How Did This Happen? *A One D...

By Pandasrcool85

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I was just another regular Asian girl. Except I lived in a adoption center. I lived here for the past 11 year... More

How Did This Happen? *A One Direction adopted Story*
Chapter 1: My New Parents.. Well New Brothers......
Chapter 2: New Life, New Family
Author's Note
Chapter 3: Well.. Umm. This is interesting.
Chapter 5: What an ODD Life
Chapter 6: Getting a new start, WHICH I LOOOVEEE!! :)
Chapter 9: Let's get this party started!
Chapter 10: FINALLY!
Chapter 11: What An Interesting Day
Chapter 12: HURRY UP!
Chapter 13: The. Best. No. BETTER.
Chapter 14: Some poo is about to go down.
Chapter 15: YOUR A GENIUS!!
Chapter 16: A New Song
Chapter 17: Hospital Breakdown
Chapter 18: Waking up
Chapter 19: Starting again. HOLY FUDGE! I MADE IT IN?!?!?!?!
Chapter 20: Have a Celebration!
Chapter 21: What a wonderful surprise!
Chapter 22: I don't feel so well.
Chapter 23: TIME TO RECORD!
Chapter 24: A fun night
Chapter 25: FUN GAME!!!
Chapter 26: Not feeling too well
Chapter 27: Running Around
Chapter 29: It's the BEST DAY EVER!!
Chapter 30: Meeting Someone New
Chapter 31: So tired.
Chapter 32: What an interesting day...
Chapter 33: Practicing hurts....
Chapter 34: What a busy busy week....
Chapter 35: HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!
Chapter 36: THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Chapter 37: Just a Regular Day
Chapter 39: It hurts really badly..
Chapter 40: Back For You
Chapter 42: NO WAY!
Author's Note
Chapter 43: PHEW. Tired.
Chapter 44: Airplane ride and a surprise!
Chapter 46: I Try Not To Let It Happen
Chapter 47: I'm Not letting it Get In My Way
Chapter 48: Yes, I am Truely, Madly, Deeply, crazy in love with you.
Chapter 50: WHAT?! Fine...
Chapter 51: It's already time to go?!
Chapter 52: OH MER GAWD!
Chapter 53: I'm pooped out
Chapter 54: Some exciting news!
Chapter 55: She's Not Afriad
Chapter 57: Coming back Home
Chapter 58: Having a Great Time till you came
Chapter 59: Shopping time!!!
Chapter 60: I know we only Met, but Let's pretend It's Love.
Chapter 61: The end of fun

Chapter 41: So nervous.

8.3K 81 18
By Pandasrcool85

OH MY GOSH GUYS. Thank you so so much for getting me to 190 votes and 10665 reads! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I really owe it to y'all. I think I will do some perfences in my One Direction shot Books. So if you want something in the Shots book, go comment, fan and vote please! 

Annabelle's P.O.V.

I went home feeling really nervous. I got out at 4 and I had to be there by 6:30. My palms were sweaty and I was so jittery. I opened my bag of noodles out and ate some. They always calm me down for some reasons. And a banana. Didn't know why though.

I stepped into my house and went upstairs to put up my book bag and wash my hands.

I went back downstairs to see Harry eating a banana. BHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Reagan was right. He makes the banana look sexy. XD

"Hey Harrrrrry. Do you have any more bananas?" I asked him. He got up from the counter and went to get me a banana.

"Here you go." He handed me it. "WAIT. I need to send Reagan a photo of you eating a banana. She always stalks you on tumblr. Well not stalk, but she would reblog so many photos of you." I said. He was eating his banana and I took the picture and sended it to Reagan.

I instantly got a call from RAERAEBEAR/

"OH MY GOSH. ANNA. I LOVE THAT PHOTO. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!" She was yelling in the phone. I had to hold the phone away from my ear and I was eating my banana.

"Yeah. Yeah. Here is Harry. I am eating my banana. So shut up." I handed Harry the phone and I could hear them talking.

"SO. I HEARD YOU LIKE TO STALK ME ON TUMBLR." Harry smirked. "Oh dear lord. Remind me to kill Anna later." She said. "I CAN HEAR YOU." I yelled.

"ANNA! WHY DID YOU TELL HIM?!" She yelled at me. My phone was on speaker. So me and Harry could hear everything.


'WHA. NO. MAYBE. FINE." She finally gave up. "HA!. harry is on speaker you know?" I smirked at her. "WHATTT." She said. I could imagine her facepalming. BHAHAHAHAHA.

"It's ok. I ENJOY GIRLS DOING THAT." Harry said. I started to laugh really hard. "Ok. Ok. Get your love musies together. I am gonna go now. BYE RAE RAE." I said. 

"BYE ANNA! See you later!" She yelled. I laughed and ended the call. By that time, I was laughing really hard.

"Oh. My.Gosh. Harry." I finally calmed down. I left him there with a blank face. BONUS.

I didn't want to eat anything heavy, but I think we were going out to eat later? I went to Li-Li's room and knocked on his door.

"Come in!" He yelled.

"Hi Li-Li. Should I eat now or are we going somewhere later?" I hopped on his bed. My socks were warm....

"Later. Niall wanted too. You know him." Liam said.

"Ok. Thank you!" I yelled down that hallway.

I was getting bored, so I just hopped on my bed and started to read and eat my noodles. 

I grabbed my laptop and went on tumblr. WOAH. SO MANY PHOTOS.

I saw some really cute ones of them. There was this one where Harry grabbed Niall's jacket by the mouth. Like the hoodie. AWWWWW. I reblogged it and saw some other cute photos. I saw a video of them dancing. It looked like Liam, Harry, and Louis. Oh my gosh. They were dancing to C'mon C'mon. 

Liam bursted through my door."WHAT HAPPEN?" He asked me. I showed him my laptop and he saw the whole video. "Oh. My. Gosh. That. OH MY GOSH. I can't even breathe." I was trying to calm down. The others bursted through my door and saw the whole video. "Oh." Louis and Liam were blushing. Harry was just laughing with Niall and Zayn. 

"HARRY. LOOK AT THIS." I scrolled through the blog and showed him the pictures. I started laughing to death with Louis. We were on my bed laughing to death. "Oh. My Gawd. Harry. You looked like a cute puppy in there." I calmed down. "I still don't know why you did that." Niall said. Oh my gosh. That was funny. 

"Well that was interesting." Zayn said. "Yeah. It was." I smiled. I typed up something on Tumblr and I hit blog! AWAY IT GOES.

I closed my laptop and begin eating again. THE BOYS WERE TAKING MY FOOD.

"WHY ARE YOU TAKING MY FOOD?" I whined. "BECAUSE. IM HUNGRY." Niall and Louis said. I glared at them and looked at my Hello Kitty clock. YEAH. I HAVE ONE. BE JELLY. It was 6. 

"Ok. I need to pack so I don't have to do it tomorrow. Me and Rachel are going to Costco to buy food for Sunday. I know who will get hungry." I said.

"OHH. MOMMY DIRECTIONER." Louis said. "SHUT UP LOUIS." I said going through my closet. I took my suitcase out that I got from this morning and placed it in front of  my bed. 

"Ok. I saw the weather in L.A. It will be cold and sunny. So bring things that are warm. And maybe, we can fly in your family so I can meet them for Thanksgiving?" I asked them. Their eyes went HUGE. LIKE WOAH.

"Ok. Warm clothes. YAY!! I WANT TO SEE MY FAMILY!!" Harry yelled. I laughed and started to pack.

"Ok. Um, maybe call you family? I can help pay the tickets." I told them.

"Ok. I am gonna go call my mummy now. AND NO. NO TOUCHY ON YOUR MONEY. We are paying." Liam said. "WHY. I need to help." I whined. "No. NO PAY." He said. I pouted and went back to packing. I had 3 sweaters, 3 PJ's, 3 sweatpants, 5 shirts,5 jeans, 1 pair of shoes, a dress, 3 blouses, feminine stuff, hair ties, my curling iron, toothpaste, toothbrush, hairbrush, and I think that is it. I opened my carry-on bag and put in my glasses, books so I can read, money, phone charger, Mr.Fluffy, a blanket, and my contact case.

"I think I am done. Ok. We gotta go now." I said. It was 6:15 and I had to be there at 6:30.

"Ok. LEGGO!" Liam yelled. I put on my shoes and brought my orchestra shoes, cheerleading bag, and my intrument. Vicki was already there, but she didn't have to perform. SMH. LUCKY.

I met with Paul, Sophie, and IM5 outside. Liam locked the door and we started to walk. LALALALALALALALALALALALA.

WE got to the school and the school was packed. Students, teachers, parents, SECURITY GUARDS. YEAH.

"Ok. Go on the stage. I will meet with you guys up." I told them. They gave me a big hug and told me Good Luck. GEEZ. Never been this nervous before.

"Hey guys." I said to the girls. (Gina, Stephanie, Rachel, Reagan, Eleana, Chriselle) "Hey. Just set down your stuff here. We are going on stage to warm-up. The curtains are closed." Chriselle told me. I nodded and put my stuff down. The boys were warming up also and there was so many noises. We practiced through the routines real quick until Paul said it was time. OH DEAR. "Everything will be GREAT!" Louis whispered in my ears. I smiled at him and went into my position. 

"OK! HERE IS ONE DIRECTION FOR OUR OPENING!" The principal yelled. The curtains were open and there was so many signs of One Direction and me. WHAT?! ME?! Louis looked at me and he smirked. SMH. 

The music started and we kind of stood there in the corner til Zayn started his part and we came out. Then all the girls got loud. They were chanting my name and One Direction. WOAH. WE were in the front and switching with the boys. Me and Gina then flipped and went back. 

*And if we get together.... YEAH. WE KEEP DOING WHAT WE DO. JUST PRETENDING THAT WE'RE COOL." This part was my favorite. We got to go down to the crowd and dance around them. 

"LET's GO CRAZY, CRAZY, CRAZY..." WE danced around the crowd and girls were trying to like you know in those concerts. Security had to hold them back. I touched some of their hands and went back on stage. We did the row the boat thing with the boy and then when the boys in the music video. When they were jumping on the trampoline thingy, man IDK, we did the same thing, except we just carried each other. LOL.

Then I was the last one then I was thrown into the air doing a flip like Liam did in the music video. BOO YAH. SELF FIVE.

"WOAH." Was from the crowd. Then we danced through out the song and LALALALALALALALA. OH MY GAWD. THE BOYS WINKED AT THE GIRLS. OH MY GOSH. Like I didn't notice. Then the last part consisted me standing on the girls! WOO!

"WOOO!!! YEAH!!!" The crowd cheered on. LOL. 

"OK guys! This is our last song, called Magic!" Liam said. The girls went wild. Security were pulling them back. BHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA.

 We laughed and standed in our position. Me and the girls went off the stage until Liam came on. When Liam was singing his part, he winked at Stephanie. OH SNAP. I know what he sang. YEAH. I KNOW.

I snickered and did some moves. Man. I don't even know what the moves were call. I love this song. 

Me and Elena did something that.. I guess a cartwheel and flip? 

Then we put our hands up indicating the fans to do it with us. OH MAN THIS WAS FUN. After Niall's solo, we went down into the crowd and started to clap. Our dance moves in this song were really fast and hard. Then we all got onto stage and did a flip! WOOO!

"WOOOOOOOOO!!" Was from all the crowd. "YEAH!" So many screams. 

"OK! Again, its ONE DIRECTION AND THE CHEERLEADERS! And here is a small speech from Annabelle Li. Cheeerleader, National Honor Society, Student Council's President, and top orchestra!" OH MY GAWD. I DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT THIS! GINA!!!!!!! AGGGGGG. 

I smiled at Mrs.Williams and she handed me the microphone. OH MY GAWD. The screams were louder now. 

"Hi guys. I honestly did not know that I was going to talk today." I smiled. "WE LOVE YOU ANNA!" Was from the audience. WOW. Maybe Louis was right.... AUGH. CURSE HIM!

"Thank you! I love you too! I guess I will start on my speech now." I chuckled.

"Umm. I am honored to be here in my position right now. Oxford was one of my dream schools to go to and I am very happy to get in. Me and my sister, Vicki got in. Let's just say, we were screaming pretty hard. I am so glad to have a family now and great friends who support me. I also want to thank you, the fans, supporting me 24/7. I am truly honored to be here and love that someone adopted me. So please give a round of applause to Paul, Sophie, One Direction, Eleanor, and the girls in the cheerleading team." I smiled. I waved my hand to indicate to come out. The came out waving and everyone clapping. They gave me a big hug and We took a big picture together on my phone and for the magazines and newspaper for our school.

"I also want to thank my boyfriend Will, Im5, and my sister VICKI!!" I said. They came onto stage and I hugged each of them. "Thank you everyone truly for making my dreams come true." I smiled and everyone was yelling "ON CORE!" I waved at them and rushed to go get change into my dress for my orchestra performance.

"OK! I GOTTA GO CHANGE!" I yelled down the hall. I grabbed my dress from Vicki and I yelled a Thank You at her. I went into the restroom changing super fast and folded my uniform neatly and put it in my bag. "GINA! GET MY SHOES!" I yelled. I took of my instrument and started to tune by myself before I got into stage. Nothing biggie. "HERE!" She yelled. She tossed it to me and I catched it and put it on the floor. "THANKS! Bye!" I yelled. They gave me a hug and yelled, "GOOD LUCK!" I smiled and ran for the stage. I sat down next to Chriselle and she smiled at me. GOD. SHE WAS SO FAST AT THIS CHANGING THING. 

"Ok. Play your strings real quick." Mr.Wells whisipered. It felt weird being the only one tuning. I played each string and he didn't do anything to it. YAY.

He got onto his podium and instructed his hands up. We put all our instrument up and he gave us the tempo first. 

*music plays and then the second songs start*

We were finished with it and everyone clapped. YEAH. We sounded like those professional orchestra. BEAST. 

We played iRock next. I love this song. Buccaneer was a sailing song. LOUIS WOULD ENJOY IT. LOL. This song was like relaxing on the sea. iRock was more intimidating and like ROCK. So it was a orchestra ROCK.

 This song was fast, but not really fast. It was like WOAH. Yeah. We started the song and the sound increased as we play. BA BAOOM. LOL. So many slurs and eighth notes. Then we ended on what we call it" DRAMATIC EFFECT." 

"WOOO!!" I could hear people screaming. 

"Ok. This is our last song, Don't Stop Believing. If you know it, sing a long!" Mr.Wells said. 

Chriselle started her solo first and she stood up. Oh my gawd. She had 8 measures, then I had 8, and then we both played.

OH MY GAWD. She was on her 7 measure. I stood up and started to play. Ok. I focused on my measures and then it was both of us. OH MY GAWD.

The cellos chimed in with the others. I could hear people singing along with us. I could hear Paul's voice for some reason. 

Then we got into the middle part and everyone was singing along now. WOW. The beat increased as we played on and it was getting harder. Alot of rests and notes. AUGH. 

We ended the song with a really big note and WOW. Mr.Wells instructed us to get up and everyone was clapping, yelling, chanting, so many different things. Pictures were taken and I changed back into my cheerleading outfit. I forgot to bring my extra change of clothes. 

Paprazzi were taking photos of us and it getting annoying. 

I said good-bye to Mr.Wells and left. 

"THIS WAY!" Paul yelled. He rushed us to the car and we got in safely. THANK GOD. Will and Sophie were taking the other car. 

"THAT WAS AMAZING ANNA! I LOVE ALL OF THEM. I especially love the first one though." Louis yelled.

"Calm down Louis. Thanks." I said. "YEAH! I love the last song though. It was really good. Nice solo too." Liam said. Everyone chimed in with a yeah and I hugged them.

"Thanks guys. Can we stop at home real quick? I need to change." I said. "Sure." Paul drove me back home and I rushed inside and put my stuff away and changed into jeans, a t-shirt, and vans. 

"Ok! DONE!" I said. 

"WOW! That was fast!" Harry said. I nodded and checked my phone. Vicki and the others were cuddling with each other. EWWWWW. I had so many tweets saying I did a great job, pictures, and VIDEOS OF ME PLAYING?! WHAT?! GREAT! And let's see who posted. LOUIS AND PAUl. GREAT.

I played it and it was pretty good. LOL. I retweeted it and sended out thank you's and yeah. 

I think we were going to Olive Garden's. Yeah. We were. 

Good. Because I am hungry.

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