The Supernatural Diaries {Boo...

By TeamArrow4Life

11.2K 515 50

Sam and Dean are teenagers attending school at Mystic Falls High. Dean is a Hunter but is best friends with S... More

Unknown I
Dean I
Elena I
The New Student, Part II
Elena II
Unknown II
Stefan I
Sam I
Dean II
Friendly Meetings, Part I
Friendly Meetings, Part II
Stefan II
Elena III
Late Night Parties, Part I
Sam II
Late Night Parties, Part II
All's Well That Ends Well
Before You Start Episode 2
Night of the Comet: Sam I
Night of the Comet: Elena I
Night of the Comet: Stefan I
Night of the Comet: Bonnie I
Night of the Comet: Dean I
Night of the Comet: Elena II
Night of the Comet: Stefan II
Night of the Comet: Bonnie II
Night of the Comet: Sam II
Night of the Comet: Getting Answers
Night of the Comet: Damon I
Night of the Comet: Dean II
Night of the Comet: Between Brothers (Salvatore I)
Night of the Comet: Elena III
Night of the Comet: Sam III
Night of the Comet: Welcome to the Festival
Night of the Comet: Caught Feelings
Night of the Comet: Interview With A Vampire
Night of the Comet: Damon II
Night of the Comet: Inquisitions & Explanations
Night of the Comet: Dean III
Night of the Comet: Figuring Things Out
Friday Night Bites: Caroline I
Friday Night Bites: The New "It" Couple
Friday Night Bites: Stefan I
Friday Night Bites: High School Mayhem, Part I
Friday Night Bites: Elena I
Friday Night Bites: Dean I
Friday Night Bites: Four Is Company, Seven Is A Disaster Waiting To Happen
Friday Night Bites: Damon I
Friday Night Bites: Elena II
Friday Night Bites: Sam I
Friday Night Bites: Stefan II
Friday Night Bites: Devil's Tango, Damon's Tango! What's the Difference?
Friday Night Bites: Go Timberwolves!
Friday Night Bites: 8, 14, 22
Friday Night Bites: Dean II
Family Ties: Dean I
Family Ties: Stefan I
Family Ties: Elena I
Family Ties: Damon I
Family Ties: A Series of Unfortunate Events, Pt. 1
Family Ties: A Series of Unfortunate Events Pt. 2
Family Ties: Sam I
Family Ties: Stefan II
Family Ties: There's A Lot of History Here
Family Ties: Elena II
Family Ties: Between Brothers (Winchester I)
Family Ties: The Legacies of Our Blood
Family Ties: The Right Partner
Family Ties: Family Heirlooms
Family Ties: Elena III
Family Ties: Damon II
Family Ties: It's Been A Long Night
You're Undead to Me: Dean I
You're Undead To Me: Stefan I
You're Undead To Me: Damon I
You're Undead To Me: Elena I
You're Undead To Me: Makin' My Head Spin
You're Undead To Me: True Colors
You're Undead To Me: Damon II
You're Undead To Me: Soap Suds & New Buds (Pt. 1)
You're Undead To Me: Soap Suds & New Buds (Pt. 2)
You're Undead To Me: Elena II
You're Undead To Me: The Great Escape
You're Undead To Me: Dean II
You're Undead To Me: Secrets & Sins
Lost Girls: A Revelation
Lost Girls: Trust Issues
Lost Girls: Elena I
Lost Girls: Missing Teenager
Lost Girls: Ancient History
Lost Girls: Stefan I
Lost Girls: It's A Wonderful Life
Lost Girls: Metamorphosis
Lost Girls: Bloodbath
Haunted: Damon I
Haunted: Dean I
Haunted: Recent Developments and Pressing Issues
Haunted: Elena I
Haunted: Why Is It Always Damon?
Haunted: All Hallow's Eve
Haunted: Hunger
Haunted: Divide And Conquer
Haunted: Dean II
Haunted: Sam I
162 Candles: Stefan I
162 Candles: He said, She Said, Who Said?
162 Candles: Strengths & Weaknesses
162 Candles: Talismans Are A Powerful Tool
162 Candles: Elena I
162 Candles: Party Planner
162 Candles: Dean I
162 Candles: Secrets & Surprises
162 Candles: Follow the Amulet
162 Candles: Caroline I
162 Candles: It Always Comes Back to Dean

The New Student, Part I

294 11 2
By TeamArrow4Life

As the four teenagers, walked through the crowded hallways, Bonnie, began to speak. "Ugh! Major lack of male real estate," she groaned. "Well, I wouldn't say that, B. I'm sure there are some good looking guys 'round here, for you girls to do the hanky-panky with," Dean smirked. Bonnie gasped and hit him on the shoulder, "Rude!" "And that's where I take my leave," Sam gagged and raced off to go find his locker. Dean laughed victoriously, "And that is how you get rid of your annoying little brothers."

"Oh, my God. Look at the shower curtain on Kelly Beach," Bonnie gossiped. "Ooh, baby, that skirt does not look good on anybody," Dean shook his head at the student wearing the shower curtain. Elena and Bonnie both gave Dean a weird look. "What? I pay attention when you guys talk about fashion," Dean said defensively. "Then, why do you insist on wearing flannel, denim, and plaid every day?" Elena questioned. "Because that's my sense of style," he retorted.

"God, this is gonna be a busy year. Find a man, coin a phrase, get Dean to wear something other than flannel," Bonnie sighed. Dean balked at his two friends, as he opened his locker. Elena laughed lightheartedly and said, "I think that last one might take a little while longer." "Uh-oh,  Category 2 Ex-boyfriend Hurricane at six o'clock," Dean grumbled, as he looked across the corridor at a boy with blond hair and blue eyes.

Elena followed his gaze and saw Matt staring at Elena solemnly. She gave him an awkward smile, but he just turned and walked away. "Ah, damn it!" Dean swore. "Look, girls, I'd love to stay here a chop it up with you guys, but..." "It's okay, we get it," Bonnie nodded. "He's your friend, too."

"Thanks, Bon. See you both in history." Then Dean closed his locker and bolted off down the hall to catch up with Matt. Elena leaned against her locker and folded her arms. "He hates me," she groaned. "That's not hate," Bonnie countered. "That's "you dumped me, but I'm too cool to show it, but secretly I'm listening to Air Supply's greatest hits" behavior." Elena buried her face in her hands and whined pathetically.

Out of nowhere, Caroline showed up and wrapped Elena up in a tight hug. "Elena, are you okay? How are you?" she said once she let go. Then, she turned to Bonnie and repeated the question except mentioning Elena in the third person. Elena huffed at the blonde's antics and shook her head fondly. "Caroline, I'm right here. I'm okay," Elena said. "Thank you."


"Yes, much better."

Caroline sighed and embraced her friend once more in a choking embrace. "You poor thing," she said.

"Okay, Caroline."

When Caroline let go, she looked to both her friends and said goodbye before going off to her first class. Once she was gone, Elena shook her head in fond annoyance. Then she and Bonnie started down the corridor.


On the other side of the school behind the dumpsters in the Stoner Pit, Jeremy was kicking back with the "legendary druggie and stoner slut" Vicki Donovan and dealing her drugs. "Don't take more than two in a six-hour window," he said, handing her a vial of pills. She smirked before downing two and pocketing the rest. 

"Really, Jeremy?" a voice called out behind them.

They both turned, worried that they'd been caught by a teacher. However, they relaxed when they came face-to-face with the person who spoke. "Damn it, Sam, try not to sneak up on a guy, will ya?" Jeremy grumbled. "If you stop sneaking off to the Stoner Pit, I won't have to!" Sam shot back. "Come on, man. Let's go!" 

Unfortunately, Jeremy was no longer listening to what his friend had to say and focused his attention back on Vicki Donovan. "Dude, seriously, we're gonna be late to class. Let's go!" Sam snapped. Jeremy rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, in a minute." 

"You should listen to your friend, Gilbert," said Tyler Lockwood, as he approached the trio. "You have got to be kidding me," Sam exhaled. Jeremy rolled his eyes at the brutish jock, while Vicki smiled. "Vicki Donovan, I knew I'd find you with the crackheads," he flirted, wrapping an arm around her waist. Both Sam and Jeremy visibly cringed, as Vicki practically threw herself at Tyler. 

"By the way," Tyler began, "Pete Wentz called, and he wants his nail polish back. Make sure he does it, Winchester." Sam scoffed, "Yeah, sure thing, right as soon as you give Marilyn Manson back his nose." "By the way, that Pete Wentz reference was very old school "T. R. L." of you," Jeremy retorted. 

Tyler glowered at the two boys, but neither one of them seemed to be perturbed. "Okay, well, this has been fun and all, but if you're done glaring at us like Pennywise, then Jeremy and I do need to get to class," Sam huffed. "You two should watch yourselves before you get hurt," Tyler warned. 

"Maybe you should instead," Sam remarked. "After all, we're just starting the new school year, and we wouldn't want anything to happen to our star running back." 

"Okay, easy boys. Calm down," Vicki cut in. "I am calm, it's these emo punks who are pissing me off!" Tyler raised his voice. Both Sam and Jeremy wanted nothing more than to kick Lockwood's ass, but Sam knew that wouldn't bode well for them, especially on the first day to school as Freshman. Plus, Sam really wasn't joking. He could honestly cripple Tyler for life in an instant if he applied enough pressure to the right nerves in the spinal cord. "Alright, we're done here," Sam cleared his throat. 

"Yeah, that's smart, Winchester. Why don't you and Tweedle-Dumber run along?" Unfortunately at that moment, Jeremy just had to have the final word. "At least I'm not a Carson Daily fan, dick!" He barked. Tyler lunged at the young Gilbert, but Sam stepped in and pushed him back slightly.

"Oh, you wanna fight, too?" Tyler seethed.

"Not particularly, but I will if I have to."

"Ty, be nice," Vicki warned, despite the lack of seriousness in her voice. "They are Elena and Dean's little brothers." Sam held back a scoff. It seemed that was all Sam was good for these days. Being Dean's little brother. It wouldn't matter as much if other people saw all the other things Sam did in his own time. But all they see him as is the kid brother of Mystic Falls High's star wide receiver and soon-to-be graduate.

That's another thing.

Dean would be graduating early in a few months before his nineteenth birthday. He would be going off to college and he'd leave Mystic Falls.

He'd leave Sam.

Shaking himself out of his thoughts, Sam realized that Tyler had still been talking and he spaced out. "I know who they are, but I'll still kick their asses," he said just before kissing Vicki. Sam gagged and looked ready to walk away. However, he saw how upset Jeremy was and paused. Then he let out a sharp exhale and clapped his friend on the shoulder. 

"C'mon. Let's get outta here." 

To Be Continued...


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