The Torn Sins

By SlimJimSem

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"Greetings to you all across the nation of The Castle. I, your Queen, come today, bearing sad news. Your prin... More

The Torn Sins
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXV

Chapter XXX

41 10 0
By SlimJimSem

Matrix's POV

It has been five months since the disappearance of my sister. Despite all of my efforts, she has not been found. I've sent out troops looking for her, I've gotten rid of all the legal charges being thrown at her, hell I've even gotten the Castle under temporary control. The death of my mother had caused an uproar but after a full confession from the two guards I'd threatened, the kingdom understood exactly why Cybil had ended her.

But something is brewing in the city, more and more vampires are turning up dead, humans are disappearing, leaving their homes with no sign of return. I've been interrogating Natham for a few weeks now, trying to get information from him about the plans he'd had with Cybil, but he's a lost cause. When he isn't being a rabid psychopath, he's a blubbering mess.

Even now he is crying, and I haven't even hit him yet. "Your sister was wild, she had ideas in her mind that she wouldn't even share with me," he sobbs.

"Well that was smart of her, considering you ended up being fucking mad," I hiss and wrap my hand around his throat, squeezing tightly. Not a day goes by where I don't consider killing him, but Cybil had wanted him to live with his actions and I will not betray her final wish. Still, revenge can be gained in other ways.

I glance over him, relishing in the bruises I've put on his body. I do not consider myself a violent man, but when someone harrases and beats your sister, and then that someone is left in your care, well, let's just say I haven't been friendly.

"What can you tell me Natham? Give me a reason to stop hurting you," I entice.

He looks around wildly, as if something in this dark, cold cell will give him an idea. And then, he lights up, "The borders! You said humans have been disappearing from the borders right?" He's smiling, the way a crazy person does.

"Your point?"

"Cybil must be taking them!"

"Why would Cybil be kidnapping a bunch of humans?" I sigh but even as I question him the answer dawns on me. "Not taking, recruiting," I release him quickly and rush out of the room. My friends wait for me on the other side of the door. "Davin, notify the captain of the guard to surround the city with troops. Tristan, you get the headquarters secure. I want guards at every entrance and exit. No one gets in or out of here without my knowing. are to protect my daughter and Gwyneira with your life. Be at their side at all times from here on out, clear?"

"Absolutely but do you want to tell us what's going on?" Darcy questions.

"Cybil is building a rebellion."


Cybil's POV

I gaze around me at the outskirts, what I had once thought to be a dry and desolate place was actually filled with life. The merchants were wealthy, they brought color and joy to this place. And they hated the Castle just as much as me. So there had been no trouble convincing them to let me set up shop here.

"How are we looking in numbers?" Lady Moore questions as we watch families nearby set up their tents.

"Fantastic, more and more are coming as word spreads. Soon there will be more of us than there are them."

"Numbers do not win a battle," she warns. I look at her for a moment before smiling warmly. "What?"

"Your pessimism becomes you. I'd like to win, really I would. I'd hate to see any life go to waste over this cause. But if I lose and die, I'll be at peace, knowing I finally did what was right."

"You know it doesn't have to be this way. We smuggled another letter from your brother. I read it since you said you didn't want to hear from him. Cybil, he got your charges removed. You're free of crime. You could go home and talk to him. I'm all for a rebellion but what if there's a more peaceful way?"

"This mess was started because of that kind of thinking. My father believed that this could be done with order, that over time things would change. But my mother was immovable, so he passed that charge onto my brother, urging him to take his time with things and be gentle. If he had never been pushed into going for the throne then I'd be ruling soon, and a new order would've come...peacefully. Those days are gone, and I'd rather die then sit on that throne. I'm meant to be here, with you guys. Fighting for what's right. I've seen the awful things that happened to the human race. If it takes violence to get things back in order then so be it."

"What about your brother and niece? Will you hurt them when we storm the Castle?"

I chew on my lip nervously, "Of course not. Lilly will be taken by one of our comrades. As for my brother, he and I will have a very calm discussion during all of this."

"A calm discussion? While his city burns down? You might actually be as crazy as they said you were," she teases.

"I didn't come to you claiming to be sane."

"That's for damn sure," she huffs and I can tell she's reminiscing about that day.

I'd been exhausted, blood thirsty, and pretty close to savage. At first no one recognized me, I looked far too dirty to be a princess, but after cleaning me up and nursing me back to health it became clear who I was. I had expected them to kill me, had welcomed it even, but the merchants merely continued to feed me and provide for me. They didn't ask questions about my past and after a few weeks I was so confused by their lack of curiosity that I'd just blurted out the truth about all that I'd been through. Imagine my surprise when I found out that Lady Moore had once taken in Natham, the man that had nearly destroyed me.

When I explained to her my true hopes for the Castle she hadn't looked at me like I was crazy, instead she had offered her support and the wealth of her people. Now here we are, building an army and planning an attack on what used to be my home.

"You saved me, for that I'm eternally grateful," I give her hand a gentle squeeze.

"Oh please, you saved yourself Cybil. You left that shitshow behind when you could. Killing your mother may not have been the kindest option, but you did what you felt was best for that kingdom."

"I want Matrix on the throne, I just also want the humans to be free. Which is why I'll be having a casual discussion with him about my proposal while the flames are burning everything around us," I grin before walking away and returning to my work. There are supplies to be kept track of, people to tend to, plans to be made and I'm in charge of most of it with a bit of delegating here and there.

"Cybil!" a voice calls and I turn to see a young boy rushing over to me. I've known him for a few months now, his name is Dre. I found him in the borders during one of our campaign trips and he's been loyal to me ever since. I'm glad to see he's finally putting on some weight and the bite marks that cover his body are nothing but faded scars now. His parents had tried to hide him from the vampires that ravaged him every night, but he'd been a blue blood, unbeknownst to them. Any vampire that had gotten a whiff of him had been unable to resist. Now he was healthy, and a feeling of pride settled over me. We were doing the right thing.

"What's wrong dear one?" I ask as he stops in front of me, heaving for breath.

"The Castle tripled their security today. The gates are heavily guarded and troops walk through the city now. An announcement was made by the king. He believes there's going to be a rebellion attack soon."

"Ah, so he's finally figured it out," I muse.

"It's going to be a lot harder to pull off our plan now," Dre looks at me with worry in his eyes.

I kneel down in front of him and place my hand on his shoulder. "Look at me closely now, into my eyes, would I lead you into failure?" My heart warms as he squints his eyes the way he sees me do when I am using the sight. I tap his chest, "Feel it in here," I urge. His eyes widen for a moment and then he shakes his head frantically.

"I can feel it Cybil, you'd never betray us," he whispers.

"Good lad," I pull him in for a tight hug. "Spread out this information, we'll need to regroup and edit our plans tonight. It won't take long for my brother to start counting the humans that have disappeared to estimate our numbers. We must speed things up." I watch as he dashes away, calling out his message to a group nearby.

Lady Moore makes her way over to me, a letter in hand. "Perhaps it's time for you to write back. See if we can turn things around? If he's adding more troops then he's afraid Cybil and fear can be used to your advantage. You have the upperhand right now." I look at the paper in her hand before taking it with a sigh.

"How will you get this to him?" I ask.

"He sends out a servant boy twice a month with his letters to you, hoping that they'll find you. The boy just happens to be on our side. He knows nothing of our location but he is proud to be infiltrating the Castle for you. He believes you are the true ruler. Anyways, he lets us make copies of the letters so that you can see them if you choose. Then he returns to Matrix each time saying he's had no success."

"Twice a month? Does he really miss me that much?" I smile at the thought before clearing my throat.

"It's okay you know? To miss your brother, to be glad that he feels the same. The size of your family has decreased drastically in the past few months, might as well cling to what you have left." She walks away after that and I sit down glaring at the paper left behind for me. After a moment of contemplation I push it aside. 

Some things are better said in person.

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