Michael Sanzone

By basic-unbasic-girl

191K 1.9K 535

Includes: imagines, smut, fluff, etc. If there are any grammar mistakes, I apologize in advance. *I do not ow... More

Things He Does... (1)
The Introduction (Part 1)
The Introduction (Part 2)
The Introduction (Part 3)
The Introduction (Part 4)
Things He Does... (2)
Things He Does... (3)
Come Cuddle With Me
Things He Does... (4)
Drop the Towel Challenge
Alex's Clickbait
Things He Does... (5)
Texts Between You
Texts Between You 2
Texts Between You 3
Over Protective
Sex Hair
Name Association
Things He Does... (6)
Drabbles 1 ~two short imagines~
Stressed Out
I Pranked You All (Part 1)
I Pranked You All (Part 2)
I Pranked You All (Part 3)
First Time
Things He Does... (7)
Things He Does... (8)
Texts Between You 4
Wrong Person
Drabbles 2
Valentine's Day
Imagines Based Off Videos ⤵️
A/N *not an update*
Thank You❤️


4.9K 58 28
By basic-unbasic-girl

Based off of Thomas's video^ i couldn't link the video for some reason though so enjoy the photo of which one it is {basically it's parts of his video with me adding my own plot in too}


Thomas- "Okay guys, so I got Mia and Michael these really funny costumes."

He says to the camera filming himself. Mia starts talking so he pans the camera over to her, laying on the bed in an air inflatable unicorn costume.

Mia- "Thomas, it's really inflated! Can you unplug it?"

Thomas laughs at her, then the video cuts to Michael coming in through their bedroom door.

Michael- "Oh my..."

Michael trails off as they talk before Michael puts on a Baymax air inflatable costume. Thomas, Mia, and Michael leave their bedroom and start going around the house to get people's reactions, starting with Alex's. Then they went to the workout room. They saw Patty in there, but thought you would be there too.

Thomas- "What's up Patty? Like their costumes?"

Patty turns around from where he was working out and laughs at Michael and Mia.

Michael- "Where's y/n? I thought she normally works out in here around this time?"

Patty- "She left like 20 minutes ago, said she was gonna go shower then find something to do."

Michael- "Okay, well I better get a few reps in so I'm jacked when we go show her our costumes."

They all laughed at Michael's antics, everyone knowing he had a crush on you because he made it obvious. You guys flirted a lot and everyone shipped you guys. But, you weren't official, you just had both privately decided to be exclusive, except no one knew that. So Michael started curling a weight, but very soon after couldn't do it anymore because he was in the suit.

Michael- "Can someone take this weight for me, I can't bend down."

Thomas takes it from him while accidentally brushing his hand against the front of Michael's crotch.

Michael- "Oh you touched my penis... I wish y/n would do that."

Michael, Thomas and Patty laughed at his comment, while Mia scoffed and slightly chuckled telling him how disgusting he is. They left the gym and rode the elevator up to the movie room. That's where you were because you decided to just hang out with the boys after your shower. Thomas, Mia and Michael walked in.

Paper- "We're watching a fucking movie you clown."

Y/N- "What the fuck are you doing?"

You laughed as you watched your friends be fools.

Michael- "I look like you now Paper."

Thomas laughed, as did a couple of the boys. Michael was laughing too until Paper stood up off the couch angrily and then Michael ran out of the room scared. You laughed at your stupid *sort of* boyfriend, following after him through the door a moment later.

Y/N- "Hey cutie, where ya going?"

He stopped running and turned around in the hall and laughed.

Michael- "Oh god, I thought you were Paper chasing me."

Y/N- "No, it's just little old me. I like the costume by the way."

You both laughed and Michael walked closer to you.

Michael- "So what do you think of the costume?"

Y/N- "I'm not gonna lie, for some strange reason, it makes me more attracted to you... like I don't know why, but you wearing that suit gives me major butterflies."

Michael- "Oh really now, should I wear it more often then?"

Y/N- "No, as much as I like the suit though, I like being able to look at your cute face more. Unless you want to wear it more often, because I won't stop you from living your life."

Michael- "Well if you're not gonna stop me from living my life, then I'm gonna run around in the streets in this suit!"

Before you could say anything else to him, he ran away from you and down the stairs heading for the front door. Just as he started down the stairs, Thomas and Mia came out of the movie room.

Thomas- "Where's Michael?"

You pointed to the stair case, and you could all hear Michael scream that he was going to run outside. Thomas immediately ran down the stairs after him to film him to get more footage. You helped Mia get down the stairs in her costume and then the two of you walked to join the boys outside. You made it out just in time to see Michael running back towards you screaming about how hot the pavement was and how he felt like he was burning. The four of you then went up to the pool balcony to see who was there and Nick was the first person who saw once you walked through the sliding glass door.

Nick- "That is creepy!"

Michael walked up closer to him after he said that. Nick then grabbed the side of Michael's helmet and pulled him in, kissing the front of his Baymax mask. He pulled back and they both looked at you.

Nick- "Jealous y/n?"

Y/N- "I would be except I could do that to if I wanted."

Nick- "No you couldn't."

You walked over and did the same thing Nick did. You grabbed the sides of the helmet and pulled Michael's head to yours kissing the front of the mask. You pulled back with everyone laughing.

Thomas- "I thought you guys weren't a thing?"

Michael- "We're not..."

Y/N- "I kissed his fucking mask, it's not like it meant anything and it's not like I was actually kissing him, calm down."

Thomas- "Oh so you wouldn't kiss him?"

Nick- "Wow y/n, that's so rude you wouldn't kiss him without the helmet on, I would!"

Y/N- "I didn't say I wouldn't, but go off..."

You all laughed at the teasing as Nick walked back over to Michael, wrapping his arm him, squeezing and rubbing his butt as they walked away. They kept talking but all you could do was laugh at their stupidness and foolishness. Once they were done fooling around, and Thomas was done filming for that bit, you helped Michael get out of his costume as Thomas helped Mia out of hers. Once Michael was fully out of his costume, he stood there in front of you in just his pants, no shirt, his hair slightly wet from him sweating in the suit. You were far enough away from Thomas and Mia that they couldn't hear you guys. You ruffled Michael's wet hair.

Y/N- "I like when your hair is wet like this."

Michael- "You do?"

Y/N- "Yeah, it reminds me of that one time when we did it and it was so needy and sweaty and your hair looked the same after that one time, remember?"

Michael- "Oh yeah... how could I forget."

You carefully brought your hand to his chest so that Thomas and Mia couldn't see. You slid your hand up his chest to the back of his neck, twisting your fingers into his hair at the base of his neck. You knew he liked when you did this and he bit his lip at the feeling.

Michael- "We should really do it again sometime, you know, as a refresher to the memory of how it felt."

You grabbed a fist full of hair and gently pulled your hand back, causing his hand to jerk to the ceiling slightly.

Y/N- "You know, I'll think about it."

You winked at him, letting go of his hair and said goodbye to Mia and Thomas as you walked away, leaving Michael standing there all flustered.


Thomas- "Angel, Nick, Michael and Ryland all agreed that if they drink any alcohol for at least a month I get to backhand the fuck out of them."

     Him and Nick shook as the rest of the guys nodded behind him. Then they all started pouring the alcohol down the kitchen sink. Thomas turned the camera to me as the boys kept getting rid of their liquor.

Thomas- "So how long do you think they'll actually last?"

Y/N- "Well idk, I think Nick might last the longest, or Angel. Ryland I think will lose by the end of the week, and Michael I'm not sure. Michael has a strong will power, but he also gives into peer pressure easily and I personally know there's one activity he likes to do, but enjoys so much more when he's mildly intoxicated and I'm not sure if he can go a month without doing that activity while intoxicated."

     Michael immediately turned to you turning red. He was in shock that you would say something like that, because he knew you were talking about sex and the reason you knew was because it was the two of you having sex, but of course no one else knew that, so it was risky for you to even say that.

Thomas- "And what activity would that be   y/n?"

Y/N- "He just really loves playing pool when he's intoxicated, he says it helps him play better, and I'm not sure he'll be able to SINK any SHOTS, get any BALLS in the HOLE if he isn't a little wee bit on the tipsy side."

     You exaggerated those certain words so that Michael would get your point, that you were going to make him either wait to have sex with you again, or make him lose the bet. And the whole time you spoke you were making direct eye contact with him, not once bothering to look at Thomas or any of the other boys. Thomas turned the camera around so it was facing his face as he talked to the camera.

Thomas- "I didn't know that Michael liked pool that much when he was drunk... anyway let's skip to the next bit so I can escape this awkward tension we've created."


Thomas- "Alex got Michael and Paper lip filler for his vlog, coming out on Wednesday."

     Thomas flips the camera from himself onto Michael.

Michael- "I actually wanted it, because my top lip was so small, and when I'm kissing    y/n- GIRLS, when I'm kissing girls they've told me it's nice to kiss a guy with full lips so..."
     Nick then leans in to try to kiss Michael, but Michael says no to him saying it's because his lips hurt. Then while Thomas is recording Alex, you walk over to Michael and whisper in his ear to tease him as much as possible.

Y/N- "It's a shame that your lips hurt. I guess you won't be getting kisses from me for the next little while."

     He pouted at you and whispered back trying to dig himself out of the hole he had just made for himself.

Michael- "Well we could kiss if it was gentle, just little pecks. In a little bit."

Y/N- "I would Michael... but I was really in the mood to make out with you tonight. Oh well, I guess I'll spend the night satisfying myself because you can't."

Michael- "But I- but uh- you and I- we- humph!"

Y/N- "I'm just teasing you Michael, oh and nice save earlier talking to Thomas where you accidentally started to say my name but then quickly covered it up by yelling girls."

     You laughed and looked around making sure no one was paying attention to you two, before pressing a quick kiss to his cheek after you knew the coast was clear.


Thomas- "Jack, I have something to tell you... I ship you and Lauren."

Jack- "Really?"

Thomas- "Yeah."

Jack- "I've never heard of that, thank you."

Thomas- "You've never heard of that? Oh, I would think your comment section would be full of that."

Jack- "No, Yeah, No. You know who I ship?"

Thomas- "Who?"

Jack- "Michael and y/n."

Thomas- "Oh yeah?"

Jack- "Yeah... I mean look at them all cuddled up on the couch right now. They're awfully closely cuddled to be 'friends' don't you think?"

     Thomas panned the camera from Jack to Michael and you who were indeed cuddling on the couch in the other room.

Thomas- "100% they can't just be friends with the way they act, I'm with you."

     Thomas turned the camera back to his face.

Thomas- "Okay guys lets make their ship name trending! Everyone start using    #Michy/n {or however your ship name mashes together} and comment it everywhere, and tweet it out!"

Author's note;
*this chapter is not proof read so sorry for mistakes if there is any*
hope you liked the new type of series i'm starting and hope you liked the first one. i've been waiting to do this for a while and just needed to find the motivation for it and i wrote this today, even though it took me a while to get through and i had to take breaks i think it turned out well and i'm glad i powered through to finish writing it
remember to comment and vote!
until the next chapter <3

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