Sterek One-Shots Book One (Bo...

By adult_disneyprincess

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This is where I will post all of my Sterek one shots. Be a doll and request one. Either comment on this page... More

Sterek One-Shots (Taking Requests!)
Fox Tails and Nursing Majors
Furry Tails and Bothersome Brothers (Sequel to Fox Tails and Nursing Majors)
Mac and Cheese and Boyfriends (Part Three of FT&NM)
Cat Ears and Medical Files (Fourth Part to Fox Tails and Nursing Majors)
Parks And Red Vines (Part Five of FT&NM)
Christmas Trees And Final Exams (Part 6 of FT&NM)
Strangers And A Spoiled Fox (Part Seven Of FT&NM)
Tell Me This is Just a Dream
Black Hair and Whiskey Eyes
I'll Always Be There For You (Mature Content)
The Kidnapped Mate (Mild Mature Content)
Nothing But a Note
Nothing But A Note (Part Two)
Just Give Me a Reason (Brief Mature Content)
Blame It On The Hormones (Mature Content)
It's Just Two Cliche (The Sequel to Cliche)
Tell Me No Lies (Mature Content)
The Kitten Likes Derek More
Stiles Needs Space
You Were Supposed To Be My Normal (Mature Content)
Love Finds A Way (Mature Content)
Coming Home
Stay Out of the Forest
We're Just Friends, Dad. (Mature Content)
All These Maps Lead Me To You
He'll Be Here (Mild Mature Content)
Stop Spying on Stiles (Slight Mature Content)
You Belong With Me (Mature Content)
Derek's Insecure, Stiles Doesn't Know What For (Mature Content)
I See Fire
And a Kid Makes Three
No Need to Jump to Conclusions(Mature Content)
Under Construction
Mr. Hale (Mature Content)
You and I Collide (Mature Content)
Beacon Hills Blank
I Fell In Love With You For The Same Reason You Watch The Rain
Stop With The Blame Game (Mild Mature Content)
Not In Isaac's Bed (Mature Content)
Derek Hates Disney (But He Really Doesn't )
Boot Camp
Killer (Part One of Hale's Investigations )
Murder (Part Two of Hale's Investigations)
Unknown Artist (Brief Mature Content)
Detention (Mild Mature Content)
Sweet Sentiments (Sequel to Detention)
Stiles And Derek Join The Mile High Club (Mature Content)
To Be A Child Again
Wake Me Up When It's All Over
What Happens At Glastonbury, Stays At Glastonbury. (Mature Content)
What Happens In Dorm 3C, Stays In Dorm 3C (Sequel to WHIG, SIG)(Mature Content)
I Just Know (Part One of Lovers In The Woods Series) (Mature Content)
Red Hoodie (Part Two of Lovers In The Woods Series)
Author Questions: Answered!
Rainy Day (Part Three of Lovers In The Woods Series)
Lydia Knows Best (Brief Mature Content)
Stilinski's Sweets (Mild Mature Content)
Blue Eyed Baby (Mature Content)
His Love Keeps Me Warm
Happy Anniversary, Derek. (Mature Content)
The Choices We Must Make
If You Go Out To The Woods Today
A Pirate's Life For Me
Two Werewolves And An Animagus
You're Not The One I Want
Don't Soul Mate Me (Mild Mature Content)
All That's Missing Is The White Picket Fence
The Spoils Of War
Christmas Time Is Here
Werewolves Are People Too
Until The Very End
The Elevator
Secrets and Lies (Mature Content)
One Big Happy Pack
Practical Magic (Part Two of The Fox and The Wolf Series) (Mature Content)
Strange Magic (Part Three of The Fox and The Wolf Series)(Mature Content)
Tutors and Cheeseburgers (Part Eight of FT&NM)
The Radical Adventures of Hellfire and Icicle
Pocket Watches
Foxes Don't Follow Wolves
Bruised Lips (Mature Content)
Derek Doesn't Have Time For This
The Thing Is
Like A Promise (Mature Content)
Little Circus Of Horrors
Two Worlds, One Family
Anniversaries and New Semesters (Part Nine of FT&NM)
1 Million Reads!!!!!!!!!

Accidental Magic (Part One of The Fox and The Wolf Series) (Mature Content)

16.9K 385 27
By adult_disneyprincess

Stale here coming at you with another three part series!! Yay!!!! Nothing more to say except hope you enjoy it! 


        “Please, Derek. All I'm going to do is make you go from one side of the room to the other.” Cora begs, and Derek doesn't even look up from his laptop before he answers.

“No, Cora.” Derek says, and he hears his little sister's huff of indignation. Derek stops typing to look up at his sister, and she is pouting at him. Derek tries not to let her sway his choice, but he feels himself waver. Cora was in training to be the new emissary of the Hale pack, which was just Derek and her at the moment due to the unfortunate circumstances of the fire that killed his entire family, and she claimed that she needed practice.

Cora had always liked magic, even when their parents were alive, so naturally she became the emissary for the pack. It was rare for a wolf to be the emissary, but not unheard of. Derek closes his laptop with a snap, and narrows his eyes at her. “How long have you been practicing this spell?” Derek asks her, and she puts her hands on her hips while giving him a look of innocence.

“For a while. I sent Duke into the living room from my bedroom.” Cora says, and Derek frowns at her.

“What did I say about using magic on my dog?” Derek tells her, and she waves him away impatiently as she looks around for her spell books. She finds it underneath Derek's coffee cup, and she gives him a dirty look while she flips to the page she needs.

“Hush. Now can I?” She wonders, widening her eyes in an attempt to look innocent. Derek glares at her for a second before he huffs through his nose, and he nods his head. He has to admit he has a soft spot for his little sister's enthusiasm for magic. Their mother always encouraged her with her magic, so Derek promised himself that he would too. “Okay, stand by the fireplace.” Cora instructs, and Derek sighs as he walks over. His bare feet stomp on the floor as he moves around the bare loft, and she turns to face him.

“Just across the room.” Derek tries to clarify, and Cora nods her head. He stands perfectly still, it makes it harder if he's moving, and she puts her hand on the page to read from it. She reads from the page, her voice quiet and slow, and Derek takes in a sharping breath of air when he feels himself beginning pulled from his spot.


Derek feel something shaking him frantically as he tries to open his eyes, and he groans trying to turn over. He's tired and just wants to sleep some more. “Please, Derek, wake up. I messed up.” Cora says, urgently and at her tone Derek springs awake.

Cora gives him a relieved look, but it soon forms into a panicked one when she wipes her head around. “These aren't our woods.” She says, and Derek stands more alert. His feet digging into the muddy ground, and the air smells unfamiliar to him. “I'm sorry. I don't know what happened.” Cora cries, and Derek moves to put his arm on her shoulder.

“It's okay. It happens, lets just go home.” Derek says, wiping his face with his hand. They're in the woods, but the woods aren't theirs. A strange smell is all over the woods, another pack that Derek doesn't recognize, and he pulls Cora closer to him.

Cora nods her head, Derek knows she is mad at herself for this, and they go in search of the edge of Hale property. He keeps Cora close to him, guarding her as an Alpha and older brother does, as they walk. Derek ruffles her hair as they walk, and she gave him a shy smile in return. He isn't mad at her, Derek knows that she didn't do this on purpose, and Derek takes in another breath. “I wonder where we are.” Derek comments, and Cora sighs loudly in annoyance as she looks around.

“I don't know. I said it just the same when I sent Duke across the room.” Cora says with a frown, and Derek pulls on her hair playfully. Cora is luckily wearing shoes with a thick, warm dress and long coat while Derek is bare footed in a short sleeved shirt and jeans. They walk in silence until they come to a river, and the scent of the other pack becomes stronger.

Derek turns his head towards a slight sound that he hears for the trees, and he searches for the reason for the sound. He doesn't see anything, and Cora gives him a look of question. He ignores it for a while when he keeps walking, shifting his eyes around them as they walk, and Cora stops to look around. “I think I sent us to England.” She says, suddenly as she crouches to the ground. Derek watches as she inspects a plant, and he gives her a look that says he is not amused as she plucks the plant from the cold ground. “If this is what I think it is then we're in West England. We should probably keep walking until we find a town or something.” She says, and Derek sighs loudly.

“Try the spell again. Say it just the same.” Derek tells her, and she gives him a hard look. Cora turns to look at him while she closes her eyes while she repeats the spell, and Derek waits for the same feeling from earlier that never happens.

When Derek opens his eyes again, he is alone in the forest and Cora's scent is long gone.


Something is trespassing in Stiles' woods. He almost didn't believe Scott when his beta came to tell him, his voice excited since nothing ever happens to them. Stiles told Scott that he would investigate the scent, and told Scott not to worry anyone else with this information. Scott wanted to go with him when his Alpha went curiously looking for the scent, but Stiles waved him away claiming he needed a walk anyways. He spent all day listening to his emissary lecture him about the importance of having an heir, of getting married, and Stiles was tired of it despite of how much he loves his emissary.

Stiles walks slow and careful through his woods, the scent almost hitting him instantly when he left his pack's village. The air is cold and brittle, and Stiles pulls his furs tighter around him. He isn't all that cold, only when the wind blows, when he stops to smell the air. The unfamiliar scent hits his nose, and Stiles follows it. He assumes that it is a human villager that has gotten lost or maybe a neighboring pack.

Stiles walks carefully as he investigates, and he stands still when he sees a man. He has black hair, in strange clothing that Stiles has never seen before, and holding his side as it bleeds. Stiles takes a cautious step forward, and the man turns to look at him. Stiles meets him to grab him, and the man growls at him while flashing his eyes red. Stiles growls back at him to show him his own red eyes, but the man doesn't calm down. Stiles smells silver coming from the wound, and he growls low and dangerous in his throat. He knew of the human villagers who seemingly knew about Stiles and his pack, they read old stories from the elders that spoke of silvering being the only thing that could hurt them.

Stiles slings the man's arm over his shoulder to help walk him back to his the village, and all Stiles can smell is blood. The man lulls his head onto Stiles shoulder, and he muttering to himself as he faints. Stiles tilts his head back and howl at the sky, calling his pack to him. He waits, holding the other Alpha up, while his pack tracks him. Stiles isn't threatened by the other Alpha that has found his way into his land, and soon Scott finds them. Scott growls low in his throat at the sight at someone touching his Alpha, and Stiles shushes him. “Take him to Lydia.” Stiles says, and Scott takes the handsome man from Stiles to cart him to his emissary.


When Lydia comes to get him, Stiles walk into his hut to see the man unconscious in his bed as Lydia cleans up her mess. “He's better. Someone pumped him full of silver most likely with a dagger.” Lydia says, and Stiles nods since that is what he figured. “I think he's a werewolf.” Lydia tells him, and Stiles snaps his head to look at his emissary.

“Weres haven't lived in this land for centuries.” Stiles tells her, and Lydia shakes her head. Stiles takes a cautious step towards the man, and Stiles gently turns the man's head to the side to look at him better. The man hasn't shaved in sometime, and his lips are slightly parted as he breathes. Stiles leans down to run his nose over the man's neck to smell him, and Stiles takes a deep breath in. The man smells like wolf, the woods, and almost faintly like ash.

Stiles feels his eyes flutter shut as he takes another greedy breath of the intoxicating scent, and he only stops when Lydia clears her throat. His eyes flicker open as he turns to look at her, and she is giving him an almost amused look. “What?” He snaps, and Lydia smirks slightly as she holds her hands up.

“He's an Alpha.” Lydia says, and Stiles gives her a confused look because he told her that then it hits him.

“No, Lydia.” Stiles hiss, and she gives him a hard look.

“Imagine how powerful the child of a wolf and fox would be. A child of two Alphas.” She says, and Stiles waves her away. He has thought about it, but he waves her away. The man was good looking, but Stiles wasn't thinking about it. “Stiles. You have a pack to take care of.” Lydia says, and Stiles gives her a dirty look.

“What does me being married have to do with protecting my pack?” Stiles demands to know, and Lydia put her hand on his shoulder while giving him a gentle look.

“What would we do without a leader if something happened to you?” She asks, softly. Stiles sighs deeply before wiping his face because he know she is right. His parents had already had him when he was his age, and at nineteen, he was already getting on in years. He was in his fertile prime, and he was tired of being given dowry after dowry by other packs in exchange for his hand.

Lydia gave him a parting look as she walks out of his hut, and she slams the door on his way out. The loud noise must shock the man awake because he jolts up, and his eyes drift around the room until they land on Stiles. “Did you scent me, fox?” He spits, leaning down to smell his his shirt. Stiles feels his cheeks turn pink as he sputters. He hadn't meant to scent the older man, he was curious as to what he smelt like.

“No.” Stiles says, but the man looks like he doesn't believe him. The man jumps out of the bed, and he turns around in circles some.

“Where am I?” He demands to know, and Stiles frowns. He is carefully watching the man moving around his hut, making sure he isn't going to attack in his increasingly agitated state.

“England. Where are you from, strange one?” Stiles asks, and the man whips his head around to look at him. The man has a strange accent that Stiles has never heard of before, and he is curious.

“America.” He says, lifting up his shirt to look at the wound that is already closing nicely. Lydia is a mean healer even with the wounds have silver in them. Stiles wrinkles his nose at the unfamiliar word.

“America? What village is that?” Stiles asks, and the man scoffs at him.

“It's a country. One of the largest countries in the world. You know, the one everyone hates?” He says, raising an eyebrow. Stiles shakes his head because he isn't sure where he is referring to, and the man rolls his eyes to the roof in annoyance.

“What the date?” He asks, looking around the room. Stiles wrinkles his forehead trying to remember because the days sometimes blended together and he wasn't sure.

“Seven days until the full moon.” Stiles answers, and the man nods his head. He walks around Stiles hut looking at everything, but not touching anything. He looks carefully at Stiles' candlestick and fireplace before turning his head to give Stiles an unreadable look.

“Why don't you have anything with electricity?” The man asks him, and Stiles raises an eyebrow at him. This man spoke strangely to Stiles, and he wondered what was so different about him other than being the only werewolf Stiles had ever seen.

“What is electricity, strange one?” Stiles asks, and the man frowns deeply. He looks Stiles up and down with so much intent that Stiles' feels his cheeks darken with the thoughts of the man looking at him like this in Stiles' bed.

“What year is it?” He asks, carefully.

“Fifteen ninety.” Stiles answers, and the man gasps loudly at him. The man breathes heavily, and Stiles wonders what could possibly be wrong with him.

“Where is your emissary?” He demands to know, and Stiles growls low in his throat. He doesn't like to be spoken to in such a way, especially when being demanded to tell someone where one of his pack members are. When Stiles doesn't answer right away the man advances on him with eyes flashing red, and he fangs bared.

Stiles shifts into his beta form when the man gets too close, and he slams the man against the wall of his hut. “You aren't the only one with red eyes, boyo.” Stiles says, and wolf growls at him. Lydia slams the door loudly to bring their attention away from each other to her.

“What in the world is going on?” She hisses, and the man turns back to his human form. Stiles does the same, he feels his teeth slip back until they're normal and his face feels less hairy, and he stands in between her and the man.

“You have to send me back.” The man hisses at Lydia, and she gives him a hard look before looking at Stiles.

“Send you where?” She asks.

“Back to my time.” The man says, and Lydia raises an eyebrow. “I'm not from here. I'm from the future.” He insists, and Stiles snorts in annoyance but Lydia looks extremely calm but collected.

“Who sent you to the past?” She asks, and Stiles wants to tell her what she speaks of isn't possible but he knows not too.

“My sister. She was practicing magic and she sent us both here to England.” The man explains, and Lydia nods.

“What's your name, wolf?” She asks, and Stiles wants to slap himself for not asking for the attractive man's name.

“Derek.” He says, reluctantly. Lydia wipes her hand on her green dress to brush off nonexistent dirt off it before she turns to look at some of the spell books that Stiles keeps in his hut. She would keep them in hers, but they're safer here with the Alpha.

“Where is your sister now?” Lydia asks, thumbing through the book. Derek shifts on his bare feet in the cold hut, and he gives her a distrustful look.

“She sent herself back.” Derek says, but he doesn't sound sure. He isn't lying, Stiles would be able to tell, but he says it as if he isn't sure where his sister is at the moment. When he answers, Lydia gives Stiles a quick look with a perched look before she turns her full attention to Derek.

“Then I'm afraid you're stuck here. Only the person who sent you here can get you back, but she can't do that without your blood for the spell.” Lydia tells him, and he gives her a look of disbelief. In an instant, he is darting towards her but Stiles gets there first and he grabs Derek but the arm to throw him against the wall. Derek is up in instant to charge at him, but Stiles tackles him to the ground. Derek snarls and snaps at him while Stiles just gives him a bored look, he really doesn't have time for this today.

“Calm down, wolf.” Stiles growls, his voice thick around his fangs. Derek snaps at him again, his eyes wide with rage, and Stiles sighs before he leans down to rub his cheeks on Derek's. It's an old trick his mother used to do with her pack, to calm someone down by surround them with the scent of something calming. Stiles rubs his bare cheek against Derek's scruffy one until Derek stops growling at him and his breathing becomes less ragged.

“That is why you're the alpha.” Lydia whispers, and Stiles looks up to give her a fond look. He looks back down at Derek who no longer has red eyes, and quick as a fox, Stiles stands off of him. Derek jumps up off the ground, and makes like he is going to leave the hut. “You know just was well as we do you won't last the night in the woods, wolf.” Lydia says, and Derek gives her a dark look.

“You underestimate me, witch.” Derek says, and Lydia stands straighter.

“Tell me then, Derek, did you hear the arrow that sliced through the air before it hit you? Do you know the pack to the north of ours draws and quarters any strange creature that finds it way into their land? Or that we aren't the most fearsome things in the forest at night?” Lydia asks, and Derek glares at her.

“You will stay in a spare tent until we figure out our next move.” Stiles instructs, and Derek gives him a dark look before he storms out of the hut. Stiles watches him go with a sigh, and he gives Lydia a tired smile.

“This came for you, my lord. It's from your father.” Lydia says, handing Stiles a letter.

“Am I to presume that you have already read it?” Stiles says, not even unfolding the letter.

“He says that if you are not married by the full moon, he will find someone for you marry. Need I not remind you of your options.” Lydia says, and Stiles sinks on to his bed in defeat. The lingering scent of Derek is still clings to his blankets, and Stiles tries to ignore it.

“I will think of it.” Stiles tell her, and she bows her head slightly in answer before she exists his cabin in search of Derek.


Derek sleeps uneasily outside in the night, he turns into his wolf form because it was easier to sleep that way. He has no idea how he is going to get home, and in the back of his mind he knows that he isn't going to anytime soon. He hopes his sister is doing well without him, that she isn't running herself ragged trying to bring him back. Of course, he could have it worse than being in a fox pack. The Alpha's betas aren't all foxes, one of them appears to be a coyote or something canine but not a wolf. The emissary was odd, but not untrained.

For the first two days, he keeps to himself. He learns that the Alpha's name is Stiles, such an odd name for an odd man, and despite how much Derek wants to hate him he is a good Alpha. He was trained to be an Alpha, unlike Derek who had it thrusted upon him, and he treated his pack with kindness and fairness. Derek caught him staring at him sometimes when he thinks that Derek wasn't paying attention, but Derek always notices.

Derek isn't sure of his thoughts on the fox alpha, but the scent of him still clung to Derek's skin even after days. Stiles' betas were nice enough, they were mostly curious of him being a werewolf. Scott was an excitable one, always smiling and happy. Stiles had a larger pack for the size of their land. His betas were Scott, along with his wife, Allison, and their daughter. Boyd and Erica were another bonded pair with no children, the emissary's husband was called Jackson, and then a lone fox by the name of Isaac. Isaac was everywhere at once, and he reminded Derek of his older sister.

Derek isn't paying attention to where he was sitting by the stream when he hears someone behind him, and it is Scott's daughter. “Stiles is looking for you, wolf.” She says, Derek thinks her name is Victoria, and she smiles at him. Derek stands to follow her, and she walks beside him leaning her little head against his leg. “I'm so tired.” She says, dramatically. Derek smiles, it's been so long since he was around children, and he leans down to pick her up. Victoria laughs in delight, and she lays her head on his shoulder rubbing against it. Stiles' pack has started doing this, scenting him, marking him as pack. It makes him feel warm, but he has Cora back home as his pack.

He set her down when he gets more into the village, and she runs towards her mother who smiles softly at Derek. She isn't supernatural, she is a kindhearted human that Scott is over the moon for. Derek walks in without knocking into Stiles' cabin to see him waiting for him, and he clears his throat impatiently. “Hello, Derek.” Stiles says, and Derek raises an eyebrow at him. Stiles hasn't called him by his name, nor has Derek called him Stiles, since he has been here.

“What do you want, fox lord?” Derek says, in a mockingly respectful voice. Stiles crosses his hands over the table to look at him unamused. He smells stress and anxious to Derek, and his heart is pounding more wildly than usual.

“A compromise.” Stiles answers, and Derek gives him a curious look but he waves his hand for him to continue speaking. “You need a pack, and I need a husband and heir in order to appease my father.” Stiles says, and Derek stares at him shocked. “You cannot be fully under the protection of my pack without being bonded to one of us, and I need to bonded to an Alpha.” Stiles says.

“You want to be mated to me in order to get your father off your back?” Derek tries to clarify, his mind racing. Mate bonding was nothing to be toyed with, even in Derek's time is it something sacred. Something to be treasured, and not just to please someone else. Stiles nods his head impatiently, and Derek continues to stare at him. The idea it's self isn't repulsing, but Derek isn't sure he can do this. What would happen if Cora found a way to bring him back to his time, Derek thinks. He isn't sure what would happen if he refused, but he couldn't live on his own. An alpha without a pack is an easy target for anyone. “Two alphas in one pack is a dangerous thing.” Derek says, and Stiles smiles since Derek didn't outright refuse.

“A powerful thing. Think of what our children could do, the powers that course through their veins.” Stiles says, and Derek frowns.

Derek doesn't say anything for a moment, and he moves closer to the table that Stiles was sitting across to stare at his eyes. “Would you love our child?” Derek asks, he wouldn't bring a child into the world only for it to be used as a pawn for power. Stiles meets his gaze with unwavering eyes.

“More than my own life.” Stiles promises, and Derek hears no lie. He searches Stiles face for any sign of distrust or lies.

“Then I accept your compromise.” Derek says, and Stiles grins at him. Derek just hopes he is making the right choice.


“I didn't think you meant to get married two days after we agreed.” Derek says, and Stiles smiles widely at him.

“I didn't? Silly me.” Stiles says, and Derek pinches his side. Stiles slaps his hand away with a chuckle, and they walk towards the fire that Scott had built. It was tradition, Stiles explained, for the second to build the fire that they would stand next to. The emissary preformed the ceremony, it was the same in Derek's time, and before Derek knew it he was bonded.

Stiles seemed relived as he sent Isaac with a message to tell his father that he was wedded, and the pack celebrated the union. Derek found himself laughing as Erica told loud stories of Stiles as a child, and Stiles would top her story with one of his own.

“Come with me.” Stiles whispers in Derek's ear, dragging his lip over the shell. Derek stands to follow him, Scott catcalls at them causing Stiles to blush, and soon they are at Stiles' hut. It is larger than everyone else's, and it is set apart for privacy purposes. Stiles shuts the door behind them, and he moves to stir the embers in the fireplace. “My father will happy to hear of my marriage. He will be even happier for a grandchild.” Stiles says, with his back turned to Derek.

“You do know how babies are made, right?” Derek asks, and Stiles turns to glare at him.

“I'm a virgin not a saint.” Stiles reminds him, and Derek chuckles softly at him. Stiles huffs, but the smell of anger drains from his body as he takes several steps closer to Derek. “It's a pity that wolf man cannot carry young. You will look even more beautiful with your belly swollen with my babe.” Stiles says, laying his hand on Derek's stomach. Derek feels his skin flush hot, and he gently slaps Stiles' hand away from his stomach. Stiles takes his hand off with a laugh, and he move to lay on the bed. “It is no matter. I can carry children.” Stiles says, and Derek follows him to the bed.

Derek climbs on top of him to straddle him while he cages him on the bed. He leans down carefully to kiss Stiles, and Stiles looks at him surprise before he tries to return the kiss as best he can. He hasn't been kissed, or doesn't have much experience with it, Derek thinks but it doesn't matter to him. Stiles breaks away from the kiss to reach for a jar that was under his bed, and he pushes it into Derek's hand.

Derek turns it over in his hand, it some kind of oil, while Stiles takes off his pants leaving just his shirt on. His shirt is long enough to cover everything, and Derek moves off the bed to take off his clothes. When he is just left in his shirt, he pauses before removing it and he can feel Stiles' eyes on him. “Do you want me to take off my shirt too?” Stiles asks, and Derek debates saying only if he wants too but instead he nods his head. Stiles takes off his shirt, he is all lean muscle with long limbs, Derek just wants to drag his lips over every part of him.

Derek moves on to the bed where Stiles is laying with his knees bent, his cock barely showing any excitement, and Derek pours some of the oil on to his hand. He kisses Stiles once more, just a soft peck, before he circles a finger on Stiles' hole not yet pushing in. “What are you doing?” Stiles asks, and Derek gives him a confused look.

“If I don't prep you will it will hurt when I'm in you.” Derek says, pressing just a fingertip in trying to gauge Stiles reaction.

“I'm not here to enjoy fucking you, I just want to consummate the bond.” Stiles says, and Derek looks dumbstruck at him. Derek took Stiles for someone who would demand to be pleasured, not stopping until he got what he wanted.

“Well, that doesn't mean that it has to hurt.” Derek says, pushing one of his fingers in. Stiles straights his back at the sudden intrusion, and Derek sits up more so that he can strokes Stiles cock with one hand while he prepares him with the other. Stiles takes a sharp inhale when Derek gets his hand around his cock, a pretty thing that is starting to get more excited, and he watches Derek. Derek makes up his mind to make this the best thing that Stiles has ever experienced, have him begging for Derek's cock in the future, and Derek feels himself growing hard at the thought of Stiles, another Alpha who is an equal, begging for him. Stiles could make him beg so easily too, Derek thinks as he presses another finger inside Stiles.

Stiles makes a noise at the feeling, not yet in pleasure but Derek isn't done. Derek moves his finger in and out in almost sharp jabs until he gets an 'oh!' from Stiles. He looks up from where he was watching his fingers disappear into Stiles to see his mate throwing his head to side as he grips the blankets. Derek brushes his fingers over the same spot, and Stiles moans aloud. He's hard now, his cock flushed against his stomach, and Derek smiles at him. Derek leans down to rub his face up Stiles' legs to scent mark him. He wants Stiles to smell like him, so everyone knows they're bonded. Stiles just isn't Derek's to fuck, he's Derek's to protect, to have children with, to live with. Even given all of the other circumstances, Derek still feels damn lucky to be with someone like Stiles. Someone who is his equal in every sense of the word.

Derek slips in one finger to work in and out, he's been hard with all of soft noises Stiles is making. Derek can tell he is trying to keep them in, but he just can't quite. “Derek.” Stiles whispers, and Derek still for a moment before pulling out his fingers. Stiles' eyes flutter open, and he gives Derek an impatient look. Derek moves to line up his slicked cock to Stiles' stretched entrance, and he leans down to kiss Stiles as he pushes in. Stiles' mouth falls open wordlessly as Derek bottoms out, and Derek waits for him to get adjusted. Stiles pushes down impatiently on him while whining shamelessly, and Derek rubs his nose over his cheek before peppering kisses down the side of Stiles' face. “Still not enjoying it?” Derek teases.

“Shut up and move faster.” Stiles hisses, turning his Alpha red eyes on Derek to order him. Derek bares his neck without thinking, and Stiles licks his neck. Derek flutters his eyes, and he pulls out his cock some before thrusting back in faster like Stiles wanted. Stiles leans his back in pleasure, and Derek can see him mouthing his name.

Derek burrows his head into Stiles' neck to suck marks high on his skin where they will vanish before anyone sees them, but he will know that they were there. Stiles' heat surrounding him was indescribable, a pleasure that Derek has never felt ever when having sex. The only sounds in the room are the fireplace crackling, Stiles and his panting, and the slick sound that Derek's cock makes when he thrusts into Stiles at a nonrhythmic tempo.

Stiles is scratching at his back, at first with his blunt, human nails but now with his sharp claws scrapping ever so gently on his skin, and Derek know he is close. Stiles is taking in sharp breathes of air, and Derek reaches down to take Stiles' dick in his hand. He makes a tunnel with his hand, and Stiles fucks up into Derek's hand trying to come. Derek whispers his name as he get closer and closer. “Derek!” Stiles screams, as he is coming hard and unexpectedly.

Stiles clenches around Derek's cock as his orgasm rips through him, and his come paints Derek's stomach and he lays worn out on the bed. Watching Stiles come was the sexiest thing that Derek has ever seen, and he leans down to rest his head on Stiles' shoulder while he keeps thrusts almost there. Stiles noses Derek's hair, Derek can smell how relaxed he is, and Derek comes with moan of Stiles' name deep into him.

Derek rolls off of Stiles almost immediately, terrified of being too heavy, and he lays on the other side of the bed. Stiles is still panting, and Derek drags himself out of the bed to get a wash cloth. He knows how uncomfortable dried come is on the skin, and he wipes off his stomach and chest before doing the same to Stiles. He gets some of Stiles' come on his thumb, and he looks into Stiles' eyes as he licks it off. The bitter sweet tang of it that is all Stiles floods his mouth, and Derek makes a plan to blow Stiles when he isn't sensitive.

Stiles watches him with sex blown eyes, and he licks his dry lips as he finally catches his breath. Derek climbs back into the bed to kiss him, and Stiles lazily returns the kisses. He doesn't say anything to Derek, Derek thinks he doesn't have the energy, and soon he fall asleep while scenting Derek's chest and shoulders by rubbing his face on him.

Derek cages Stiles to his body before he sleeps, making sure that Stiles is warm and covered by the blankets. He isn't sure where this sudden urge to protect comes from, maybe it's because he's bonded to Stiles or maybe because Stiles is pack, but Derek cannot think of anything bad happening to Stiles. Derek runs his hand through Stiles' hair while Stiles' warm breath bathes his neck, he starts matching his breathes up with Stiles' slow, peaceful ones, and soon he is asleep.



I love you guys. Have a great, safe weekend. 

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