Michael Sanzone

By basic-unbasic-girl

191K 1.9K 535

Includes: imagines, smut, fluff, etc. If there are any grammar mistakes, I apologize in advance. *I do not ow... More

Things He Does... (1)
The Introduction (Part 1)
The Introduction (Part 2)
The Introduction (Part 3)
The Introduction (Part 4)
Things He Does... (2)
Things He Does... (3)
Come Cuddle With Me
Things He Does... (4)
Drop the Towel Challenge
Alex's Clickbait
Things He Does... (5)
Texts Between You
Texts Between You 2
Texts Between You 3
Sex Hair
Name Association
Things He Does... (6)
Drabbles 1 ~two short imagines~
Stressed Out
I Pranked You All (Part 1)
I Pranked You All (Part 2)
I Pranked You All (Part 3)
First Time
Things He Does... (7)
Things He Does... (8)
Texts Between You 4
Wrong Person
Drabbles 2
Valentine's Day
Imagines Based Off Videos ⤵️
A/N *not an update*
Thank You❤️

Over Protective

5.6K 58 6
By basic-unbasic-girl

this imagine is long but i didn't want to split it into two parts, so enjoy the long chapter :)

Y/N, the not-so-famous lopez sister. While Tony and Ondreaz blew up in followers and moved to LA to be in the hype house, y/n stayed at home with their parents. She always felt like she was living in her twin brother Tony's shadow, and Ondreaz's too. When they moved to LA she missed them dearly, but it came with a few bonuses. The bonus she liked the most was that with Ondreaz gone it made her life with boys so much easier. While Tony was pretty supportive with her bringing home boys if he liked them, Ondreaz hated every boy she ever brought home, or introduced to him. Ondreaz was so over protective of y/n as his little sister when it came to boys, there just was nothing she could do about it. Currently y/n was single, no boys in her life at all, which she didn't mind. It gave her time to focus on more important things like her friends and family.

Speaking of family, Tony and Ondreaz has called her a few days ago and asked her if she wanted to come up to visit, and stay at the house with them. She said that she would love to go, because she missed them a lot and would love to meet everyone there, and make new friends. She had packed all her bags up and was meant to leave that night.

{major time skip to when she arrives at the hype house bc i don't wanna write all that}

The uber pulled up outside a massive house. My jaw dropped. I knew that the boys lived in a nice house and I knew they had said it was big, but this wasn't just big, it was enormous. I told the uber thanks, and got my bags out from the trunk, just as the boys were coming out of the garage to meet me. Tony greeted me first, "I missed you y/n/n!" {your/nick/name} He said while giving me a quick hug. Then Ondreaz pulled me in and squeezed me really tight. I let out a squeak noise and he let me go saying, "Missed you lil' thang." As long as I can remember, he's always called me lil' thang, there wasn't really a reason why, he just started it one day and it stuck. They helped me bring my bags in, and led me to their room. We talked as we went, catching each other up on what's been happening in our lives. I was surprised that neither of them had asked me about boys yet, since they normally did that right away. Once we had settled all my stuff in their room, Tony said he would show me around because Ondreaz had to stay back because his manager called him.

Tony started showing me around the house, which was huge and would be easy to get lost in. He had showed me pretty much everything, except the kitchen area, and the balcony where the pool and stuff was. I was confused as to why we hadn't run into anyone yet though, so I asked, "Hey Tony, where is everyone? I thought you lived with like 30 other people?" He laughed, "Yeah there's a lot of them, but there probably all hanging out in the kitchen or by the pool, it's where they normally all hang out at night." I nodded. As we walked up the stairs towards what Tony said was the kitchen, I could hear them all yelling and screaming, though it sounded like they were having fun. Tony walked in ahead of me and called everyone's attention. "Yo guys! Everyone, this is y/n, my sister. Y/N, this is everyone." They all smiled and waved, some said hi, or hey. I just waved. There was a lot of people just looking at me and it made me really nervous. After a second or two they all continued doing what they were, me following Tony as he walked to a group of them. As we walked over he said to me, "Dont stress, everyone here is nice. And I will actually introduce you to people, it's just I wasn't gonna name everyone right then because that's a lot of names." I smiled and nodded.

Tony led me over to a group of boys, and two girls. "Hey guys." He said to them. And they all replied with a hey back. "I'm y/n, it's nice to meet you guys." I said to them. "You too, I'll introduce everyone since Tony did a shitty job," a blonde boy said laughing. "I'm Alex," he continued, "This is my girlfriend Kouvr. This giant man is Thomas, and his girlfriend Mia. This is Connor but we all call him Paper, Calvin, and Patrick or Patty if you want. Yeah that's all of us here, but might as well tell you the others here as well," he said while turning to face everyone else in the kitchen. He pointed at each one as he said there name. "That's Nick, Ryland..." He kept listing everyone's name ending with "... and the idiot staring at you is Michael." I waved at him and he smiled with a stupid grin before turning the other way. I chatted with the group for a while, and Ondreaz came up after his call. It had been so long, that I needed to pee, so I asked "Hey where's the washroom? I just need to pee real quick." Kouvr and Mia stood up and said "YESSS! Bathroom break means it's girl time! Come on y/n we'll show you." So I stood up and followed them.

I finished going pee, and joined them in, what I think they had said was Mia and Thomas's room. We sat on the bed and were just chatting.

{M- mia, K- kouvr, yn- you}

M- Okay, can we talk about how Michael was completely checking you out y/n?

YN- What? No, he wasn't, he was just looking at me like everyone else was, which I get, I'm new.

K- No, no, no. Michael was for sure checking you out. I mean I don't blame him though, you are gorgeous.

YN- Oh stop! You are so pretty, you both are. And I mean you really think he was?

M- 100% sure he was, what do you think about it though? Like does he interest you?

YN- I don't know, I don't know him at all, we've never even talked. He's for sure cute though, so if we're just hypothetically basing it off of how he looks, then yeah, but again, I don't know who he is as a person.

K- Well, speaking in my opinion, he's a stupid boy, but he only ever means well, so in his own stupidly Michael way he is really sweet. Why don't we head back and you can talk to him?

YN- Okay, only one little issue is Ondreaz though, he's really over protective when it comes to boys. I'm not sure he would let me be alone with a boy, especially since this is my first night here.

M- Well technically you won't be alone, cause almost everyone in the house is in the kitchen so he can't get mad at you for being alone with him, but leave Ondreaz to Kouvr and I, we will deal with him.

K- What about Tony, is he protective too?

YN- No, he doesn't really mind, so I can handle him on my own.

We had somewhat put together a plan, and left to head back to the Kitchen. Micheal was sitting with Ryland and Angel when I came back in, so I walked over and sat down with them. Kouvr and Mia went back to sit with the group I had originally sat with, where Ondreaz was watching me from. Ondreaz started to get up but Kouvr grabbed his wrist and pulled him back down, he looked at her confused and she whispered something in his ear, he looked back at you then continued on with his conversation with the group. I was shocked, whatever she had said to him worked. I started talking with Michael, and the boys. I hit it off with the group of them really well, especially with Michael. I think the other boys noticed it too, because they scooted away from us to try to give us some alone time, which we had for about 5 minutes, before Tony came over.

"Heads up, Ondreaz at 9 o'clock, T minus 30 seconds." He said before sitting down. Michael looked at him confused, but I understood what he meant. He meant that Ondreaz was coming up to me on my left in about 30 seconds. He was right too, cause after he said it I heard Ondreaz's loud mouth say "Hey lil' thang, Micheal, Tony, mind if I sit?" I looked at Tony begging him for help with my eyes, to which he thankfully understood in saying "Actually we were just about to head out to the pool and maybe do some tiktoks or swim, you in too Ondreaz?" Ondreaz nodded his head and said he'd have to go get changed into swim trunks, the rest of us too. Tony announced to the house that we were heading out onto the deck to swim and most of them said they wanted to join, so we all went our separate ways to get into bathing suits. As me and Tony walked towards his room I thanked him for not letting Ondreaz sit with us. He smiled then said, "Okay i'm glad I read the situation right, I was a little worried that I didn't." I smiled at him and confirmed, "Yeah you read it right." "Good," he said back, "So about you and Michael... what's going on there? I saw how he was checking you out when we first got there and it looked like you two had really hit it off, so like what's up?" I blushed but knew I could trust Tony, so I explained it all to him. "Well when I went to go pee with the girls we talked about it and they said that they thought he might have a crush on me, and that I should talk to him because I thought he was cute. So that's what I did, but I warned them about how Ondreaz gets when I'm around boys, so they handled him while I talked to Michael. At first I was just talking to him to get to know him because I thought he was cute, but we really hit it off when we were talking and I think I might actually like him. I think he might even like me back... I don't know what to do though because if we do like each other, I'm leaving to go back home soon anyway and it's not like Ondreaz would ever approve of it happening so.. I don't know." I looked down. By this point we had stopped walking and were just standing in the middle of the hall. Tony lifted my chin up to look at him, "So you actually like like Michael?" he asked. I nodded, not knowing what else to say. "Okay y/n/n, I think I've got a plan. Just keep doing whatever you have been and I'll talk with Kouvr and Mia about it. Honestly just worry about you and Michael, and no one else." Tony said, I told him okay, then we went to get changed.

I was one of the last ones to head out to the pool, and when I went through the doors to the deck, I could feel eyes on me. I located the owner of the eyes, and they belonged to Michael. He was sitting off more to himself at the edge of the pool, and wasn't even being subtle about checking me out. I walked past and winked at him, then settled myself in the hot tub. The girls came and sat with me and we just talked, and I got introduced to Kelianne, Olivia, and Nikita, and Mia and Kouvr were there too. After a while, Michael came up and asked to sit in the hot tub, and all the girls got up to get out, and as Kouvr got out she whispered in my ear, "Shoot your shot girl, Mia and I will keep Ondreaz distracted again. Tony talked to us about everything." I mouthed a 'thank you' to her just as Michael sat down. He didn't say anything right away, just sat there and watched me and looked around, trying to make it not as obvious that we was watching me. I didn't say anything either, but that's because I was watching Kouvr and Mia trick Ondreaz, with Tony and some others to go inside to film some tiktoks, and I was so grateful because it meant I could actually have alone time with Michael. After I could tell the coast was clear, and Ondreaz was inside and busy I started talking to Michael. Before I could say anything though he asked me, "Hey, not that it really concerns me but what happened earlier with Ondreaz coming over, and Tony making up that we were just about to go swimming? I mean I don't really mind, but why couldn't he just sit with us, don't you like him?" I thought it was cute that he wanted to know, it also gave me an excuse to non-chalantly tell him how I feel, so I explained, "No, I do like him, I mean I have to he's my older brother. But he's really protective when it comes to me and boys. Especially if I like them, like I do you," He blushed but I kept talking, "and I don't think he normally acts crazy around here, so I didn't want to send him into a fit about me and you talking because I was scared he would make me go back home, and then I wouldn't get to spend more time with you." Michael smiled at me and looked down for a moment, as he looked back up and into my eyes, he said, "I really like you too y/n. And since I don't see Ondreaz anywhere to freak out over us, it makes it so much easier to do this..." He brought his lips to mine, connecting us into a kiss. Our lips moved in sync and it was sweet. He grabbed onto my hips and pulled me into his body, making the kiss so much better.

"MICHEAL WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK THAT'S MY SISTER!" We instantly broke apart as we heard Ondreaz shouting, we turned to see him being held back by Tony, Harry, and Thomas. I knew he was fuming, I could tell just by his eyes and the sneer of his mouth, but also due to the fact that three quite strong guys had to hold him back and they were struggling. "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!" Ondreaz continued to yell. Michael looked scared for his life, and I don't blame him. I had to do something, I thought. Despite the fact that I was totally embarrassed by Ondreaz at the moment, I was sad too because even after this long he still didn't treat me like the adult I am. I stood up out of the hot tub and walked down to Ondreaz. "Dré, stop it.." I said sadly to my brother. He paused his fit and looked at me, and in that moment I think he realized how sad and embarrassed he had made me. Ondreaz looked back at Michael and his anger seemed to start returning, so I said "Dré, I kissed him, so you have no right to get mad at him for kissing me back. If you're gonna get mad at someone it has to be me." Was this a lie? Yeah, but if I told him that Michael kissed me instead of that I kissed him, Michael would be dead where he stood. "What do you mean you kissed him?" Ondreaz asked. "I told him I like him, and he said he liked me back, so I kissed him." I said. "So it's mutual then? He's not forcing you or pressuring you to it?" Ondreaz asked again, I shook my head and looked back at Michael who had walked up so he was behind me. I stuck my hand out and he grabbed it. I turned back to Ondreaz who looked baffled. He asked, "Would you tell me if he was pressuring you, if any guy was?" "Of course I would," I replied, "Why would you ever think that I wouldn't?" He shook his head saying, "That's what I always figured was happening with your old boyfriends because you never seemed happy with them. That's why I've always been so protective." I pulled on Micheal's hand and brought him so he was standing next to me and leaned my head onto the side of his arm and looked and Ondreaz and asked, "And how about now? Do I look unhappy now? Do you think Michael is the kind of guy that would pressure your sister into doing things she didn't want? Does it look like I'm being pressured to do any of this?" Ondreaz sighed and said, "No you look happy with him... I'm sorry y/n. If you and Michael wanna be a thing than I can't stop you." I smiled at him, then looked up at Michael and then back to Ondreaz, "Thanks Ondreaz." I said to him. "Welcome lil' thang." I started to walk away with Michael trailing behind me as we were still holding hands, but Ondreaz called for him so we stopped and turned, "Michael, just keep in mind that she is my sister, and if you do anything to her, you'll have me to deal with. Also I don't wanna see any PDA, or see anything going on between you two. Ya know what, just don't even mention anything bad or nasty about the relationship to me." He finished with a slight chuckle, but his first threat was serious. Me and Michael said okay and started to head inside. We got to the door and Michael turned to me and whispered, "watch this," with a smirk, then turned back around to face Ondreaz and said, "Hey Ondré, so I'm guessing that I shouldn't say that we'll try to keep it down tonight, and that you'll be able to find her in my bed in the morning?" Quickly Michael turned to wink at me and took off running, Ondreaz came in running right on his heels yelling, "MICHAEL YOU LITTLE SHIT I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS!"

Kouvr came over to me and told me not to worry about them, Michael's just a shit disturber and only wanted a good reaction out of Ondreaz, and once we explain that to Ondreaz he should calm down. Until then, just to come hand out with the girls and her. I laughed and followed Kouvr. I think being at this house for the next few weeks will be the most fun I'll ever have, but I'm nervous to see how much Michael's gonna bother Ondreaz about us being together... I guess only time will tell.

Author's note;
this chapter was hella long, and it took me a long time to write it too, that's why i haven't posted in a while.
because it's so long and took me so long to write i would really appreciate if you could vote on the chapter pls
this was a request, so i hope you enjoyed it @Arynkenzie
side note, i have high inspiration and lots of ideas for stories, but little motivation to write so that's why it takes so long between chapters for me to upload new stories, but i promise i'll announce when i'm ending the book, {but i'm not ending it for a while} so until i announce that i am, just know i will update again eventually :)
*sorry for any mistakes i didn't really check it over or proof read
until the next chapter <3

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