkered dress, it's short and cold, I still have my stripy tights on, the only thing that stopped me from getting frost bite in the harsh winters.
"Nessa" Glinda says breaking the silence at last "it's good to see you"
I nod sadly, I don't know what to say.
I scan the room for a conversation topic, hoping to be given one by Glinda.
"Is this yours now?" I ask, I look at Glindas puzzled face "Munchkin Land, i mean"
Glinda walks over to me and pushes me in front of the sofa, she sits before me.
"I guess so," she mumbles "the munchkins kind of elected me, I didn't have a choice"
I shudder slightly.
"It should have been you from the start" I say truthfully "I was never cut out to rule, someone as hateful as me didn't deserve power"
Glinda leans forward and takes my hands in hers.
"Don't day that Nessa, you tried your best with what you had, you just..."
"Stop" I say harshly, cutting her off "don't try and sugar coat it, I know what I did and I regret every second of it."
Glinda leans forward and hugs me tightly, a hug that I think I've needed since we got here.

"Nessa, I'm so sorry"
I look up, tears making my view blurry.
"About Boc, about everything, I didn't expect it to end how it did and it was all my fault"
I shake my head solemnly,
"Glinda you can't help being perfect" I say father forcefully, I'm not meaning to sound rude but I'm afraid that it may have came off that way.
Glinda Throws her head back and chuckles loudly,
"Nessa I'm far from perfect, no ones perfect"
Glinda starts to talk again but I'm distracted by a loud spout of commotion outside,
"What's going on out there?" I ask curiously.
Glinda shrugs,
"Your appearance did cause quite a stir, I'm yet to go out and talk to them yet" Glinda says.
Suddenly there's a knock at the door and all the outside noise falls silent.
"I Best go and answer that" Glinda whispers, "you stay here."
I push myself backwards so Glinda can stand up, shes goes over to the door, I turn myself around so I can see out into the hallway.
The conversation is faint but Glindas voice is growing more and more agitated.
Suddenly Glinda rushes backwards and the person behind the door runs in angrily.
They have a shiny sliver face and are holding a large axe.

"Boc" I splutter, pushing myself backwards out of pure fear of what he might do to me.
Glinda rushes in from the hallway and stares bug eyed at the both of us.
"N...Nessarose" Boc splutters, I cant tell if he's angry or confused.
He's probably both, I'm not surprised.
"Boc I..." I mumble, my voice cracks and trembles.

Glinda steps forwards timidly and prizes the Ace from his fingers, she gently sets it down on the floor.
"I watched you die" Boc shrieks pointing at me.
I shudder, remembering that day as if it was yesterday.
"Elphaba, brought her back" Glinda says her voice squeaking.
"Is she here too, the witch?" Boc growls,
Glinda nods solemnly, her eyes flickering back and fourth between me and Boc.
"So are you lying now" Boc says his eyes fixated on my legs,
"Boc what are you talking about" Glinda says startled.
"I know what he means" Elphabas warm voice calls from behind me, Her and Fiyero have finally come back inside.
Elphie positions herself behind me protectively and Fiyero hovers at my side.
Bocs eyes widen as he darts to the floor and seizes his axe again, Glinda practically jumps out of her skin.

Boc grabs Glinda by the arm and pulls her protectively by his side.
"Boc, what's the matter, they aren't going to hurt us" Glinda says frantically.
"How do you know that!" He shouts pointing his axe at me.
I grapple at Fiyeros arms, clenching it tightly out of fear.
This place, this house, Boc.
All the things that remind me of my failures are all here, taunting me.
"Go on, explain why your not standing now" Boc growls,
"What is he talking about?" Glinda splutters as Boc pulls her closer to him.
I stare up at Elphaba, pleading with her to make everything okay.
"The shoes" Elphaba says, darkening her tone "The ones that you gave to that little farm girl, I enchanted them so that Nessa could walk"
Glinda gasps and breaks free of Bocs Grasp, she drops to the floor sobbing.
"Oh Nessa" she cries "I'm so sorry"
Boc slowly lowers his axe.
"Boc if your going to hate anyone, hate me" Elphaba says nobly "don't hate Nessa, she's been through enough"
Boc turns around frantically and makes a run for the door.
"Boc wait!" I call out to no avail, he's already gone.
Elphaba walks round to my front and holds my hands in hers.
"It's fine" I mutter faintly "I don't need him to forgive me"
I push myself forward and Elphie rushes out of my way, I wheel myself over to where Glinda is crouched on the floor, she looks up at me and sobs louder.
"Oh Nessa, I had no idea what I was doing"
I looked around, trying not to look Glinda in the eyes, for fear that I might burst into tears too.
"Oh Nessa please forgive me" Glinda cries.
"I don't hold it against you, you didn't know" I say hurriedly.
"I'll make it up to you, I swear"Glinda says frantically.
I nod politely, even though I don't want anyone to feel as though they are in debt to me because I don't deserve pity.
I want to start a fresh and leave everything behind me.
I want to be a better person.
But sadly Bocs visit has shaken me to my core.

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