How Did This Happen? *A One D...

By Pandasrcool85

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I was just another regular Asian girl. Except I lived in a adoption center. I lived here for the past 11 year... More

How Did This Happen? *A One Direction adopted Story*
Chapter 1: My New Parents.. Well New Brothers......
Chapter 2: New Life, New Family
Author's Note
Chapter 3: Well.. Umm. This is interesting.
Chapter 5: What an ODD Life
Chapter 6: Getting a new start, WHICH I LOOOVEEE!! :)
Chapter 9: Let's get this party started!
Chapter 10: FINALLY!
Chapter 11: What An Interesting Day
Chapter 12: HURRY UP!
Chapter 13: The. Best. No. BETTER.
Chapter 14: Some poo is about to go down.
Chapter 15: YOUR A GENIUS!!
Chapter 16: A New Song
Chapter 17: Hospital Breakdown
Chapter 18: Waking up
Chapter 19: Starting again. HOLY FUDGE! I MADE IT IN?!?!?!?!
Chapter 20: Have a Celebration!
Chapter 21: What a wonderful surprise!
Chapter 22: I don't feel so well.
Chapter 23: TIME TO RECORD!
Chapter 24: A fun night
Chapter 25: FUN GAME!!!
Chapter 26: Not feeling too well
Chapter 27: Running Around
Chapter 29: It's the BEST DAY EVER!!
Chapter 30: Meeting Someone New
Chapter 31: So tired.
Chapter 32: What an interesting day...
Chapter 33: Practicing hurts....
Chapter 34: What a busy busy week....
Chapter 36: THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Chapter 37: Just a Regular Day
Chapter 39: It hurts really badly..
Chapter 40: Back For You
Chapter 41: So nervous.
Chapter 42: NO WAY!
Author's Note
Chapter 43: PHEW. Tired.
Chapter 44: Airplane ride and a surprise!
Chapter 46: I Try Not To Let It Happen
Chapter 47: I'm Not letting it Get In My Way
Chapter 48: Yes, I am Truely, Madly, Deeply, crazy in love with you.
Chapter 50: WHAT?! Fine...
Chapter 51: It's already time to go?!
Chapter 52: OH MER GAWD!
Chapter 53: I'm pooped out
Chapter 54: Some exciting news!
Chapter 55: She's Not Afriad
Chapter 57: Coming back Home
Chapter 58: Having a Great Time till you came
Chapter 59: Shopping time!!!
Chapter 60: I know we only Met, but Let's pretend It's Love.
Chapter 61: The end of fun

Chapter 35: HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!

8.8K 82 23
By Pandasrcool85


Louis's P.O.V.

I forgot to tell Anna and Vicki that today was me and Eleanor's anniversary... WHOOOPS. Well, I must now get ready for the attacking... PSH. Me and Anna do that to each other. HEEEHEE. I woke up first and started to cook breakfast. I called Eleanor earlier to come over to surprise her and Anna. 

It was 7 and Vicki had just woken up. 

"Morning Vicki." I said.

"WOAH. What are you doing up so early Louis?" She said.

"Things...." I carried on.

"Ok. Spill it Tommo. And if you are telling me that today is Louis and Eleanor's anniversary, I already know. I use to like go on Tumblr everyday and reblog pictures. The only one that doesn't know is Anna. She goes on tumblr, but she doesn't stalk y'all." She said while munching on cereal. DANG. She is fast.... 

"DANG IT. So.. You were stalking us, eh?" I smirked at her. "YEP. But not those on twitter saying" OH MY GOSH! PLEASE FOLLOW ME! IT WOULD MEAN SO MUCH TO ME." Freaking dumbbutts." She said in a girly voice. 

I started to laugh to death. "Oh. My. Gosh. True that. We always get that from the girls and it gets kind of annoying. And some are bimbos..." I said.

"YES! Me and Anna always see that on twitter! Well, she would look on mine. She never had her's till now. We would always tweet little things to you guys saying happy birthday, or congrats on the album, stuff like that. But we never like say those things." She said. WOW. First person we can not worry avout. Well two. Her and Anna.

"Ohhhh. We see your tweets! We just never reply.... But thank you." I said.

"Yeah. No problem." Vicki said. I was cooking breakfast and handed some to Vicki. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree. "THANK YOU LOUIS!!!!" She hugged me and started to eat. I chuckled and made the rest. I made for everyone and Eleanor. It was around 7:45 when I heard my phone got a text.


Hey Lou. I just got here. Open the door. :)

I smiled and ran to the door. I told her not to ring,so I could surprise Anna. 

I opened the door and see her standing there.

"ELEANOR!!" I ran up to her and hugged her. 

"LOUIS!" She yelled back. I gave her a kiss and I grabbed her hand. Her hand fits in my hand, like it was made for me. (See what I did there. ;) ) 

"Hey Vicki. I thought you didn't start school to 9." Eleanor said.

"Nope. Anna have advanced classes, I don't. So I start school earlier than her. And, congrats on the anniversary! I will be home at 3 with Anna today! And Louis, I swear if you hurt her, I am going to snap you in half." Vicki said. I got scared.

"I won't. Now go. Do you want me to drive you to school?" I asked her.

"Nah. Me and John are going to walk together to Oxford. See you later." She hugged me and locked the door. She was only 5'5 while Anna was like 5'7 or something. Interesting.....

"Morning Lou. Happy Anniversary to you and Eleanor." Harry said. "Thanks Harry." I said.

"No problem. I am going to go to Starbucks to pick up some coffee for everyone. Even Anna." Harry picked up his keys and went out. Ok..

It was 8 now and Anna should be up soon....

Annabelle's P.O.V.

 I woke up feeling much much better from yesterday. My muscles were better, but still a little sore. I woke up and plug in my curling iron. Something tells me today that I needed to dress up just a little bit. 

I went into my closet and picked out my white vans, jeans, and a T-shirt that says"LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE." I put it on and started to curl my hair. 

*10 minutes later*

I was finally finish curling my hair and I bobby pinned my bangs and put in my contacts. I grabbed my socks and they were One Direction Christmas socks. Weird that I still have these. Vicki got them for me. 

I walked downstairs see Louis and Eleanor. Hmm. That's weird. 

"Morning Louis. Morning Eleanor. What are you doing up so early Lou? And thanks for the breakfast." I said. I hugged Eleanor and Louis and Lous gave me a kiss on the forehead. 

"Morning Anna. Ummm. We have a surprise for you." Louis and Eleanor said. I was still chewing on my food and said,"What surprise?" It was hard for me to say that while food was still in my mouth.

"TODAY IS OUR ANNIVERSARY!" They yelled. I almost spit out my food.

"WHAT?!?!?!" I yelled.

I ran to them and tackled them on the floor. "CONGRATS YOU GUYS!!! I NEED TO GET SOMETHING FOR YOU GUYS!" I said. I got up and started to plan things on my phone.

"No need too. You are enough." They said. AWWWWWW."Aww Thank you guys. But seriously I am though." I said.

"NOOOO. Don't need too." Louis said.

"I am." I said. I was texting Will about it and he said that we could throw a surprise party at his house. COOL. Sophie and Paul will get the decoration and food ready. I just had to pick out the presents and keep Lou and Eleanor busy. Perfect, because they rarely go to Will's house. Or IM5 house.

"I WANT TO GO SHOPPING WITH ANNA!" Eleanor yelled. "Ok. You can. Just pick me up after school. It is only 5 minutes away from her." I said.

"YAY!!" She yelled in my ear and hugged me. I texted the boys with the plans and they went downstairs.

"Morning Everyone. Happy Anniversary, Lou and Elllie." They said. I saw Harry at the door carrying so many coffee. WHAT?! STARBUCKS! GIVE ME GIVE GIVE ME.

"HARRY!!!!' Let me help you." I said. I got up and helped him. "Thanks Anna. Your beverage is the one that has caramel on top. I got you your favorite." Harry said. I gasped and started to drink it. Never kid about me and my drinks and food. NEVER.

"THANK YOU HARRY!!" I hugged him and carried in the rest. Everyone grabbed the coffee and I started to eat my breakfast.

*30 minutes later*

I was texting everyone except Louis and Eleanor about the plans and what they will do tonight.

"Ok. Louis. Today we have to go to the studios for awhile. And then we can go anywhere later." Liam said. It was true that they had to go to the studios, but then after I had to make them stall. "AWWW. But I wanted to hang out with Ellie." Louis pouted.

"It's ok Lou. I have to go to some photoshoot later and then I take Anna out to go shopping with me." Eleanor said. AWWW. They were so cute together.

I needed a dress and I went upstairs to grab some money. I always had extra money with me and I had a bank account too. I grabbed about 80 dollars and went back downstairs and put it in my wallet.

I saw Liam handed me his credit card. WHAT. NO.

"NO Liam. I am not taking your credit card." I whispered. Luckily, we were in the living room.

"Take it. You need to buy something for tonight." Liam whispered.

"No. I am not taking it. Final decision." I said. Vicki had tons of dresses to wear. SMH. I barely had any.

"Take it! Buy anything!" Liam said.

"NO!" I whispered yelled. I ran into the kitchen and started to clean up.  I put my dish in the sink and put on my shoes. They boys and Eleanor came out and I hugged each of them. They hugged me back and I yelled,"Happy Anniversary, Lou and Ellie! See you later! And Eleanor I get out at 3 today!" "OK!" she yelled. I grabbed in violin and Starbucks and see Will walking out from his house.

"Hey Will." I said and kissed him on the cheeks. "Hey babe. So, what time do you want the party to start? Paul and Sophie are ordering the cake and food right now. Well actually Sophie is cooking the food, we are just ordering the cake." Will said.

"Aww. Thanks for helping. I really owe you one. Eleanor is taking me out to go shopping, so at 5 or 6." I said. He held my instrument and grabbed my hand. Our hands fit perfectly with each other. I saw Vicki in the hallway before my 2nd period and I told her everything.

"PERFECT! I will go home and grab my clothes and hair things and run to Will's house. Then I can help the others with stuff. Is that ok?" She asked me. Will was still there holding my hand. I gave him some of my drink, so he could drink some. 

"Yeah. Do you want anything from the mall? I brought money with me. I declined Liam's credit card."I said.

"Nah. I have so many things. More than you." Vicki said. "Ok. See you later. Text me if you need anything." I said. 

"Ok. Bye!" She yelled down the hall way. She had orchestra too, but she had a different teacher. I was in symphony while she was in philharmonic. John was in my class too and Will had football (soccer) to go too. I kissed him on the cheek and gave him a hug. He did the same and handed me my violin and Starbucks.

I went inside and sat next to Chriselle."CHRISELLE! I didn't know you had orchestra!" I said.

"Yup. I do." She smiled. We hugged each other and the teacher instantly put me in 1st violin and handed me my music. We were already preparing for our Open House this Friday and Christmas concert. I think I mention this before, my orchestra teacher is ONE OF THE BEST INSTRUCTOR IN ENGLAND. Like he conducted the world's best orchestra in London, U.S.A., everywhere! AMAZING!

"Hello class. This is Annabelle Li. She is new to our class and she will be in the 1st violin. Please make her feel welcome." Mr.Wells said. I knew him, because I seen him on TV before. NOW I GET TO PLAY FOR HIM!

"Thank you. Call me Anna, please." I smiled. "Of course! I think you might know my name already, my name is Mr.Wells. Sit anywhere you want in the 1st violin section." He smiled. I nodded and sat next to Chriselle. She was 1st chair and I was 2nd. Everyone got along really well and Chriselle and John introduced me to so many people in our class. WE had 2 hours in this class and we practiced non stop. For open House, we were playing Bucanner, Don't Stop Beliving,and iRock. 

Mr.Wells wanted me to audition for the solo in Don'tSTop Beleving. I did and it was really hard. Me and Chriselle were like really close to each other. So he just decided to put both of us in the solos. BUT NOOO. HE EVEN MAKE US STAND FOR THE STUPID SOLOS. AUGH. First cheerleading and now this!? SMH.

We practiced our solos and and went through the whole song.

"Good job class. You can pack up now." Mr.Wells said. He came over to me while I was sipping up my case.

"You did great for your first time today Anna. I am very impressed that you can do all of this." MR.Wells said.

"Thank you sir. I have a passion for the violin ever since I did it in 6th grade." I smiled.

"Thank you for joining us." He said. I smiled and the bell rang. I was walking with Chriselle to my next class.

"WOW. Mr.Wells likes you alot. And you are amazing with the violin!" She hugged me. "YOU TOO! We were like basically killing each other off in the solos!" I laughed. "YEAH! That is the first!" She laughed. She had debating and I had soccer with Gina. We both laughed and Chriselle headed off to debating with her boyfriend. I only had and hour for this class and then after lunch I had another half hour again. So I most likely won't change.

"Hey Anna!" Gina yelled. "Hey Gina!" I said. I put down my books down in my gym locker and started to put on my uniform. Yeah. They had all uniforms already. Well they did, and they had extras. 

"Oh yeah! Today is Louis and Eleanor's one yer anniversary and I am inviting you, Stephanie, and the other girls over. I mean you are my brother's girlfriends....." I said. The other girls were in soccer with me too and we started to talk about the plans.

"Ok.We will be there about 4. Is that ok?" Stephanie asked me.

"Yeah. That is fine." I said while tieing my cleats. We walked out into the fields and started to do some warm-ups. 

"OK CLASS!" The couch yelled at us. We ran over to him and he introduced me to everyone. "Ok. This is Annabelle. She is new to our team. And I think we had seen her play for Louis's charity game, right?" The couch said. "Yes. I played in the match. And call me Anna." I smiled. "Ok. MY name is Couch Blue. Well they nicknamed me that." He laughed. "Ok. Couch Blue." I laughed. 

He told us to do some warm-ups and then we were training for our games after Thanksgiving break. PHEW. This is a lot of work. 

*1 hour later*

We were sweaty, but not that much. Because I mean we were playing in the cold. 

I grabbed my phone and saw the Will waiting for me at the front of the school.

"Hey Will. You could have gone without me." I said. I kissed him on the cheeks and he grabbed my hands."Nah. I didn't want to go without my beautiful girlfriend." Will said. I blushed and try to cover it."Don't hide your blush. It is so cute." He smiled. He took his phone out and took a picture of us. "Delete it. I look horrible. I just came from football practice and I still have too." I said. 

"No. You look gorgeous as always. And I already posted it on twitter." He smiled. I took out my phone and saw so many retweets of the picture. Tweets saying,"WOW! She looks pretty even though she just came from soccer practice!" "WOW! She is pretty!" 

WOW. Those fans are so nice. I locked my phone and we walked to my house. I opened my door and see the boys at the dinner table. I kick off my shoes and walked inside. The girls followed and ran to the boys."SHOES OFF GIRLS!" I yelled. They kicked off their shoes and ran to the boys. MAN. It was only what... less than a day when they saw them.. WEIRDOS.

"Guys. I meanyou just saw each other yesterday." I said. I grabbed a water bottle for me and Will and I drank it pretty fast. After all that running, I was so tired. 

"Woah. Someone is thristy." Gina chuckled."Shut up gina." I said. "WHA. You no talky to me girlfriend like this." Zayn said while hugging her from behing.

"I am not afraid to hurt you too Zayn." I said while getting another water bottle out. They both looked scared and I took out some oreos. Time to do some torturing.

"Hey. WOAH. OREOS!" Gina ran to me. "NOPE! I will now torture you!" I evil laughed. I ate them slowly and she was begging me to give her some. I have some to Niall and the others, but now her. I didn't give any to Zayn. I knew he would share with her.

"MY PRECIOUS! NO!" She yelled. "YEAH! DEAL WITH IT! This is what you get for putting me on the cheerleading team!" I yelled. I started to laugh and ate one more oreo. I put it back and Gina was so sad. "My precious. NO. It was eaten." She said. BHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA."It's ok Gina. So ever want to do that to me again, That will happen." She nodded quickly and jumped on Zayn's lap. I sat next to Will and he put his arm around me. 

Harry was cooking lunch with Louis. I wonder what they were doing. It was only 12:15. I still had 30 minutes to go. 

"FOOD IS DONE!" Harry yelled. Me and Niall were punching each other to get to the food. I pushed him down and ran to the kitchen first. They made my favorite American food. TURKEY BURGERS!! 

"YES!" I grabbed one and Niall came in huffing. "Dang Anna. Remind me not to steal your food again." Niall said. I nodded and kept on eating. The others were laughing when the came in. 

"Oh. MY.Gosh. Anna. That was hilarious." Louis laughed. "Not funny." Niall said. He grabbed 2 burgers and sat next to me. Everyone was arguing who wants to sit next to me. "OK! Will you are. The others, sit next to your lovey dovies." I said. Will yelled, "HA! And sat next to me.

*30 minutes later*

"Thank you for the food. I am so stuffed." I said. I rubbed my belly. "No problem." Harry said.

"I don't know how can I run again." I moaned. The other girls did the same too. Will was lucky... -.- 

"Ok. I gotta get going now. It is already 12:45." I said standing up. "Ok. Bye Anna. See ya later." They yelled. I put my dish in the sink and hugged all of them. I put on my shoes and started to walk out. 

We got to the school and I hugged and kissed Will on the cheek and went with the girls to the field.

"Aww. You guys are so cute together." Rachel said.

"Thanks." I blushed. "I MADE YOU BLUSH!" Rachel yelled. I laughed and jumped on her back."ONWARDS PEASENT!" I laughed. She carried me and then dropped me on the field. The couch was back and he gave us 10 minutes to rest. 

*10 minutes later*

We were now playing the real football game against each other. There was Gina, me, Stephanie, Rachel, Reagan, Elena, Jenny, and Lilo. Yeah. I like Lilo. Like Lilo and Stich. :) We got along well and the couch split us into teams. It was me Gina, Jenny, me and Rachel against Reagan,Elena, Lilo, and Stephanie. GAME ON. 

We played for 10 minutes and then we went to go change. Our teams were tied. akfafjahfakjfhaj. 

"Great game. Go get changed." Couch Blue said. We jogged to the changing room and changed. 

"That was fun." I said. "Yeah it was." Jenny smiled. We all talked until the bell rang. I recurled my hair and went out. My last class was biology. 

I was walking to biology and I had this class with Cindy. WHOOP WHOOP.

"Welcome Class. This is our new student, Annabelle Li. She will be joining us." The teacher said. I smiled and wave. "Call me Anna." I smiled. "Well Anna, my name is Mrs.Tayar. Please take a seat anywhere." I walked over to Cindy and she had a big smile on her face. Everyone was staring at me which was kind of freaky.... Boys were giving me winks and I ignored them. I have a boyfriend, you know? 

Today we were learning the DNA's of humans and animals. Yada Yada. The bell rang and school ended. YES! "Ok. No homework for tonight! See you guys on Thursday!" She smiled. We all rushed out and I say Eleanor waiting in front of her car. I could see her face looking uncomfortable while guys were trying to "swoon" her over.

"Ok. Move guys." I said sternly.

"Who told you to do that stuff?" This guy said.

"I said move. NOW." I said. "Yeah. And move away from this hot chick? NAH. I'm good bit*h." He smirked. "Oh. You will get it now." I punched him in the face and kicked him down on the ground.

"IF YOU EVER. I MEAN EVER GO NEAR ME OR HER AGAIN, I WILL PERSONALLY HURT YOU MORE THAN EVER NOW. YOU GOT Me?!" I yelled at him. I twisted his arm and he was lying on the ground and his face against the concrete. 

"FINE! Just let me go!" He said. I let him go and he ran. Yeah. Be afraid.

"OH MY GOSH. THANK YOU SO MUCH ANNA." She hugged me. "No problem. But my fist hurts." I said.It was kind of bruised and it hurts.

"OI! Anna. It is all bruised and stuff. Here. You need to go to the hospital." She said. I climbed into her car and she drove me to the nearest hospital.

The hospital wasn't busy and they exam me pretty quickly.

"Ok. Miss. Li. Your fist is just bruised. But you will have to put ice on it and wear this coverage." The doctor said. He covered my hand and put ice on it. "Ok. Thank you doc." I said. 

I jumped off the bed and walked outside with Eleanor. "OK! SHOPPING!" Eleanor said exciting. WOAH.

We went to so many different stores and tried on so many clothes. We finally ended up at a store called H&M. I heard about this store and it was expensive. But thank god, today they had a sale. Eleanor made me try on so many dresses. I made her try on this white strapless dress that had a beaded thing that was around her waist. It stopped about her ankles and I paired it with some white heels. PERFECT. "OK! Try it on now!" I said. We both rushed into the fitting room and she chose this pink strapless dress that stopped at my knees and I had a cute pink wedges that went with it. It went with a cardigan and it was only 25 bucks in ALL! WOOT WOOT! I came out of the dressing room and Eleanor gawked. "OH MY GOSH. YOU LOOK BOOTYFUL!" She yelled. I looked at her and SHE LOOKED BOOTYFUL THAN ME. "ELEANOR! YOU LOOK PRETTIER THAN ME!" I yelled. We saw our self in the mirrors and we were taking weird pictures. LOL.

"NO. ANNA. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL." She said. WOAH. I blushed and we paid for our stuff. I opened my wallet and there was Liam's credit card. AUGH. I TOLD HIM ALREADY. It had a note. 

"Here. Use my credit card. I don't care. Enjoy yourself." It had his messy handwriting and I still didn't use it. I paid it with my own money and left the building.

"Ok. It is already 5. I think we should be getting home now." I said. Will said that the boys were on the way home in about 10 minutes. Ok.

We got into her car and drived home. 

"Hey Eleaor. Just stay in that dress." I said.

"Uhh ok." She said. I was still in my dress and we were driving home. "Ok. Put this on." I said. WE got home and I made her put the blindfold on. 

I carefully helped her walk to "our house" It was was really Will's house. 

Will told me that the door was open and the boys were right behind me helping Louis getting to the house. 

"Ok. We are Here." Me and the boys said. "1,2,3! SURPRISE!!!" We all yelled.

Eleanor had the verge of crying and Louis looked shocked.

This was going to be a fun night.

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